In this episode, we talk with incumbent Rep. David Eastman, who is running for re-election to State House against challenger Jubliee Underwood in the race for District 27. Eastman goes into depth about the challenges faced in the legislature, his stance on the legislative caucus system, and how he believes he can be an effective conservative in Juneau.
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I like David Eastman. He stands up for what’s right and good for Alaska. If I lived in his area I’d be voting for him.
Great job, David and Joel. Bringing to light the real political issues in Juneau was enlightening. As David said, we need more conservative involvement to counter the longtime planning of the left (paraphrased).
Getting involved this last year in local politics, I can see that even one common person Can make a difference in our local and state direction.
May God put His Hand on our legislature; May He Heal, Cleanse, and Create His Will this next year.
Exactly, we need more to stand with him! I see all these representatives complaining that David didn’’t work with them on their unconstitutional or freedom killing policies…and I wonder why don’t they lose their pride and work with him to protect everyday Alaskan’s constitutional rights!
David Eastman da man! Chick Chica Wut!
Me too!!
David Eastman da man! Chica Chica Wut!
Rep. Eastman has done nothing but alienate himself from the party he says he is with, Republicans. He voted down a full PFD in 2022, so I guess he doesn’t believe you deserve a full dividend. All he does is sabotage the Republicans in Juneau. He is trusted by no one on either side, he caucasus with no one, and no one trust him. Effectively his district has an ineffective representative.
Well, Bruce, when all of the Rino Republicans choose to not protect our constitution as the constituents are asking our reps to do, what is a fella to do besides not vote with the Rinos. Rinos are giving away our state and our united states constitution. They think that going along to get along with the democrats across the aisle is going to make a smoother work environment. It might make things run smoother, but they are not standing up for the things that their constituents want and their constituents are being sold out. Say what you will, but many people know, for a fact, that when Rep. Eastman votes, he is looking at the constitution to make his decision AND he is looking at whatever the democrats and rinos are trying to bundle together to get something passed. Unbundle all of the bills and let the pieces fall where they may.
Rep Eastman has done nothing in Juneau. Zero. Not one person ever asked Rep. Eastman to agree to support a budget we hadn’t seen. He’s lying. He a manipulator and works hand and hand with the democrats. He doesn’t want to be part of a team, he wants to be a martyr. He jumped around the state Fairbanks ran and lost, Chugiak, couldn’t beat Reinbold and went everywhere in the state until he thought or did win….and landed in Wasilla.
Bruce, pretty much all of that is wrong. The only thing you said that’s true is that he’s alienated himself from the shady Republicans who betray their constituents as soon as the election is over and they’re safe in Juneau again. The PFD allegations are absurd, Eastman is the only one who’s been willing to join (or assist) the groups investigating election fraud, and he’s been an outstanding representative for those of us who are actually in his district, ie we WANT him to stand against the cowardly Uniparty machine and their bloated, ungodly schemes.
In 2022 Rep Eastman voted against my family receiving our full PFD and we
Lost out on $2000 per Alaska in the entire state.
He is the reason SB 140 failed. He voted with the democrats and the education accountability bill failed 20-20.
If people are watching what the Republicans are actually doing (including caucusing with the democrats), only immoral people would be following them and castigating the one man with guts enough to stand up to tyranny. You sound like you are being well represented by those Republicans in Juneau.
We are living through times where people need to choose a side, have a backbone, and to stand alone if necessary to fight for the constitution. I only wish we had more like him.
We don’t have a the ability to have only Republicans in our caucus not enough Republicans. I and others even asked Rep. Eastman to join, but he can’t be trusted. We must have a majority Republican caucus to make things happen. Standing alone is when you are out numbered he is not.
We don’t have a the ability to have only Republicans in our caucus not enough Republicans. I and others even asked Rep. Eastman to join, but he can’t be trusted. We must have a majority Republican caucus to make things happen.
Hmmm, who is posing as Allard? Is it to make Eastman look bad or to make her look bad? Interesting. A troll that has hijacked someone’s name.
what he was voting down was tax payer funded abortions! I wouldn’t vote to pass the budget either if it funded abortions. To the contrary David is trusted by the majority of voters who keep re- electing him. He is the sole righteous voice down in Juneau.
@Vince you are 100% correct!
My Republican Party left me after 9/11/2001 when under a Republican President, a Republican Senate AND a Republican Congress who unanimously STOLE away our Constitutional Rights when they passed the PATRIOT ACT (which by the way was written prior to 9/11).
These same Alaskan Republican Rhinos all think that Representative Eastman is the problem. I too disagree.
Perhaps if they would band together with Representative Eastman, we could halt the march towards Socialism.
Eastman votes with the democrats and helps them strategize to take out Republicans and kill great legislation.
3pers don’t vote with democrats. Rinos and communists -er democrats ostracized Eastman. Kind of like guilty by association. Voting for Eastman was like pulling the pin on a hand grenade and tossing it into a roomfull of rinos and communists. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
“What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security… And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.”—Historian Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45
I like David Eastman as a fellow Veteran. Please ask him why he voted against Concierge healthcare where Alaskans can have more freedom. Why did he vote against harvesting beetle kill timber to reduce fire danger (HB104)? Why did he vote against allowing telemedicine with Outside healthcare physicians? Why did he vote against the Education Tax Credit which gives more K12 freedom to parents and their children (HB148)? Why did he vote against HB230 which allowed retired teachers to have more classroom days teaching? Why did he vote against HB66 which increased penalties for deaths caused by fentanyl? Just like any elected official, watch and know how they act (vote), not what they say.
We Republicans in our caucus stood together and we all came together to fight for our Girls in Sports bill. We had the votes and we did strategically what needed to be done and I was asked speak on behalf of our Republicans defending our daughters as I was the sponsor of HB 183 Girls in Sports. All David did was vote to want to hear 88 democrat amendments and waisted an entire day.
Rep. Eastman needs to stop taking credit for other legislators hard work.
Always plotting to destroy the Republicans.
The truth on the Alaska State Constitution
Article 9 Section 12
The governor shall submit to the legislature, at a time fixed by law, a budget for the next fiscal year setting forth all proposed expenditures and anticipated income of all departments, offices, and agencies of the State. The governor, at the same time, shall submit a general appropriation bill to authorize the proposed expenditures, and a bill or bills covering recommendations in the budget for new or additional revenues.
No, we don’t have to pass a budget, but if we don’t the Governor can call us in to special session until we pass a budget. On taxpayer time and dime.
He stalls on everything with all his antics and yet says we must adjourn in 90 days and yet he holds up the peoples business in Juneau every single day.
Lastly, my Democrat colleagues have told me Rep. Eastman plans, strategizes with them to thwart anything we do in Juneau and all his floor meetings on camera with the democrats he advices them how to hurt us passing our legislation.
Rep. Eastman will drag out his amendments we haven’t seen or reviewed to be able to vote on. Instead he gives us a few minutes to make a decision which is reckless and can be costly if not reviewed by legal and how it will impact the law or to speak with our constituents on how they would like us to vote.
Not one person ever asked Rep. Eastman to agree to support a budget we hadn’t seen. He’s lying. I was never even asked such a thing. He a manipulator and works hand and hand with the democrats. He doesn’t want to be part of a team, he wants to be a martyr.
He doesn’t support saving as many babies lives as we can. He admitted that it’s all or none.
I want to save all the babies, but he killed a bill to try and do what we could to pass something and it wast political. It’s us trying to save as many babies as we can. If that means a compromise to save some rather than none I will!
He would bring no bills forward. I repeatedly asked him and he said “well, Jamie thank you for asking I will think about it” 31 bills last term….what a waste of tax payer dollars.
He had nothing to do with our Girls in Sports Bill. He wouldn’t even sign the sheet to say he’d support getting it to the floor. I personally asked him.
I had Rep. Ortiz as my 21st vote and Rep. Eastman was trying to change things and kill the bill, but once he knew I had Rep. Ortiz as my 21st vote he had no choice but to vote yes and his nutty amendment fell by the waste side. He had zero input on any of my work or bills. ZERO!!!
Hmmm, who is posing as Allard? Is it to make Eastman look bad or to make her look bad? Interesting. A troll that has hijacked someone’s name.
Very good questions, David Boyle!
This interview is so full of lies and is such a prime example of gaslighting that it should be used to teach politicians how to do both. David is DELUSIONAL. Dont ask him anything anymore Wasilla, go to the other legislators who have worked with him, they’ll give you the truth. I did.
I guarantee you if you email David about each of those votes he will give you the devil in the details that each of them included. likey as not you’re wrong about the vote tally on each of them too, just like Mike Shower lied about Eastman being one of three Republicans to kill his beloved 50/50 PDF plan when actually seven republicans voted against it (Peoples Paper Aug 2024).
Oh and Mike forgot to mention all of the Democrats who support it because he tossed in tons of lefty pork including abortion funding puberty blockers.
Are you in favor of puberty blockers? Or did they leave that detail out in the spin doctored ad campaigns?
Or Jubilee Underwood who lied about Eastman voting against the School bill she championed, which is hard considering it passed unanimously which Eastman even spoke in favor of. It’s also why she’s afraid to debate him (or the other Valley Republicans for that matter). Hiding in the basement works great for candidates who only know talking points.
The Valley Republicans (Uniparty) have made a hundred deals with the devil in order to appear relevant while missing 60% of the votes and they hope you don’t do the research to know it. Apparently they’re right about that.
Absolutely. That beloved fake 50-50 plan to legalize the theft. we already have a 50-50 split with the Statutory PFD so calling 50-50 in it’s self was deceptive. David Eastman will happily explain every vote he takes in the floor of the House.
So far I’ve read about Eastman in the comments, but let’s take it one step further. Most people have no idea of what goes on with his activists, but we have been living it for 4 years!
If you’re not on all of the pertinent Facebook groups, on the activists email list, or don’t normally attend gun shows, you may not see the activists who attack (bully through fear tactics) all of the other conservative legislators when they refuse to be bound to Eastman’s process, sort of like the “binding caucus” he referred to. (This portion is complex, having to do with multitudes of legislation he introduces but makes no effort to ensure it passes. Maybe more on that later.)
As someone who is involved in raising funds for candidates, I am extremely tired of making great efforts to help get conservative candidates elected, including my husband, only to have these folks try to undermine them, and make their job harder than it already is.
It is interesting to note in our case that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” is playing out in our district (D30), despite the attacks which were made on my husband’s opponent when he was Eastman’s then District 10 opponent in 2018. Even as recently as October 16 at the District 30 debate in Willow, a devout friend/activist was spreading lies about my husband on his disgusting little flyers, then made an evil cackle which was heard from his open car roof by several of us as he left the parking lot. Shameful!
People need to know the truth about what we (and other conservatives) have been dealing with. Despite his mantra, Eastman is not a victim, and he’s not the “only true conservative.”
If you want us to all “just get along,” there needs to be some changes of heart AKA repentance.
I’ve learned this morning (Oct 18) that some of these Eastman-affiliated activists, who run multiple Facebook pages, are allowing a Democrat activist to attack my husband on their page. This is the activist who was blocked 3-ish years ago by my husband, and who is using the Democrat activist Northern Justice Project lawyers (Savannah Fletcher, for example, who is running against Mike Cronk for Senate up North) to sue my husband, bleeding us of thousands of dollars of our own personal resources. This Democrat activist spews lies about us anywhere he can access. And since the admins of that page are allowing his lies, this situation also rings of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
The web of people who see Eastman as their “champion” are involved in what is known as Foundation For Applied Conservative Leadership, which has activists in a few locations, mostly on the road system. The training emphasizes that “unless you are politically feared, you will not be politically effective.”
If you learn about the way legislators are treated by these folks, you can begin to understand the contribution their behavior has made to division amongst conservatives. Eastman’s behaviors, combined with his activist’s (which includes his staff) treatment of conservative legislators, is why he is not trusted, and has been ineffective.
Who are you referring to Linn? In 2021 I contacted Kevin McCabe to try and get him involved in investigating election fraud that many of us were then compiling evidence of, and later on I contacted him again to ask for assistance in dealing with the way AK hospitals were breaking laws and violating patients rights. He blew me off on both topics. Eastman and Kurka by contrast were always there fighting for us, attending presentations, contacting agencies, and encouraging us.
Nobody controls our votes. Aside from Eastman, the Valley delegation can’t say the same.
Perhaps you don’t remember, but we attended meetings/presentations on both topics; you handed us a folder at one of the health care listening sessions at ABT. We attended School of Government when you presented on the election information you had accumulated. As I recall there wasn’t anything actionable. How did that “fighting for us” work out for you? The health care listening sessions appeared to be no more than virtue signaling and grandstanding by Eastman and Kurka.
Linn, I’ve never met you a day in my life and I’ve certainly not presented at any forum you’ve attended. You’ve got me confused with someone else, so please stop slandering me and do better homework.
As for actionable election information, how about we start with releasing the Tshibaka report (June 2020) which included seven pages of conclusions about holes in Alaskas elections, all redacted. Why? What is the state hiding from the public?
Or how about the fact that Dominion machines are not certifyable by the states own criteria, or that they can print onto ballots rendering any ballot overvoted by RCV rules, or that they are, in fact internet connection capable, and therefore capable of subtracting as many votes as necessary to select the desired winner.
We’ve got terabytes of data to support this, all of which your husband isn’t interested in. Did you attend Dr. Franks presentations on this when he visited in August?
Again, I don’t know which “activist” you’re upset with, but your husband’s disinterest what I’VE brought to his attention has told me all I need to know.
My apologies, Mr. Guerra. You sounded just like a guy we know—someone who I am not angry with.
I wholeheartedly agree with you about all of the election info you stated. I know all about the issues as I attended the 2 Mike Lindell Election Integrity summits in MO, in 2022 and 2023, on behalf of Kevin, myself, and our women’s club, with Dr. Frank and many other experts from around the 50 states. I’ve watched a couple of Dr. Frank’s Alaska presentations online. I’ve also been on most Cause of America calls in the past couple years, except for since about May when I’ve had conflicting meetings. I testified at the MatSu Assembly to get rid of machines. I wholeheartedly agree about the Tshibaka report!
I have also very closely followed the pandemic and many of the experts. I attended the first health summit, and hope to attend the one next Saturday.
No legislator can be everywhere, be an expert in everything, or digest all of the information he/she is presented with, no matter how hard they might try.
Many legislators have tried to get the Tshibaka report, including my husband, Senator Shower, and Rep Ben Carpenter, Chair of Budget and Audit. It appears that the only way to get the report is to sue the Lt Governor, and single legislator has the budget or the money to do that.
Joel, as you said and agreed with Jubilee, there is NO Binding Caucus in the House. David is lying on this issue, period.
Bringing in the bush Dems is only because people like David are not part the solution, much less we don’t have the 24 Republicans to be a strong conservative House Majority.
David is talking about he Senate for first 10 plus minutes. Is he running for the Senate or House?
His not being in the Majority was not just the Majority not wanting him, he hasn’t wanted to be in the Caucus. David has stabbed each and every Republican in the House.
Mike Dunleavy was excluded from the Caucus over Walker killing our PFD if I’m not mistaken.
At 25 minutes when asked if he would join the Republican Caucus David said he would. He had not wanted to be for last 4 years, his decision. First 25/26 minutes on a non-binding caucus in the House.
Question on goals David has not got any bills of his passed. No amendments that I am aware of has passed either. David has voted No with the Dems and has worked with the Dems against the Republicans. That is a fact. Picture upon picture from the floor show him in the Dem groups, working with the Minority Leader, etc.
After listening to over 30 minutes the same song second verse, a little louder a lot worse, I have more important things to do since there is no change throughout this last 30 plus minutes.
Wow, the Rinos, their spouses and the rino supporters are out in full force. Going to be interesting how this election goes. The Rinos are pushing Jubilee, Wilson and other Rinos hard.
Hear the “thorn in the RINOs side” and understand why we Alaskan Conservatives lose so often. This is exactly what they DO NOT want you to know.