
In this episode, we spend some time getting to know Jubilee Underwood, running for State House opposing David Eastman in the race for District 27. Learn about her stances on various issues facing the voters of District 27 and why she is running for State House.

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Raising the Lamp #8 – Jubilee Underwood makes her case for State House

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Sam Riley says:

    Working with the conservative school board shows zero relation to Juneau. There is no conservative majority not because of Eastman but because of the establishment Republicans. If they didn’t have Eastman, they’d have to invent him to cover up their bad, bloated and often illegal legislation. Much of what Underwood claims to want to accomplish is EXACTLY why they despise Eastman. He makes them look bad showing what they do via amendment and house floor comments and the big spenders left of centered can’t stand that.

  • Eli Graber says:

    I hear Joel saying Eastman “refused” to join the majority. Where’s the proof for that? I’ve heard the claim being made, but no one seems to be able to offer any proof. Maybe because it’s a false claim?

  • David Bruce Long says:

    Eastman stands strong for republican majority that keeps key chairmanship positions in the majority, not caucusing and caving to Dems. we have compromised and weakened our majority. Dems hold the chairmanship of our finane committee that withholds money on key bills that support our republican values.

  • Friend of Humanity says:

    If Eastman was my rep, I’d be voting for him. He stands strong for the constitutions and that is what we need to win this war. We have too many rinos who think that rolling over and saying, “Uncle” is going to save them. Their actions speak louder than words. When the time comes, all those who will not protect the state constitution or the united states constitution will have to answer why they did not.

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