Last week’s now widely publicized illegal detention and forcible drugging of the 2022 Alaska Principal of the Year Mary Fulp demands a full public accounting on multiple fronts. Alaskans deserve clear answers to the following questions:
–What evidence did a judge consider with regard to whether Colony High School Principal Mary Fulp was a danger to herself or to others?
— Did a judge issue an unlawful and incomplete order directing the Alaska State Troopers to forcibly take her from her home?
— What, if any, consequences will this judge face?
— Was Fulp, in any way, targeted for her religious beliefs?
— Why were the Troopers under the impression that they had the right demand that Fulp be transported to a medical facility?
— Who gave the final order?
— Why did Mat-Su Regional Hospital agree to lock Fulp into a room, strap her down and inject her with psychotropic drugs against her will, even though there was no valid court order to do so?
— How can Alaska’s involuntary detainment laws be amended to ensure that this never happens again?
Alaskans of all political and ideological stripes must demand a full and transparent accounting from all parties involved in this injustice. The injustices done to Mary Fulp should be a rousing wake-up call for us all.
— Click here to contact Alaska State senators.
— Click here to contact Alaska State representatives.
— Click here to contact Gov. Mike Dunleavy.
— Click here to contact Alaska Dept. of Public Safety Commissioner James Cockrell.
— Call (907) 861-6792 here to contact the Administration at Mat-Su Regional Health Facility. Call (907) 861-6849 to contact the hospital’s public relations director.
Such a horrible and vile thing to do to such a beautiful woman. She has been my our prayers.
I’ll have to agree with this article. We need a full accounting of all those involved. This if it was political is B.S. Someone crossed the line and regardless of what caused it is wrong. Mary. has rights. We all have rights. When the troopers storm your house they need proper documentation to come through your door. Mary even if she was out of her mind still has rights. I’ll be watching this case unfold and see how many people loose their jobs and the laws being changed. After all that Mary is still the victim here. What would you do if it happened to you?
This is something that can’t be swept away. Despite most involved operating under false information they thought was true, it is a glaring spotlight on need for legislation and policy change. There has to be consequences and some serious protocol so his does not happen again.
The judge and the LEO need to lose the qualified immunity, and the medical staff should have their medical license removed. The hospital should be fined by the state millions of dollars in HIPAA violations. And her relative who started this whole thing need to go to jail for false reporting.
I second that…
Joel’s taking the correct approach. Investigate before making conclusions.
And once we know the truth and facts, surely we can deduce that we don’t have leadership worth a hill of beans!!! You would expect that this concern has risen to the degree that our governor voice ought to be heard! Nope! He must be busy tip toeing around trying not to stir up any of those valuable carbon credit things? !!
And once we know the truth and facts, surely we can deduce that we don’t have leadership worth a hill of beans!!! You would expect that this concern has risen to the degree that our governor voice ought to be heard! Nope! He must be busy tip toeing around trying not to stir up any of those valuable carbon credit things? !!
How do we know she was drugged? I’m not finding the source.
If she was locked up overnight in a nut house it’s nearly a guarantee she was injected with psychotropic drugs before anyone talked to her.
I believe it is in her lawyers recent letter.
Another question – what made the court docs illegitimate? Were they falsified? If so, by whom, and is that party being held to account?
What happened at the hospital is atrocious and reprehensible. That place needs a full investigation. It makes my blood boil to think that they took her in there and didn’t just let her go after a screening session. Aren’t they professionals? Makes me think of concentration camp procedures.