
The Mat-Su School Board will meet Dec. 6 to choose one of nine applicants who have applied to fill the recently vacated seat of former school board member Jacob Butcher. Butcher stepped down from his District 5 seat on Nov. 6 due to a move out of state. He was among the seven-member board’s six conservatives.

Of the six current board members, five are solid conservatives with a history of promoting parental rights, defending girls’ sports and working to ensure school libraries don’t disseminate sexually explicit books to students. Ted Swanson is the lone liberal voice.

Two incumbent school board members, Kathy McCollum and Ole Larson, recently won reelection over left-leaning challengers – Diane Shibe and Sydney Zuyus.

Candidates looking to replace Butcher will be interviewed by the school board on Dec. 6. Immediately following the interviews, the board will vote for its newest member, who will then be sworn in and expected to attend the next regular meeting. This person will serve until the next scheduled election in November 2024.

During the upcoming meeting each candidate has an opportunity to address the board, and board members will be able to ask questions of the applicants.


Patrick Martin, the longtime director of Alaska Right to Life. In that capacity, he has worked to promote pro-life efforts, politicians and legislation. He also works as a financial services professional, and currently serves as vice chairman for the pro-life Community Pregnancy Center in Anchorage. His military experience includes serving in the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment as a Platoon Fire Support Specialist, the 4th Infantry Division as Brigade Artillery Reconnaissance Section Leader and the 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment as Battalion Fire Support Sergeant.

Shirley Akelkok works as a recruiting manager for Matanuska Electric Association. She has a history of working in upper management and human resources divisions for Native corporations and private companies. She also served on the Mat-Su School District’s Equity Task Force.

Justin Shoemake works as a police dispatcher for the City of Wasilla. Before that he was employed as a rig monitor in Prudhoe Bay, where he oversaw employee safety. He is also a former morning-drive radio co-host for KBEAR 104.1 FM.

Robert Pymn’s application includes a long list of public school administrative positions, including his current job as director of grants and human resources at Iditarod School District.

Jennifer Cizek is a retired elementary school teacher and homeschool mom. A fifty-plus-year Alaska resident and longtime farmer, she has successfully run several small businesses, and volunteers for school sports and other community outreaches.

Audri Jirak’s application notes that she is a “concerned parent” who firmly believes in “parental rights, age-appropriate books for students, and putting the focus on academic excellence.” She formerly worked as a massage therapist and esthetician.

Jacob Snedeker has two daughters in the school district. He holds a degree in physical education, and has been employed primarily in the telecom industry. His application states that he believes a quality education is “based on the values that have made our country a shining city on a hill. These values seem to be falling out of fashion for some, and I do not want to see these beliefs relegated to history.”

Anthony Pitcher’s resume notes that he is a father of nine children, who has worked as an electrician for the past 21 years. His community service includes helping with Boy Scouts and church youth programs.

Thomas Richards has worked as a high school and jr. high English teacher for nearly two decades. He currently works at Redington Jr./Sr. High School. He served in the U.S. Navy and coached basketball and Native Youth Olympics, and has also worked for the Office of Children’s Services in Bethel.


— The meeting to choose a candidate to fill the District 5 school board seat is set for Dec. 6, 4 p.m., at the Mat-Su Borough School District’s Central Office (501 N Gulkana, Palmer). It is open to the public, but there is no public comment period.

— Click here to contact members of the Mat-Su School Board.

— Click here to read each candidates full application.

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Pro-life director among 9 candidates vying to fill vacant Mat-Su school board seat

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Friend of Humanity says:

    I would like to know how each of these candidates has voted in elections for the past 12 years. I have a real hard time supporting anyone who is currently an employee in the school district. This is sad that I feel this way because I know that there are still some good people in there; but, this attempted take over by the left has got me leary!

    • Friend of Humanity says:

      Just skimming quickly through the resumes, first I would discard Shirley Akelkok’s and Thomas Richards’ resumes because they have had or have too much involvement with organizations/villages that are supportive of woke agendas. A different time-if we weren’t dealing with evil taking over our country-I’d keep their resumes for consideration. Second, the ones that I would want to interview for starters are Patrick Martin, Justin Shoemake, Jason Snedeker, and the other candidates. Just my two cents worth at this time.

  • Elizabeth Henry says:

    Some excellent candidates! That is so encouraging! Thank you to all for being willing to step up to the plate.

  • Neil DeWitt says:

    Interesting selections. I agree with one of the above comments. I’d throw out the liberal woke ones but not until they talk so it’s fair. The school district ones would be right behind the woke folks. Lastly I’d look hard at the rest and pick who I’d think could do the job.

  • turducken says:

    Pat Martin claims to be prolife but he has done more damage to that movement than any other person in the history of the state. He has turned a 100K per year in donations to less than 30K a d his my-way-or-the-highway combative attitude and arrogant know-it-all mindset turn people against the pro-life agenda. It is pretty bad when a national organization removes their support because the main spokesperson is so militant that he cannot work with anyone. His antics clog every meeting and his idea that everyone wants to hear everything he says will render the school board as ineffective as the organization he leads.

    • Friend of Humanity says:

      Thank you for sharing this mustread article. It was published in March of 2021, so it would be good to know how Mr. Martin addresses differences now because this could definitely turn into a negative situation given the demonic entities that the school board has to deal with these days.

  • Colby Hall says:

    I think Jake Snedeker will be a breath of fresh air because he has zero aspirations for a career in politics. After getting to know him I wish we had other decision makers like him leading the way. He’s Blue Collar and honest with a huge heart for kids and valley families.

    Jacob Snedeker has two daughters in the school district. He holds a degree in physical education and has been employed primarily in the telecom industry. His application states that he believes a quality education is “based on the values that have made our country a shining city on a hill. These values seem to be falling out of fashion for some, and I do not want to see these beliefs relegated to history.”