It is imperative that Alaskans send emails and phone messages to their Republican lawmakers in Juneau today, before the full Legislature gathers to vote on whether to override Gov. Dunleavy’s veto of an education bill that dumps an additional $175 million into our failing public schools.
Senate Bill 140 is an educational bureaucrat’s dream. It forks over more money without holding school districts accountable for the fact that Alaska’s education is near the very bottom of the nation.
Like spoiled children, entrenched union leaders have flooded the State Capitol this year to demand more money, without accountability.
Every Republican lawmaker should be held to account if they capitulate to these demands and vote to override the governor’s veto of this irresponsible and historically expensive legislation.
The veto-override vote is set for 2:15 p.m. today. Contact your representatives in the House and Senate and urge them to vote “no.”
Watch the actual vote take place here.
Thank you for the link to the session!
Your on top of it Joel! Thank you. Prediction, vetoes coming, gutless coward’s are in charge! When in Juneau COurage wilts COWARDS roots grow deep!
Happy to admit my prediction is wrong! Don’t get too excited! Dunleavy is not going to capitalize on this, his one and only success!