
This Thursday, July 25, at 6 p.m. the Fairbanks Borough Assembly is set to vote on a resolution that directs the clerk’s office to explore implementing vote by mail elections across the borough.

Assemblywoman Savannah Fletcher introduced this resolution, claiming it could increase voter turnout and to reduce the amount of work involved with in-person voting. 

I have found that we have the power to see the future, all we have to do is look at the past and learn from history. We have already been down this road, mail-in ballots are not secure. We know this from watching botched elections, ballots being thrown away or discarded, and the lack of checks and balances.

Mail in ballots arrive in the daily mail and there is no opportunity for poll watchers to observe the election process. Instead, the count is done by an outside group. 

Fairbanks has a robust poll-watching network that will be completely excluded. These are the people who help ensure the integrity of our borough elections. The poll watchers are also highly trained and have election experience. They don’t cost the borough a dime! 

In contrast, mail in ballots are expensive because of the cost to mail them out. Plus, there’s no guaranteeing those who receive them are still registered voters in the North Star Borough. There’s also printing costs and return postage, and no proof of this method increases voter participation.

In this resolution, Fletcher refers to Oregon and Washington as champions in mail in ballots.

Interestingly enough, they are also the most liberal western states with strict gun laws, pornographic sex-ed in the schools, human euthanasia (including allowing the children of seniors to euthanize their own parents. In Oregon, parents can euthanize their own children). They also have strong-handed government regulations on how to manage, build and live on your own private land.

Fletcher mentions that she wants a task force to include the leftist League of Women Voters and other members who are not even interior residents. She calls these people, “community partners.” Partners to who? To Fletcher’s agenda? 

I have an issue with a task force that can destroy the entire integrity of the voting system in the Fairbanks Borough being influenced by outsiders.

It is critical that the borough is packed this Thursday night at 6 p.m., that assembly emails are flooded and phone lines full of conservatives who value election integrity. 

The Borough Assembly is mostly left wingers and if the task force resolution is passed, it’s essential that the members are conservative, freedom loving LOCAL residents and organizations.

If property rights, freedom of speech, gun privileges, honest elections, and other constitutional liberties are important to you, please speak up this Thursday or before.


Members of the public can submit comments on this matter at the next borough assembly on July 25. Emails can be sent to or one can testify in person or electronically. 

To testify, a person can sign up by calling the clerk at 907-459-1401, sign up at the assembly chambers, or can sit through the Thursday evening testimony and wait for an opportunity to speak.

The views expressed here are those of the author.

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TONIGHT: Fairbanks call to action – Assembly wants to implement Vote-By-Mail

Pamela Samash
Pamela Samash is a longtime Fairbanks area resident. She recently served on the Alaska Commission on Aging, and is past-president of Right To Life – Interior Alaska.


  • Howard D. Weaver says:

    Anchorage did that and I would suggest you do not do that. All that does is turn your assembly into a complete liberal machine. There’s no accountability. How do you know who voted is who said they were gonna vote.

    • Camila Eleanor says:

      No Experience Needed, No Boss Over il Your FD Shoulder… Say Goodbye To Your Old Job! Limited Number Of Spots

  • ML, just common sense says:

    I agree with Mr. Weaver. The baseline for voting should be, American citizen, voter ID, vote in person, and ballots are to be hand counted. Voting is a fundamental right, that is also a privilege, one that many others, in many other countries do not enjoy. Get up, get out, and vote !!!

  • Greg says:

    The Fairbanks North Star Borough has the reverse Midas touch. Everything it touches turns into a smelly brown substance. In 46 years I have never had any dealing with the FNSB where I was not trying to defend my lifestyle or property from them. Fairbanks is turning into the same sort of leftist dungheap that Anchorage has become. Well you know we have to be like Seattle, Portland , Frisco and LA.

  • Fallen Republic says:

    Dominion voting machines, Mail In voting is why Alaska is Now a bunch of idiots. Idiocracy is in full display

  • Jon and Ruth Ewig says:

    We are opposed to mail-in voting. North Star Borough Assembly President Savannah Fletcher is a lawyer who moved here to take over our government She has proven herself to disregard the way our borough functions. With her leadership, this borough assembly used $125, 000 of our taxpayer money to call a special election to raise our taxes and to ignore our tax cap. We voted it down by 70% due to North Pole voters. . Previously, she attempted to require our borough busses to be changed to electric busses. We successfully opposed her on that because at that time we had a majority on the borough assembly.. She is concerned about the nonexistent climate crisis. Meanwhile, Savannah is challenging Mike Cronk’s senate seat. She and her husband participated in a protest against Israel , waving Hamas flags at the same time we were honoring the anniversary of Noel Wien’s accomplishments. We need to support Mike Cronk’s bid for this senate seat. He had the courage to back Dunleavy’s veto of the bloated funding bill that was in the legislature. She is not interested in working for her constituents the borough citizens. Her actions are narcissistic. She has shown hersef to break the rules that are in place for our benefit. For her there is no right or wrong and she is setting a poor role model for using government in a good way. We live in Fairbanks.