With just a few days before early voting begins for Mat-Su Borough school board and assembly races, the Mat-Su Education Association (MSEA) is interjecting itself into the mix by urging union members to publicly chastise sitting school board members and Superintendent Randy Trani with a vote of “no confidence.” The union ballot is being circulated this week.
The timing of the no confidence vote could sway how union members vote in two key school board contests, where leftist union-favored candidates (Dianne Shibe and Sydney Zuyus) are attempting to oust principled conservative incumbents (Ole Larson and Kathy McCollum).
Widely considered one of the most conservative school boards in Alaska, Mat-Su board members have drawn fierce opposition from radical progressive teachers, librarians and activists associated with Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, who oppose the board’s work to strengthen parental rights and remove activist-driven content from local schools.
According to the MSEA’s “no confidence” ballot, union heads are upset by the school board’s recent actions to remove sexualized books from schools and libraries, restrict the ability of school counselors to talk to kids about sexuality and identity without involving parents.
MSEA bosses are also displeased by the board’s decision to limit the role of the board’s student advisory representative, and claims the board has displayed a “lack of transparency.” That last allegation happens to be the number one campaign talking point for both Shibe and Zuyus, both of whom refuse to answer questions about where they stand on parental rights, sexualized library books and transgender sports controversies.
In authorizing a no confidence vote, the MSEA Executive Board asserts that the conservative school board and Superintendent Trani “have pursued an agenda that is antithetical to supporting students.”
“These actions have left stakeholders feeling disrespected, demeaned and distrustful,” the ballot claims, before asking two “yes, no” questions:
— “Do you currently have confidence that MSBSD School Board’s decisions and direction are driven by the needs and best interests of ALL students?”
— “Do you currently have confidence that Superintendent Dr. Randy Trani’s decisions and direction are driven by the needs and best interests of ALL students?”
— Mat-Su voters will vote on school board and borough assembly candidates during the Nov. 7 elections. Early voting begins Oct. 23. For more information about voting locations, balloting options and registration, click here.
I would encourage the school board and Dr Traini to wear the No vote as a badge of honor
Sadly this is no surprise. Just another reason we need a voucher system in place asap.
i encourage every parent to 100% bail on the public/government school cartel. then lobby our public representatives to cut school funding and direct those funds to parents via vouchers or other equitable method. right now property owners are extorted to fund a system many of us cant stand.
Totally agree
I can see in my crystal ball the Mat-Su school district going by the wayside like Anchorage. Juneau and now Fairbanks. It’s so sad. What happened to desent upright people in America? Why are we allowing this crap show to go on?
The sitting board was elected by the community. Hence they represent what most Matsu borough taxpayers desire – a conservative school district that focuses on academics and not social engineering. The union does not own the schools or the children within them. Taxpayers own the schools and parents, or other legal guardians, are the caregivers and decision makers foe their children. How dare the union think they are above the community? Really pretty despicable.
I agree Elizabeth. Does there need to be a ballot to override their ballot – to show that the community APPROVES of this school board and their actions? I wonder what else is going on that this bullsh@t is taking our attention away from?
remember this when you vote for school bonds. a no vote across the board is appropriate given the unions positions.
yes, VOTE with your wallet. All the bells & whistles won’t bring your children back to you.
Conservatives have got to SHOW UP to vote, or you will be absorbed by the left just as Anchorage has been. Defend your values! Defend your way of life! Defend your historical conservative views against the teacher’s union as well as all the liberal transplants from Anchorage moving to the Valley. You give us hope by maintaining consistent, conservative governance in the Mat-Su. Praying for you and the upcoming election.