Gov. Mike Dunleavy received treatment for skin cancer on Aug. 8.
“Governor Dunleavy underwent a procedure this afternoon to address recently detected basal cell carcinoma,” a short statement on the governor’s Facebook page noted. “The Governor is expected to make a full recovery.”
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer, with nearly 4.5 million cases diagnosed in the United States annually. It is typically diagnosed by performing a biopsy, in which tissue from the tumor is removed. The tissue is then sent to a pathologist, who looks under a microscope for abnormalities in the cells.
In 2019, Dunleavy received treatment for the same type of skin cancer on his forehead. When caught early, basal cell carcinoma is considered a mild form of cancer, which can be managed with local treatments, topical medications or minor surgical procedures.
Sure am glad to be informed of the governor’s well-being!
All while knowing he doesn’t give a damn about the people that voted for him!
Do you just read these articles so you can be grumpy at absolutely everything. You are not convincing others if anything except that you are unhappy and bitter.
Grumpy wants to declare get your shot Marsha! Your at risk of becoming a superspreader! This is the advice I’ve been instructed to give you from the dunleavy administration!
Reflect on where the information is coming from and be enlightened!
‘STOP THE W.H.O. 666 GLOBAL AGENDA!! — James Roguski’
‘Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reveals what really happened on January 6th’ interview with Tucker Carlson
I hope the gov gets the thing completely removed. I had the same thing on the side of my nose that was caused by search and rescue crew flying. That was 45 years ago and I went back immediately to search and rescue with no further problems. But I did cover my nose with cream to keep it from happening again. It does take an operation to completely remove some of them and I advise him from my own experience to be sure and not take the chance and have it done.
You could plant corn on his forehead he better buy stock in that cream…. Please all especially in Anchorage who lost your business due to him turning his backside to you during the bioterrorism attack pray for him.
Here’s a good song for these days. Take a couple minutes and listen to the entire song.
Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond
Hey gov goonslevy Trump was just indicted for a fourth time ! Sitting there on the side lines is a great look for the standing tall one in Alaska! Similar to Bidens response to Hawaii being torched. “ no comment “! How about this in response to your cancer “ no comment “