Playing out before our eyes are “chickens coming home to roost” for the Democratic Party. It is a dangerous time. The last time the Democratic Party came apart we entered the horrific War Between the States. Anyone who has joined this party, and been elected, must toe the Marxist Line of welfare, Climate Cult, Critical Race Theory, homosexuality and slavish devotion to not only child slaughter in the womb, but to the madness of “gender affirming health care for minors.”
The euphemisms for abortion which have become part of the terminology of the Left are ingrained into the American psyche. It is easier to hide the humanity of the preborn child because there are no “windows to the womb.” For that, you must go to a crisis pregnancy center, which the Left calls “fake clinics.” There, you can see a “window into the womb” with 3-D ultrasound. That is why the Left tries to demonize these help centers, which are far more scientific than the American Medical Association (AMA).
The AMA, long ago, caved to the Planned Parenthood abortion lobby, and even redefined “conception” to mean “implantation,” about as political and unscientific as a doctor can get. Possibly they might read what the AMA said in the 19th century, or at least attend a sophomore high school biology course, and learn what is true science versus political fantasy.
But let’s go back to “gender affirming healthcare for minors.” You do not need a “window to the womb” to see the gender of these children, who are in the stages of human development where they are discovering the adult world, forced upon them by advertisements, cartoons and movies. Many (perhaps most) lack a father that lives with them, and find that the natural nurturing that comes from a mother’s instincts have no counterbalance of a dad’s different perspective, a perspective that just might have a different approach to the idea of – mutilating their children in order to pander to temporary fantasies of who they are.
The Left, of course, has already passed laws in some states that would stop those who would try to help these children. Some have gone so far as to call the detoxification from Leftist ideology as “child abuse.” Take a poll, and just about everyone recognizes that their friendly, local Child Protection Service (CPS) might be even more dangerous than the IRS or the rogue FBI. The CPS abuse of loving parents is one of those facts that are whispered and seldom attacked frontally by our elected officials.
And, of course, the suppression by the mainstream media of anything that favors the prolife movement, or anything that exposes the torture of young adults who want to “de-transition,” continues to be part and parcel of this monstrous, global, anti-human conspiracy.
Yes, global conspiracy is on full display and can no longer be ridiculed. Have you noticed? Author Taylor Caldwell (Dear and Glorious Physician, A Pillar of Iron, The Captains and the Kings), Robert Welch (the John Birch Society founder), John Stormer (None Dare Call It Treason), Gary Allen (None Dare Call It Conspiracy), and of course that much maligned pariah, Sen. Joseph McCarthy, are now completely and utterly justified by history, or what we now call Conspiracy Facts.
The real conspiracy theorists are in the Democratic Party, the party that threatens democracy even while they accuse Trump and Republicans of it. Let’s start with Hillary “Vast Rightwing Conspiracy” Clinton. Then there is the wooden-headed puppet Merrick Garland, who wiggles endlessly from his own policies and actions, policies that demonize pro-lifers, Latin Mass Catholics, anyone who was in sniffing distance of Washington on January 6, and parents who dislike woke school boards.
Then there are the liars: Anthony Fauci, the parade of White House press secretaries, the fraudulent president Joe Biden, and all the “legacy” newspapers and networks.
The Constitution Party’s presidential and vice-presidential candidates have one slogan: “The Democratic Party must be destroyed.” That’s a tall order, and I would call rather for its conversion to Truth. But whatever process is being enacted, and right before our eyes, I believe that a Great Awakening (instead of a “Great Re-Set”) will free many Democrats from the toxic vapors they’ve been inhaling for too long. Hopefully they will look back on these times with repentance and regret, and help to correct America in its suicidal slide to irrelevance.
The views expressed here are those of the author.
1 Comment
Democrats just surged ahead with Kamala Harris. Trump is toast.