An influential national Catholic research and educational organization – Lepanto Institute – has recently issued a report, warning Catholics and other Christians against supporting Covenant House.
Founded in 1972 as shelter for homeless and runaway youth, ages 13 to 24 – the organization expanded into Anchorage in 1988, upon the invitation of the late Anchorage Archbishop Francis Hurley.
Once hailed as a leading national Catholic charitable outreach, the organization now facilitates abortions and cross-sex hormones for run-away and homeless youth, including those in Alaska.
Lepanto concludes that Covenant House is not an organization that any Catholic or pro-lifer should ever support.
The Feb. 26 Lepanto report points out that Covenant House chapters across the nation are now enabling abortions for young woman under their care, while also promoting the most extreme elements of LGBTQ gender ideology.
The report cites a recent Alaska Watchman article that details how a pro-life sidewalk counselor watched a Covenant House van shuttle a young women to the Anchorage Planned Parenthood this past summer. The Watchman also reported that the pro-lifer said a [Covenant House] staff person told her the outreach routinely takes young women to Planned Parenthood.
Lepanto noted that in 2019, a Church Militant report uncovered that Covenant House Michigan had taken a young girl to get an abortion in Detroit.
That same year, Covenant House in Washington, D.C., hired Angela Jones Hackley as its Chief Executive Officer. Hackley formerly worked as an educator and public relation officer for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business.
Additionally, Lepanto’s report noted that the Texas Covenant House lists Planned Parenthood as one of its official partners.
Coupled with Covenant House’s nationally-binding 2021 “Youth Inclusion Policy,” which affirms transgender identities and mandates that staff allow youth to use cross-sex hormones for “transitions,” Lepanto concludes that Covenant House is not an organization that any Catholic or pro-lifer should ever support.
“[G]iven what we found, it is 100% clear that Covenant House is NOT a Catholic organization, it doesn’t even come close to adhering to Catholic moral teaching, and it is absolutely NOT a safe organization to support with Catholic funds,” the organization stated. “What we provide is that Covenant House has a history of taking girls to abortion clinics, it has a universal policy forcing staff to address children by their ‘preferred pronouns’ and allowing them to dress in whatever manner is most comfortable to them, and it is providing and promoting all forms of contraception.”
I may suggest changing the name to “Coven House” .. A more correct description of the services being provided.
As goes Covenant House, so goes Catholic Charities. As soon as there is some sweet government money to be made, the Catholicism heads for the door.
I would expect Archbishop Bellisario to make a statement about this. Will he????
Don’t be silly. Making a statement would piss off his good friends in the Lavender Mafia. We couldn’t have that. He will, however, drop the hammer on Catholics truly worship Our Lord at Holy Rosary, so, there’s that.
Don’t hold your breath!
Here we go again. Didn’t we just go through all this month or two ago? The Archbishop should make a statement and demand the change their name being they no longer support the church the they were founded by. I also thingthe Catholic church should require all the money’s donated to them be repaid in full. They stubbed the church in the back. Catholics supported them 100%. Now it’s time to pay the Piper.
Just don’t give money to the Archdiocese of Anchorage-Juneau. If you support your local parish, bear in mind that your donations usually are taxed by the Archdiocese, and in turn those are taxed by the USCCB. If you want to support your local parish, call the local public utility and offer to pay a portion of their bill. Or donate to church services, or buy the priests grocery gift cards… there are ways to financially support them and place a barrier between your funds and the nefarious purposes to which the AOAJ or USCCB put your money. You can also write your local bishop a kindly worded letter and allow them to know that you’re not willing to continue to support them as long as they allow “Catholic” organizations like Covenant House or Providence Hospital to continue calling themselves as such, meanwhile a faithful, traditionally-minded classical school up the street (Holy Rosary Academy) is stripped of its right to call itself Catholic, all because the community there refused to bend to the Bishop’s nine-point demand letter. If he happens to wonder why Catholics in his community are losing his trust, he need only look at these points juxtaposed.
But he doesn’t. Personal appeals don’t work. That’s why the money stops now. It’s all we have left to control.
Joel I am praying for your dear wife and family
Faithful is our God