
Students write pro-life messages outside the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Anchorage on Aug. 15.

Approximately 40 people gathered in front of Anchorage’s largest abortion clinic on the morning of Aug. 15 for a “Rosary Walk and Chalk,” organized by high school students from Lumen Christi and Holy Rosary Academy. Both Anchorage schools have a Students for Life chapter on campus, and thought hosting a rosary procession, followed by writing pro-life messages on the sidewalk outside Planned Parenthood, was a fitting project to honor the Virgin Mary on the Catholic feast day of the Assumption.

The sidewalk was teeming with life, mostly filled with students and children under the age of 18 who came together to pray, hold signs and sing. They then broke open boxes of chalk and poured their hearts into positive messages such as, “It’s a beautiful day to protect babies,” “You are loved,” and “Love them both.” These were just a few of the messages written alongside drawings of a mother with an unborn baby in her womb. 

“We’re here to pray for the babies in danger of abortion, for their mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles and aunts -for all members of the family affected by abortion,” said Gio Moceri, one of the event’s organizers.

As a junior in high school, Moceri is the current vice president of Holy Rosary Academy’s Students for Life group and is responsible for coordinating events aimed at campus and community education, engaging public policy, and supporting mothers in need.

Active in Anchorage and Fairbanks, Students for Life chapters form official pro-life campus organizations (formally recognized by a school) on a middle school, high school, college, or graduate school campus that have working relationships with Students for Life of America. The SFL group at Holy Rosary is working on plans to host educational events for students and young adults this year. Lining up speakers to present on the history of the pro-life movement in Alaska is one of their projects, as well as holding workshops with local sidewalk counselors to explore effective means of communicating with those who might be seeking an abortion or who are pro-abortion.

Students write pro-life messages outside the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Anchorage on Aug. 15.

“You give me great hope!” said local pastor Father Robert Whitney, at the close of the Aug. 15 event. “It’s inspiring to see so many people – so many young people – out here today to pray for the unborn. You live in a country that is still great in many ways, and it is your responsibility, your duty, to stand up, to defend life, and to transform our culture into a culture of life and love.” 

Students for Life at Lumen Christi and Holy Rosary Academy aim to do just that. 

For more information on Students for Life and to learn how to bring a chapter to your campus visit

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Students chalk positive pro-life messages outside Alaska’s largest abortion clinic

Theresa Bird
Theresa Bird is a wife and homeschooling mother of eight. She earned her BA in Philosophy at Thomas More College of Liberal Arts in Merrimack, NH. She lives in Anchorage.


  • Mark and Jeff says:

    Vandalizing public property is a poor way to share your message.

    • cybro says:

      The Palestinians having their homes destroyed in Gaza with the help of the Evangelical Zionists in WDC would probably disagree… Chalk would be a nice thing for a change… ^^^

      • Camila Eleanor says:

        No Experience Needed, No Boss Over il Your FD Shoulder… Say Goodbye To Your Old Job! Limited Number Of Spots

    • Leftism is a disease says:

      Obviously you live in the inverse reality where riots are simply peaceful protests and chalking a sidewalk is somehow vandalism.

      You are a threat to a healthy society. You have allowed yourself to dehumanize your own offspring. It is only another step before tou dehumanize your fellow citizens.

      For those who can lead to believe absurdity, can also be lead to commit atrocity.

  • Friend of Humanity says:

    God Almighty please bless the children.

  • TrueIndependent says:

    Poor brainwashed children.

  • Toscano says:

    Caleb, Mark, Jeff: Chalking is not vandalism, or else a lot of sidewalk artists have been vandalizing public property for ages. What you really don’t like is a prolife message. I guess you missed the graffiti spray-painted on the wall: RUN OVER PROTESTORS.

  • CD says:

    Abortion is a medical term. I think It would be better to call it what it actually is…infanticide in the womb.

    • jon says:

      There is not an infant in the womb, it is a fetus.

      • Kum-N-Go says:

        Look up the root definition of Fetus why don’t you?

        From Latin, it means offspring. It is not some detached scientific term.

        The fact that you are so willing to dehumanize living beings is more a reflection of you than anything else.

        Irresponsible at best, a monster at worst.

  • Davesmaxwell says:

    the chalkboard strategy is evidence that the adults have run out of effective ideas. listen up and learn! churches put your money where your mouth is and demand dumpleavy to run advertising showing womb cradled babies arms / legs/ heads being ripped off and this brutally depraved subject will fade into the history books where it belongs! Dumpleavy won’t do it you declare! He’s paying for breast removal now! Refocus your attention and accomplish something!

  • Davesmaxwell says:


  • Davesmaxwell says:


  • Cheryll Lover says:

    So how does a girl get pregnant. Abortion is a man’s answer to having sex and not paying for the next 18 years. She should breath into his ear that statement; he’d be gone in a second, looking for more willing victims.

  • Anon says:

    Abortion does not end a pregnancy
    Birth ends a pregnancy
    Abortion kills a baby during pregnancy

  • Anon says:
