
Mary Fulp, the Colony High School Principal who was forcibly – and unlawfully – removed from her Mat-Su home on Jan. 18 by Alaska State Troopers and required to undergo mental treatment for three days at Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, has hired an attorney.

Fulp is the 2022 Alaska Principal of the Year, and highly respected in the educational community. Last week, however, she posted several videos recounting a recent life-changing  religious experience. Several of her family members were concerned about the videos and asked a judge to issue an ex parte order that she be forcibly required to undergo psychiatric testing and treatment.

On Jan. 24, Alaska’s Commissioner of Public Safety issued a public apology, acknowledging that law enforcement had no authority to remove Fulp from her home or force her to enter a medical facility.

The Anchorage-based Thompson Law Group is now providing legal assistance for Fulp. On Jan. 26, the firm issued the following statement on her behalf. It recounts the disturbing treatment and violation of Fulp’s civil liberties.


Principal of the year, Mary Fulp, has hired the Thompson Law Group to help her through her recent wrongful involuntary commitment. She has been contacted by various press agencies to provide a statement, and respectfully, at this time, she asks that all inquires stop, and all communications be directed to her attorney, Darryl L. Thompson, Esq.

Principal Fulp will not be availing herself to any interviews at this time. Frankly, she needs time to heal.

She was forced into a mental health facility without a court order, by those with whom she and the community place their trust, the Department of Public Safety (DPS). DPS has candidly acknowledge their officers should have never forced her into a 72-hour mental health commitment. To DPS’ credit, they have already conceded that their officers did not follow proper procedures to assure that a judge had actually made a determination that she was a risk of harm to herself or others, to justify the deprivation of her freedom.

At no time did she pose a risk of harm to herself or others, and she should have never been forcibly placed into a mental health facility. It is clear there was no court order and no judicial finding. Yet she was forced by law enforcement, who carry the badge of trust and the authority of a weapon on their side, into a mental health facility, a horrible nightmare in and of itself.

To compound matters, the mental health facility knew it had no valid court order to hold her, yet they allowed the DPS to place her in the facility and kept her there without her consent for days, during which time she was traumatized by inhumane treatment.

She was strapped to a gurney, held down by several staff and forcibly injected with psychotropic medication without her consent and without a court order authorizing the administration of such medications.

She spent days in a cold dark mental health hospital room, during which time staff breached her federally protected HIPPA rights by disclosing their “opinions” as to her circumstances to individuals who did not possess any authorization to receive her federally protected HIPPA private mental health information. This traumatic experience is a free citizen’s worst nightmare, and this broken system has caused her, and her children, inexcusable and immeasurable harm.

Respectfully, she needs time to heal, but she does appreciate the outpouring of support for this difficult time.

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Alaska’s ‘Principal of the Year’ who was unlawfully detained & drugged, hires attorney

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Neil DeWitt says:

    Sounds like she is a victim of today’s liberal/conservative differences. She said something that someone else didn’t agree with that caused all this. The problems are; no court order, no judge involved at all, the facility knew better but didn’t do the right thing. the people that started the whole thing, and our system. We have a good open and shut case here and DPS admits to their part in it. This whole matter was handled very poorly by the sound of things. Is this the case that will get the needed changes to our broke system?

  • S says:

    How can the community support this woman to say sorry on behalf of THE SYSTEM and to thank her for her already exemplary service? Our family wants to be sure she knows she is supported by other Christians in the community who would never have allowed this to happen in the first place. It is time to protect our own.

  • Akdale says:

    DPS yes. The mental health organization AND…..I REPEAT AND individuals who violated her rights ALL need to be collectively and personally held liable. A clear resounding message must be sent to DSP, the specific troopers, the judge, the courts, the mental health department, the doctors and nurses. Every single one of them should experience discipline and public shame for thier reprehensible conduct. Trust is earned, they all violated it. Forgiveness does not mean i have to trust you. if your professional position is one of trust and you egregiously violate it you should be removed from that position. Clergy, law enforcement, judges, teachers. pay attention. Ms Fulp should never have to work again BTW.

  • Reggie Taylor says:

    “…….Several of her family members were concerned about the videos and asked a judge to issue an ex parte order that she be forcibly required to undergo psychiatric testing and treatment……”
    Interesting. This is the first such claim among Alaskan media that I know of. DPS requested validation of the order, which the court denied. Supposedly, that denial was based on “privacy” reasons. The court later came out with a press release stating that no court order existed. This indicates that the request for the ex parte order was denied or under consideration. So why wouldn’t the court simply state that to Troopers?

  • Mb says:

    Everyone involved from the AST officers to hospital staff ” I just do what I’m told” must be held accountable, up to and including termination. yup that seems harsh but so was the treatments of Mary Fulp. Law or no law if those involved are not held accountable these atrocities will continue. I pray that Mary will do the right thing in the days, months and years ahead, for HIS glory.

    • Friend of Humanity says:

      I agree Mb! I think that it would be interesting to keep an ongoing list of all of the businesses and organizations that use phrases similar to “I am just doing what I am told to do.” LEO, hospitals, medical clinics, state offices, banks, schools, stores, and so on! It would be a list that would also tell you who bows to the globalists!

      • Mayo says:

        Nobody is more sheepish than Christians. They are the epitome of obedience.

      • Mb says:

        Mayo, could you elaborate more please? My house does not follow christians, the church or globalists but instead follow what is written.

  • DaveMaxwell says:

    Dunleavy, silence is obnoxious! You lead nothing!
    We voted for ?????????? a governor? It is tiring watching you acting from the Biden playbook!
    Desantis would be all over this! “ woke comes here to die”
    Dunleavy sucks his thumb in the basement “communism comes here and thrives”

  • Steve says:

    if is was a crime to ramble on for 4+ hours, to her friends on fb, and rabbit trail every other sentence, then she would be guilty. But the only crime committed here is by over zealous individual and State, that can’t handle anyone who doesn’t fit in there little box.

  • Doug glenn says:

    These troopers didn’t do their jobs at all. They could have ended this before it got started. They failed to verify the court order then they arrested her. Can all the troopers involved. This is no game. A civilian hands you a court order which seems odd then you fail to verify it. Give me a break. Has the family member that falsified this order been arrested yet ??

  • Richard K CORBeil says:

    The ONLY way to stop this kind of thing from happening is for those who perpetrated it to be punished severely. Loss of job at a minimum but heavy fines and jail time for some.

  • Rife says:

    Reccomended sentencing for every individual involved in her detainment: a lifetime of being doped up to the point of drooling and left strapped to a wheelchair pointed at a blank wall.

  • Doug glenn says:

    I think the specific troopers need fired. Clearly they are not intelligent enough to verify a court order handed over to them by a civilian. Are the family members involved in this in custody yet …?.? They are criminals, they forged a court order.

  • Larry Brunson says:

    They said they were wrong and “take full responsibility”. Let them lose their jobs and retirement. Then let them be tried, convicted, and incarcerated. Otherwise they lie when they say they take full responsibility.

    • DaveMaxwell says:

      Larry taking full responsibility for a SOA employee means sue the hell out of the tax payers! Dunceleavy is a leader in this! No where else will we see his leadership!