While radical environmentalists are praising the move, Gov. Mike Dunleavy, U.S. Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski, Rep. Mary Peltola and a host of Alaska Native leaders blasted the Biden administration’s Sept. 6 announcement that it was unilaterally cancelling legally-obtained oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The move locks up the vast federal National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska and thwarts a years-long attempt to drill in the region.
Negating the leases negatively impacts the state-owned Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority, which purchased the leases on 365,000 acres back in 2017, and threatens to decimate Alaska Native economies in the area.
Biden’s Interior Secretary Deb Haaland boasted that the decision means “no one will have rights to drill for oil” in the region. She added that “oil and gas drilling” simply does not belong in the region.
An angered Sen. Sullivan issued a scathing rebuke of the Biden Administration, following the announcement.
“Having just spent more than a month home in communities across our state, there is palpable anger and frustration among Alaskans about the Biden administration’s unrelenting assault on our economy and our ability to lawfully access our lands. This war on Alaska is devastating not only for Alaska but also the energy security of the nation,” he stated. “Today, the Biden administration unlawfully cancelled ANWR leases held by the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), bringing us to 55 executive orders and actions specifically targeting Alaska since President Biden assumed office.”
Sullivan called the most recent decision “incredulous” and devastating to future oil and gas extraction in Alaska.
“What investor in their right mind would ever consider spending millions of dollars in ANWR having just witnessed the administration pull the rug out from under the last standing lessee from the previous sale?” he said. “Unfortunately, that seems to be the point. The administration is putting on a legal charade by pretending to follow the law that requires them to hold lease sales with no intent of ever actually honoring those leases – daring any investor to waste their time and money. Not only is this an affront to the rule of law, it’s also a grave injustice to the Iñupiat people of the North Slope, especially the people of Kaktovik, the only village in ANWR.”
Gov. Dunleavy, who has fought multiple Biden-era policies aimed at undermining Alaska resource extraction, vowed to fight the latest assault in the courts.
Sen. Murkowski questioned the coherence of the Biden administration’s oil and gas policy.
“The NPR-A, which is explicitly designated for energy production, turns 100 this year, and we have worked for decades how to responsibly develop a very small portion of the non-wilderness 1002 Area,” she stated. “Now the Biden Administration, at a time when America and our allies need Alaska’s resources more than ever, has decided to go their own way by further locking Alaska down while refusing to consult with the Alaska Natives who actually live on the North Slope. It’s bad enough to tear up legal contracts and renege on federal commitments.”
Murkowski called the decision “unconscionable,” especially given that the Biden administration is penalizing Alaska, while allowing Iran to produce more of its oil and soliciting the same from Venezuela.
“It’s not hard to predict what will happen as they allow the world’s worst actors to enrich themselves, while punishing Alaska,” she added. “Fewer jobs at home, more imports for California, and higher prices for everyone. These decisions are illegal, reckless, defy all common sense, and are the latest signs of an incoherent energy policy from President Biden.”
Gov. Dunleavy, who has fought multiple Biden-era policies aimed at undermining Alaska resource extraction, vowed to fight the latest assault in the courts.
“It’s clear that President Biden needs a refresher on the Constitution’s separation of powers doctrine,” he said. “Federal agencies don’t get to rewrite laws, and that is exactly what the Department of the Interior is trying to do here. We will fight for Alaska’s right to develop its own resources and will be turning to the courts to correct the Biden Administration’s wrong.”
Democratic Rep. Mary Peltola was less scathing in her remarks, but did say she was “frustrated” with the decision, which will severely impact Inupiat North Slope communities.
“I will continue to advocate for them and for Alaska’s ability to explore and develop our natural resources, from the critical minerals we need for our clean energy transition to the domestic oil and gas we need to get us there,” she said. “We can only get to that transition by listening to the people on the ground. Finally, we can’t keep erasing our progress with every administration. I will continue to advocate for permitting reform that includes predictable timelines from the federal government, which must be a reliable partner in leasing and developing our resources.”
In addition to canceling current leases, the Interior Department is also moving to lock up 13 million acres in the NPR-A to limit all future oil and gas development in more than 40% of the reserve area.
Alaska Native leaders condemn cancellations:
North Slope Borough Mayor Harry Brower:
“Where is the justice and local consultation for Alaska Natives and all of our residents when the Depart of Interior and extreme environmental groups conspire to manipulate the current system and bypass even federal law that leads to costly litigation, profits for NGO’s, and our local economy further damaged? Simply put, these discriminatory and bias outcomes are unacceptable and should not be tolerated by federal regulatory agencies, such as BLM, that oversee these politically motivated decisions which now even ignore years of documented science, public meetings, and local governments our locals that rely on subsistence foods to live a healthy life. Secretary Haaland, we can’t go to a Whole Foods store in Arlington or DC to meet our basic needs.”
Arctic Slope Regional Corporation President/CEO Rex Rock, Sr:
“Our regional leadership has tirelessly offered to work in partnership with the administration on issues affecting our region. The decisions issued today exclude the voices of the North Slope Iñupiat, causing irreparable harm to our culture and economic self-determination.”
Nagruk Harcharek, President, Voice of the Arctic Iñupiat:
“Today’s decision once again shows that the Biden administration prioritizes their agenda over the will of local Indigenous communities. By dismissing the needs and interests of the people who call this region home, they continue to impede the self-determination of the Iñupiat of the North Slope. These actions contradict local, Indigenous-led resolutions despite the administration’s ‘pledge’ to listen and work with Indigenous communities.”
Morrie Lemen, Executive Director of the Iñupiat Community of the Arctic Slope:
“The administration has continually violated its mandate to consult and work with ICAS, the region’s federally recognized Tribe. This action directly impacts the livelihoods and economic future of our tribal members. Our voices, our heritage and our connection to this land cannot be silenced or overlooked.”
Nathan Gordon Jr., Vice President, Native Village of Kaktovik:
“How can the Secretary of Interior make a decision that has such an economic impact on our community of Kaktovik without any formal Tribal Consultation through our sovereign relationship with the federal government? AND to do this under the name of climate change without engaging us as a Tribe is completely discriminatory. Native Village of Kaktovik has engaged on this issue at every level – we were involved in the Coastal Plain EIS and stand by the Record of Decision – you are ignoring us as a tribe. For an Administration that is focused on Indigenous Knowledge we wonder when you have talked to us about climate change in our region. We are losing confidence in President Biden’s actions and promises to Tribal Consultation and Strengthen Nation-to-Nation Relationships and Advancing Racial Equity and Supporting Underserved Communities! This all sounds good unless you are a tribal government that has a different stance than this Administration on what types of activities should happen in our homelands. We are in the midst of subsistence – the timing of this announcement couldn’t be more tone deaf to the Kaktovikmiut – because our community is focused on providing our native food to sustain us through the upcoming winter. We demand Government-to-Government consultation on how this decision was reached – we will not be muted!”
Charles Lampe, President, Kaktovik Iñupiat Corporation:
“It’s difficult to express our utter shock and disappointment of Secretary Haaland’s decision today. We live in the Arctic! We are the Arctic! And for you to tell us about our region in the name of climate change is outrageous! For an Administration that touts its focus on working with Indigenous People from our perspective it is doing the opposite. We are a subsistence culture and are working hard to collect enough food to feed our community through whaling. We don’t have the time or energy to address this action. I can only say that as the only community within the Coastal Plain who has been fighting for the rights promised to us by Congress over 40 years ago, under the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act we are astounded that Secretary Haaland has defied Congress through her actions. We are a small community that suffers as the federal winds blow and feel the Biden Administration is working to effectively erase us from the land that we have inhabited for hundreds of years.”
Annie Tikluk, Mayor, City of Kaktovik:
“We are being blindsided by this action! Our community fought hard to get the Coastal Plain opened to oil and gas leasing. We are an economically underserved community and are continually looking for economic opportunities for our long-term sustainability. Forty years ago, we found ourselves located in a National Wildlife Refuge against our will. Life has been difficult for us under the Refuge management, there are too many rules and regulations for a small community like ours to adjust to. One of the opportunities we always looked towards was the future potential of oil and gas leasing in the Coastal Plain. The Secretary’s actions today basically goes against Congress and again takes rights away from us to manage our own lands to provide for our future. We are appalled by this action and its timing – we are harvesting our native foods and that’s our primary focus right now. What does President Biden plan to do for our community if you take away our economic opportunities.”
Matthew Rexford, Tribal Administrator for the Village of Kaktovik:
“The government should respect sovereign rights of the local people. Our people need jobs to earn wages in order to lead a subsistence lifestyle.”
Hey Alaska natives who voted for Murkowski because she promises gravy and for Peltoilet because she’s native, enjoy your slimmer corporation dividends. These women, and almost-useless Sullivan, do nothing but stand back and watch as Biden tears down this country and this state. Peltoilet probably is cheering this on.
Folks, this is what it looks like when the enemy has infiltrated your country and is tearing the walls down from within.
You were all warned. Now you get to enjoy the results of a stolen election.
Stolen elections have consequences….and not just 2020. None of these “conservative leaders” wanted to do anything about our broken elections and now see where we are.
It will be more of the same in the next election. Unless rank choice voting is eliminated.
We Alaskans are getting screwed.
There’s is more oil in these environmentalists garage floors, then there is on the North slope.
If you don’t believe me, go look for yourself, and yes the caribou are walking anywhere they want too, unharmed and bedding down under the Alaska pipeline.
Isn’t it weird that RCV “passed” in 2020 with less than 1% and no one fought for a forensic audit? Let the creepy Lt. Governor re-count fraudulent ballots and pretend that we voted for this crap while he was making condescending statements in the press about conspiracy theorists. And now the “GOP” majority that can immediately get rid of RCV caucuses with the democrats and refuses to do anything. Anyone who thinks we are voting our way out of this mess is delusional. The people who make the decisions to fix elections are in office because of our broken elections: They are not going to do anything to fix them.
The Alaska pipe line also provides the caribou with more edible green vegetation due to the extra heat radiated from it.
very true what Steve said, it is so frustrating. people who call themselves Christians ✝️ then vote Democrat I question that big time have blessed wonderful day
Proof again we need to do away with RCV and get back to paper ballots with ID requirements. No more mail in crap. Peltola never should have been elected in the first place. She is nothing more then a puppet for the left. She hasn’t got any integrity and not an honest bone in her body. Time to thrown the POS out with the trash.
Thank you for supplying this information in full.
The only court in the universe that can do anything
is the court where justice is done in the throneroom of
grace by discerning people who know how to pray and
by a God who does not lose.
Where is dunleavy hiding?
Become ungovernable.
to any Native who voted for Lisa or Mary. i have zero empathy for you. enjoy your poverty. Wake up.
They’ll head back to the polls next November and vote a straight D ticket.
Why are focusing your hatred on Natives?
It’s not “hate”. Although you seem bent on always making it appear so. It’s pointing out a political reality. The vast majority of AK indigenous people vote for and support the same rotten politicians who eventually screw us all over. Do you ever go to an AFN convention? There’s the base of support for people like Petola, Sullivan and Murkowski and this article solidly pointed out the cause and effect their obvious support of of Biden nominees and their subsequent administrative actions and how those cause financial woes for AK native people. Get it now? Grow up.
I read on another board that Sullivan is trying to go around the state decision to not open Pebble Mine by making it a federal thing. Does this mean that the feds are going to do more land grabs?
The feds already claim 69.1% of the lands in Alaska… Of the 365.5 million acres, that’s 222.7 million acres, and want to control the rest… Contrast that with the state of Nevada, where the feds own/control 80% of the state’s lands. If I am not mistaken, this is actually, illegal.
The feds are not supposed to own any land. Is not their only job supposed to be protecting us from terrorists foreign and domestic?
Yes, FOH, according to the U.S. constitution, I have read many articles regarding this subject over the years, and here is a quote from one that is point on: https://newswithviews.com/guest_opinion/guest249.htm: “Our founding fathers were very specific concerning federal ownership and control of land. Article I, section 8, clause 17 of the U.S. Constitution gives the feds control of 10 square miles of Washington DC. It further states that land within the boundaries of a state may only be acquired if they first have the consent of the state legislature. The federal government is limited in it’s acquisition of land to four purposes, military forts, arsenals, dock-yards, and other needful buildings. Nowhere in the constitution does it grant the federal government the power to “own” millions of acres. The so called “public lands” that they currently control must be returned to the states.”. And I totally agree, FOH, We have a federal government which is determined to impose total control of the citizens, but they know that they must move along at a snail’s pace, or risk an uprising with which they will not be able to control.
If you have read the MSM reports for decades, haven’t Alaska Natives supposedly been AGAINST petro development? That’s all we’ve heard till now. But hey! Do the majority of Alaska Natives apparently like the liberals aborting their babies and giving the kids drag queen shows? I seriously doubt it. Now that they can see clearly that Democrats are their enemies, maybe they can switch. Attention Alaskans of all stripes: Wake up and join the Alaskan Independence Party. Aside from being pro-development and pro-constitution, it has always been in sympathy with Alaska Natives and their desire for more sovereignty.
Sadly they had the chance with Kelley Tshibaka, they talked the talk to her and then did what the Democrat masters told them to!
Heard on Varney and Co this morning that some liberal judge put up an injunction to Texas to stop his anti-illegal alien buoys. Texas then immediately appealed. So of course Texas is not going to take down the buoys, hopefully not stopping putting up more! This is the 10th Amendment at work!
Now, Let’s Go Brandan has now stopped our oil and gas leases in the 1002! I have called the Governor and both of our Senators to do what Abbott has down, in Alaska. We could have ice roads and ice pads being made say Dec/Jan with rigs in place by Feb/Mar. So, what will Let’s Go Brandon going to do about it? Go to court? We appeal all the way to the SCOTUS while at the same time following the law passed by the Congress and signed by President Trump! Or will he send in the National Guard to stop the progress? Hmm, the National Guard whom the CIC is Governor Mike Dunleavy?! Send in the active duty? Will DoD follow such an unlawful order? Yes, sadly they would, but that would be pure tyranny and the consequences will be immediate!
Call Dan, Lisa and Mike and call for DRILL BABY DRILL!
I can’t imagine hating someone I’ve never met and known nothing of SO MUCH that it’s acceptable to lacerate them to death. Would a Christian allow that? Would you Coons celebrate the razor wire in front of the mother of the 20year old Honduran man killed?
No hate. I don’t “hate” people. I do oppose in the strongest means possible their views that are contrary to God’s word, yes. I can hate sin as well.
Now as to the meat of your comments. All I have to know is that these illegal aliens are trying to cross into our Sovereign nation illegally. To do so involves risks to the individual. They know the risk but if they continue attempting to, the consequences of their actions may involve unpleasant things. The wall is a deterrent, if the individual decides to try and climb over and falls, causing broken bones or their death, that was their choice. Sorry for their loss as a human being but they had a choice to either turn away from the wall or to attempt illegal entry. Same goes with the buoys, they are just as visible as the walls, they know that there will be consequences in trying to breach that barrier to further the criminal actions of illegal entry. They can choose to turn back or to try, again, their loss of life or injuries is their choice.
We as a Nation, as like any other nation have borders and the right to say who comes and goes across those borders.
I don’t celebrate anyone’s harm or death. BTW, I have been in Honduras, worked as a USAF Dental Tech in the poorest of villages. So I am well aware of their plight. Yet they have the option to attempt to legally come into our nation as a legal immigrant or to decide to be an illegal alien and turned back by all lawful means. That man made a bad decision, he chose to attempt to cross illegally into our nation. His loss of life is sad, as is any loss of life, but his choice was in so many ways like those who choose suicide, he knew he may die and went ahead and suffered the consequence of that choice.
A point was made today in discussing your views. So your concern is for this one person while 100,000 plus Americans die from Fentanal not counting al the other dope coming across the border?
Is dunleavy relevant?
He really tries to be around election time.
Then you are blind, either on purpose of just blind.
Make sure you have signed the petition to get RSV back on the ballot so we can get rid of it. We have Peltola and Murkowski both because of this diabolical rigged system. Go to alaskansfornonestelections.com for more info and locations of petitions. Across this nation we have to fight to return some integrity to our elections if we want to diminish such insanity.
Elizabeth, you put an “n” instead of “h” in the url that you provided: alaskansforhonestelections.com is how it should read.
The funny thing is I didn’t vote for any of them, unfortunately for Alaska not one of those politicians has a back bone and not one will stand up to the federal govt. If Alaska was smart and banned together we could take back our land, kick the feds out, and develope our natural resources safely and efficiently, like we have been, but we won’t. America as a whole has no backbone anymore to stand for and fight for what is right. I hope and pray that those in the villages have learned a good leason about voting.
They decided to go “green.” I am really interested to hear how that is going to work out since many places do not have steady wind, and Alaska has very little sunshine since “dimming” is so important to the government and they need to keep Alaska covered in a blanket of gray clouds year-around.
Also, I find it interesting that this big announcement comes on the heals of large “green” investors publicly saying “going green is a lie”. So are we seeing a game of chess between “have been” investors for green and our current admin?
FoH. Renewables don’t have to supply ALL our energy needs ALL time. Using less oil is a win win for everyone.
Lucinda, oil is a renewable supply, but we are not supposed to know this. They will shut down all of our access to oil – it will only be for the globalists. You will see as time goes on how little you and I are thought of by the globalists.
Its all fabricated, a distraction to take everyone’s mind and energy off of whats really happening. Everywhere, food is being squeezed along with gas and oil, when people cant eat and stay warm there’s only one place to go, to your government which will soon be the new world order. More distractions, upheavals and control methods are coming this winter and the true sheep will be obedient, all to take your mind off the 2024 elections. Orange man wasn’t such a bad guy after all now was he?
Yup they chose to go green, that mixed with dunleavy having a yellow spine makes us a blue state!
Did we get here because of the democrats?
So, how many times has Mike through his AG filed court cases against this wanna-be-tyrant? Do you even know or just spouting off like so many do?
Go back to sleep Mike. Oh before you do get your c19 update as admonished and paid for by your loser and chief! I gotta go Mary Fulp is calling, needing to talk to someone who acknowledges truth!
Ahh Lucy. exactly how is using less oil a “win win” for everyone? I suppose you decline your PFD check which comes from oil revenue? I also assume that you nor any family members work in the oil fields. I can also assume that you totally understand that oil is Alaska’s only industry from which all of our jobs/ income derives in one way or another. If your income does not derive in some way from Alaska’s oil industry you either don’t live in Alaska or you are one of America’s wealthy elite.
I don’t have enough paper in my printer to list all of the every day products manufactured with the derivatives from oil. I think the majority of the public has no idea, and a lot of it is all over their homes, and the things that they wear.
I figured someone would make the NIMBY argument. First, I said using LESS is a win-win, not shutting it all down. Second, as far as Alaskans losing a job or a reduction in the PFD, too bad. Let me use the logic of Coons in his defense of torture and murder. According to his logic, people in the oil industry knew that their jobs weren’t forever, yet they took the job and now complain that it might end. Again too bad. How about the Alaskan tradition of its citizens being self-reliant, resilient and capable of many different skills. Think they/we can’t adapt?
The point of using less oil is simple: it’s use accelerates climate change which negatively affects all eight billion of us, not just Alaskans
Those Alaska Native leaders are only representing a region of state. They are Inupiat. Other Alaska Native leaders would hold another opinion. I still like to see All inupiat groups that go to AFN follow ASRC and and Doyon exit. If the entire Inupiat leadership and dance group community were absent from AFN that would send a message to the Democrat AFN staff and board that AFN along with DC aren’t collaborating with Inupiat communities leaders,
Yeah, what Mike C. Coons said! Why are we not filing for a stay of execution with our Appeal to this overreach of the federal government.
So our President, instead of being at a 9/11 event decides to go to Asia. Which requires a refueling stop in Anchorage. Since he is so persistently destroying our oil and gas production maybe his plane just needs to sit there because we don’t have access to what it takes to refuel his plane.
FoH. Explain please how oil is renewable.
We are not supposed to know, so I have to say that I do not know.
Then why did you claim that oil is renewable?
Why don’t you use your AI app to find your answer Lucinda? Oh, that is right – any lefty-taught AI app is not going to tell you the actual truth. Sorry, you’ll just have to wait to find out…unless, you do your own deep dives. Turn your heart over to God Almighty and get on the winning team Lucinda. Your persistence for banter could be used for good to teach people the actual truth if you so chose to do so.
Coons. You wrote “I do oppose in the strongest means possible their views that are contrary to God’s word.”
Three things. One, by supporting the “strongest means possible”, you support stringing concertina razor wire, the kind we see on the top of prison fences, along a line of buoys in the river that lacerate the flesh of every one of god’s children. If that’s true, you are a cruel and torturous hypocrite. Second, what are “their[immigrants] views” that you object to? Is it their desire to make their lives better? To provide cheap labor that Americans won’t do? To flee hideous conditions in their home land?
Third, the core of your belief system, the one that justifies children bleeding out from trauma because they have different beliefs than you is your belief in the supernatural. If you can make shit up bu saying that it’s the word of god, well, you win. Reason can’t win against make believe.
1. Yes, make the border so secure the illegal aliens are stopped from attempting to enter illegally. This then pushes them to legal entry.
2. So, you use “immigrants” vs illegal aliens. Two totally different use of language. “Immigrants” are those that are legally coming into our nation, with a Passport, Visa, application for work visa’s while becoming an “Naturalized Citizen” Illegal Aliens are those that come into our nation illegally.
3. Your last is totally expected. The illegal aliens whom are crossing illegally are dying from human trafficking’s, heat exhaustion, etc, I don’t know the actual numbers, but I bet with confidence the number of illegals dying in packed trucks, crossing the desert, in whore houses far, far exceed any deaths from climbing over a wall, swimming in razor wire below the buoys, BTW, I remember video of a coyote climbing the fence and dropping’s infants and small children from the top of fence. Think that is 30 feet! That is done on purpose. Was that the fault of the fence or the coyote? Knowing your flipping of anything said, I know it will the fence.
Coons. Fentanyl is a separate issue from torture.
Nope, the border is where tons of dope comes through.
Lucinda, actually there is no conclusive effidence that oil production, or vehicle polution has anything to do with climate change. It’s the reverse actually, more pollution is generated each day from all the “green energy” crap, open pit mines, wind farms, making and disposing of solar panels, and we won’t even get into third world countries.
Whether has been changing well before the industrial age. So crawl back into your hate hole and leave the commenting to educated folks that make your life easier. thank you
Your Ronald McDonald up is down claim demonstrates your ability to deny science in order to advance some Christian anti woke ideology. You want to be lied to. Unfortunately, there thousands of sources of misinformation for you.
Told Sullivan in a Letter that voting for Halland was a dumb move, but he did anyway, Any on this Comment section that don’t want oil please get of your cell phone, computer because everything is made with a petroleum product even the EV and the power to charge the battery.
Foh, it was your claim that oil is renewable, so it seems you are responsible for supplying evidence. But I’ll help you out. I posed this question to dozens of relevant websites, “Is oil a renewable resource?” The answer: no.
I am not “responsible” for supplying your argument with mud. You asked me how it is renewable. I said to go research for yourself. Don’t take my word for it – do your own research. Oil is a renewable source.