The State of Alaska is strategizing with powerful and well-connected businesses, nonprofits and various governmental agencies to unleash a five-year pro-vaccination marketing blitz with the aim of combating growing public concern about vaccine safety and so-called “misinformation.”
Spearheaded by the Alaska Department of Health, Alaska’s Statewide Immunization Coalition published a draft of its plan on Dec. 5, which outlines priority areas and various strategies to address vaccine hesitancy, expand vaccine access, and promote a “culture of wellness” by training healthcare workers and others on how to combat vaccine critics.
Through the use of enhanced data tracking, social media messaging and targeted training, the coalition aims to increase immunization rates across all age demographics.
One of the main strategies is to build public trust, which has deteriorated in the wake of heavy-handed COVID jab mandates that coerced many Alaskans to submit to experimental shots against their will during the initial Covid outbreak.
Combined with myriad reports about adverse reactions and deaths resulting from fast-tracked Covid shots, a large number of Alaskans remain skeptical of the mainstream medical community, which largely continues to wholeheartedly support ongoing booster jabs.
Several Alaska based organizations have worked tirelessly to warn against Covid shots, vax mandates and adverse reactions associated with certain vaccines. Alaska Covid Alliance, now known as Alaskans 4 Personal Freedom, has held multiple well-attended conferences in Anchorage over the past few years, where leading international medical experts have cautioned against Covid shots.
An increasing number of medical reports also appear to support these claims, including the recent publication of the largest COVID-19 vaccine autopsy study to date, providing new evidence that COVID-19 vaccines can cause death.
Additionally, Robert F. Kennedy, who President-elect Trump has nominated to oversee the Department of Health and Human Services, has been a long-time critic of the pharmaceutical industry’s lack of regulation or safety oversite when it comes to vaccine production and rollout, especially with regards to childhood vaccines.
While it is unclear whether this is the type of “misinformation” the Alaska Statewide Immunization Coalition has in mind, the group’s draft plan indicates that it intends to marshal healthcare providers, Tribal and regional health organizations, public health experts, state and local health departments, educational institutions, industry and corporate partners, and community advocates to address what it calls “rising vaccine hesitancy and decreasing vaccination coverage.”
“Low rates of immunization, especially among Alaska’s children, and challenges in vaccine access in rural and remote communities highlight the need for coordinated action,” the draft asserts. “As misinformation and vaccine skepticism grow, a structured, collaborative approach is essential to foster public trust and increase access.”
The draft report specifically focuses on declining vaccination rates for childhood immunizations, flu, and HPV, stating that this trend poses “significant risks to community health and highlight the need for targeted outreach and education.”
While the draft plan states that the coalition seeks to address the “root causes of vaccine hesitancy,” there are no indications that it intends to lend any credence to ongoing concerns about certain vaccines.
The new coalition plans to launch “direct engagement” initiatives targeted at parents, caregivers, and community members to “build understanding and confidence in vaccines, counter misinformation, and address vaccine hesitancy.”
The Alaska Department of Health contracted with Denali Daniels and Associates to strategize and build the new statewide immunization coalition. During an October 2024 strategic planning session in Anchorage, coalition members gathered for a full-day workshop to develop their plan.
The finalized vision, mission, and core values, along with a roadmap for the coalition’s strategic priorities, will be confirmed at a January 27, 2025, meeting (Click here to register to attend).
Given the group’s access to governmental resources, it enjoys comprehensive statewide data and advanced technology to help the coalition monitor immunization trends across Alaska. It’s members also include influential tribal health leaders who will help craft “culturally respectful” messaging that is tailored to connect with Alaska Natives for “maximum impact.”
While the draft strategy does not go into detail about how the coalition aims to combat what it considers vaccine “misinformation,” this is clearly a priority.
Under the section entitled “Myth busting, building relationships,” the draft states, “Combating misinformation and fostering genuine relationships with communities are crucial steps in increasing vaccine confidence.”
One tactic, however, will be to train coalition partners in “social media literacy” to “better counteract misinformation and engage the public online.”
The coalition also plans to improve its vaccination records database, especially “among transient populations like military families,” which the draft says, “pose challenges to accurate data tracking and follow-up care.”
Included in the coalition’s data infrastructure goals is the development of “improved vaccine record management,” a “state-level interactive dashboard to display real-time vaccination rates and gaps, and integrated “reminder-recall systems to enhance timely immunizations.”
While the draft plan states that the coalition seeks to address the “root causes of vaccine hesitancy,” there are no indications that it intends to lend any credence to ongoing concerns about certain vaccines. Instead, the stated goal is to employ all available resources to “reestablish confidence in immunization” across the board.
In the coming months, the coalition will roll out community listening sessions, launch public relations campaigns using consistent messaging about vaccine benefits and create a coalition-wide program for continuous community engagement, including an annual “trust-building summit.”
Additionally, the coalition aims to equip clinical staffers with the techniques to “effectively promote vaccinations.” This includes training that employs best-practice tactics.
Also in the works is the launch of an annual professional development conference for clinical staff focused on vaccination advocacy and education, and a statewide “Vaccine Awareness Month” campaign to recognize and support pro-vax advocates.
The coalition plans its public launch in fiscal year 2026.
— Click here to contact Gov. Mike Dunleavy.
— Click here to contact Alaska Commissioner of Health Heidi Hedberg.
Vaccines save lives. It’s proven. It’s a fact. There is no hidden agenda. You put your children at great risk if you deny them the polio vaccine for example.
Some do, most don’t
Most importantly, the Covid MRna shot, which isn’t a vaccine, killed untold thousands and has been proven to have little or no efficacy.
These people lied and people have been severely hurt or died.
Stop spreading misinformation.
25+ million gone due to COVID shot, that’s closer to the real number. I’ve been a member of the National Vaccine Information Center for seventeen years. Anyone who has seen and can comprehend the raw data knows full well these shots are not designed to help anyone. The pharmaceutical companies have been off the reservation since 1986, fact. You want vaccine hesitation to relax, make an actual safe and effective vaccine.
We know the difference through education, not an extravagant marketing campaign.
Polio vaccine saved hundreds of thousands of lives. That’s a good thing, yes?
Jeff, you’re free to make your own choices-and believe whatever you want. I’ll leave you with this.. As Hitler once said “tell a big lie long enough and the people will believe it.”
Fauci testified under oath after three weeks of testimony finally admitting that the professed Covid Vaccine was not a vaccine but just a shot. The junk that was produced to make money for governments and pharma companies did just that. The junk that was produced on a mass scale and in haste, cause irreparable damage to people and millions died from both, the virus and the shot. Hospitals, doctors and nurses, poorly managed health groups and state and federal departments all purported the same fears as did the news ,media and our government from the white house to every state. Alaska put in the electronic tracking with every shot a person gets at pharmacies, grocery stores and once a year health fairs. We had lying, mealy mouthed Adam Crumb and his good buddy, Zinke with dumb Dunleavy standing by doing the copy cat routine. What is so despicable about this bad scenario is the fact the hospitals cooperated by diagnosing every case in emergency as ” covid” and some were but many were not. The hospital, all health groups and drive byes put on scare tactics to get swabbed. Thousands drove through, The language of asking questions to a patient was and is to this day, insane. Are any of you still getting the questions put to you when you see a doctor? The big question is who got ripped off and why? Barack Obama’s first trip out of the US was to China. When he returned, he, Obama bought four patents in his tenure in the presidency on the covid virus biological engineering. Why are these groups putting such significant resources and grants to continue this ? Those who refused, got fired from jobs. I refused and am healthy and well. All who refused are as well. Those that took the shots get sick often, and the changes in their health has been a shock. So, who is going to be indicted and face trial for the worst mess in this country. Let’s start with Fauci. I love that idea.
Hey Jeff. Wouldn’t you be upset if you still got polio after being vaxed for it? Even a mild case? But the same logic isn’t applied to MRNA shots? Weird huh?
Freedom AK. 99-100% of people who get the polio vaccine DO NOT contract the disease. Those are good odds. Those with an inability to conduct evidence based critical thinking will always side with claims from rejects like RFK. Science works and you use it 99% of your day. But when some issue with MAGA v woke imbedded comes up, goodbye sense and maturity and hello to fun but deceitful cultish yelping about Pharma and ivermectin and socialism and Christ.
The polio vax was not mandated; it was voluntary. I lived thru that period & didn’t get the vax or the polio; however, I know of one person who did & not only got it but relasped when in his 60s. Originally he was left w/a noticeable limp; w/the relaspe his limp beame more noticeable. I believe the original sales pitch was the vax was a slight dose of the virus to build immunity … kind of what today is called ‘heard immunitiy only only to the person who gets the vax; so think about that: they’re giving you the virus so that you won’t get the virus.. how insane is that?
you are totally free to pollute your own offspring! There will be hell to pay if you cross the line where my offspring are!
Jeff, show your facts? Do you have the raw data? Did you know the US Patent office tells a different tale about the origins of COVID as well as the experimental gene therapy? Did you cross reference vaccine ingredient with MSDS data sheets? Are you being influenced or paid by those with a vested interest in selling said vaccines?
I’m guessing you’re either paid or just parroting information fed to the public for decades. Those of us whom have spent years researching and keeping up to date with what’s really going on should be applauded for two things. First off we’re immune to all forms of brainwashing and know how to spot it. Second no one on God’s green Earth will get us to harm our children. My son is seventeen and only been sick five times in his life, non vaccinated. There seems to be some misconception in this country. Our health is not our doctor’s responsibility, it’s our own. Take responsibility by becoming educated on the facts in a completely unbiased and courageous fashion. Courageous because you may not like what you find, but that’s part of finding truth. Know this, it’s not about right or wrong. I’m not telling anyone what to do, just sharing what I’ve lear from seventeen years of being involved. Peace!
National Vaccine Information Center member since 2007.
North to Alaska is correct. And the jabs for Covid were NOT vaccines! Do some more research Jeff.
OH, polio is a great example. Polio is caused by the vaccine, Jeff. The agenda is maiming and killing people. It’s all so very simple. Your reply will be praised by the AK Dept of Health, thankfully you’re a minority of 1-2. People who still believe after what we were subjected to in the last pandemic are probably affected by the vax(es) they took back then. They turn you into a new, Patentable species, called Homo Borg Genesis. You are no long Homo sapiens (human) You will be a cyborg. If you choose to get the H5N1 vaccine about to be offered, there will be more surprises. Be careful what you wish for.
JHCOAB Charlotte . You are the best player on my team! You perfectly represented the low IQ, ostrichsized blinkered no- nothings that Trump feeds on. If I ever have a chance to defend science and criticize cultism, your comment will be exhibit number one.
How much of our stolen PFD is the department of “health” planning to waste on this propaganda plan ? Oatmeal brain Biden first said that if you get the jab , you won’t get COVID. Oh, next you won’t go to the hospital, then later he said you won’t die. Tons of more propaganda were fed to us as immeasurable harm to our nation unfolded. There are many who profited, while North Korean style enforcement was dealt to dissenters.
The NIH, CDC. FDA, AMA, etc. will not redeem themselves by applying glyphosate to truth.
Sir Comrade, I wondered the same 1) where is the $$$ coming from to push vaccine propaganda and 2) how much is being spent? And as your post said TRUTH will be the last thing people are told when this program is implemented.
The ones promoting the coovid shot that doesn’t work, but is killing people by compromising their immune system and causing turbo cancer, strokes, blood clots, heart problems are criminally negligent as purveyors of crimes against humanity, crimes against Alaskans !
The shot is being given without informed consent.
Dr. Ann Zink, ( Fauci’s sidekick as former Senator Reinbold calls her, and especially Governor Dunleavy are responsible, as well as Commissioner Crumb who convinced the then Senate HHS Committee to approve the deathly shot even though, as on page 132 of the vac pamphlet it warned of deadly side effects as pointed out by former Senator Reinbold.
The blood of the innocent cries out from the ground .
How many more need to die needlessly ?
It’s just as a lady said in a village, “ Since the shots first hit the village many have died, but no one says a word. “
God help us all, especially the poor defenseless children who are given the death shot, parents fooled by the compromised media and our stupid elected, selected Politicians .
Hold them accountable !!
In my opinion, the covid vaccine wasn’t tested properly and it was still forced upon the people. Now go test it doesn’t the actual research and perfect. Then and only then people MIGHT listen and take it. Now remember that at first we were told it would be ten years minimum and a week later twala here’s the vaccine. We’ll it didn’t work. people died and I for one think Dr. Fauci and all others that lied to us need to be held accountable with no exemptions. Next, we have bird flu now. Big pharma said two days ago tgey had 500 million doses of Avian vaccine and everyone needs to line up again. I’ll say this. it will be a cold day in he’ll before I get that shot. After the covid nightmare NO! It’s funny, we the people are the ginny pigs for our government germ warfare and most of the public are to stupid to figure it out. Any bets for next year having swine flu? It’s about time for that one again! I’m not telling you to not get a flu shot but what else is in it? They had about 500 million doses of covid they made and didn’t get rid of so step up democrates. It’s time for another booster! Enjoy your pain afterwards.
I have heard that all vaccines now contain the mRNA and that they all should be avoided. No vaccines period. They won’t save lives if you end up with cancer or any of the other 1,000+ “adverse effects.” There is no safe vaccine. Do Not Comply!
Telling people to completely avoid vaccines is reckless and actually could be deadly.
While I agree it should always be our right to choose know this. As a member of the National Vaccine Information Center for seventeen years I can tell you this. It was Ronald Reagan who allowed the pharmaceutical companies to run amok. NVICA, 1986.
Unfortunately those that have stated that no vaccine is safe and effective at this time are accurate. They are designed to do various things to the human body. Saving your life is not one of them. Sorry.
How about providing accurate and verifiable information and accepting the decisions we make for ourselves? Are you a free person or a serf?
No, friend. Actually, telling people to avoid vaccines will save their lives and prevent permanent damage to them.
Agreed! Thank you!
Amen to that
“I have heard”. We need to know for a fact.
go back to sleep
Seriously Mike? So, you got the jabs huh?
please look at the website and many links provided to you at notsafeandnoteffective.com
The role of Dunleavy in this bureaucratic mega-effort has not explored. You know, the “pro-Alaskan” and “conservative” Gov who promoted carbon sequestration, went to Berlin to brag about it, and gave us Anne Zink — who pushed vaxxing 6 mos old babies (along with Lisa M.) right to the end of her anti-humanity tenure. Oh, but they would never try that again now, would they? With Gates & Soros money behind them, we see how the AK legislature has been bought and paid for, too. The NPR machine might soon be eliminated with Trump, but Soros still owns other media outlets and their reporters. After they retire, reporters like Chris Cilliza will make heart-felt apologies for being the hired goons that spouted the Big Pharma Lies. I don’t think there will be many people lining up for the Kool Aid this time, but accurate predictions belong to only to the Almighty.
All good points.
As with everything else, the one thing that never is addressed is full transparency. Some vaccines actually work, some are only called vaccines and are pushed by the legal drug pushers of the country. RFK is absolutely correct in making all the actual science visible and available to the common American. Then, and only then, can the common person make an informed decision. Without this vital step, the masses of people will resist as they have actual proof that they have been lied to and duped by the “experts”. Why not put our State money into this transparency effort rather than spending millions and countless hours on giving the masses what Pharma wants, not what the people need?
Tell me the State and partners (money sources for “researchers” and other pet projects) aren’t going to propagandize We the People without telling me you’re going to force five years of propaganda on us!
What a waste of tax revenue when most people now have zero trust of these same messengers. .
So they need to build trust by deceiving more and countering critical reasoning through more bs. Many aren’t hesitant, they are DONE! It’s a very popular standpoint and this system is done for.
What a coincidence autism and ADHD numbers rose alongside the increase in childhood vaccinations, and then along comes “COVID”, they can keep their jabs.
I know, totally get it Johnny. For several reasons I had to visit DMV last Wednesday and then on Friday I burned the hell out of some pancakes for my daughters. They were POd. I hate the DMV!
You are spot on ! Where’s the justice for all Alaskans who’s health have been drastically effected and the many who are dead and dying from this fake vac ? Their blood calls out for justice from the ground.
Our Alaskan government officials, all the way to the top need to held accountable !
Now with the new crop of Lawmakers in Committees it’s even worse, in it not for the health and safety of Alaskan citizens but in it for power, prestige and control of Alaskans ‘ very lives.
God help us all, we cannot withstand much more of their evil shenanigans, we are being thinned out and replaced by the Globalist hordes of humanity from all over the world, especially from countries that hate America and are using Political elite as tools to literally invade and destroy Western civilization by the weaponization of all State and Federal agencies that they control .
One of the weak points of your comment is that you claim the Covid19 vaccine is responsible for “Alaskans who’s health have been drastically effected and the many who are dead and dying”. There is zero proof that you claim is true. Zero. If you’ve got some evidence that I don’t know about, please share.
Exactly, wasting more money on useless marketing won’t do it. Third party oversight, proper ingredients along with proper testing would be a better start. In other words, make a product that works and isn’t designed as a primary depopulation weapon.
Somehow the financial costs are always engineered to be bourn by the people that are also reaping the disaster of them. Again, we look to Dunleavy to back into the shadows. He is no DeSantis. We must educate ourselves, eyes wide open. We will also always have naysayers and it is their right to go the path they want. I for one am absolutely a big NO on the big pharma medical industrial complex gold mine of the supposed life saving vaccines.
Well said Ronald! Thank you!
Sad that my last comment was pulled by the blog police. Though it was completely factual based on actual education. I guess now I know the Wathcman is not about truth.
Will this be anything NEW? Until vaccine proponents engage with actual DATA about vaccines instead of just attacking the messengers of critical safety information and the history of diseases in the US, nothing will change. If this side of the vaccine issue is fairly new to you, good sources to “catch up” on the debate include TheHighWire dot com, and the books Dissolving Illusions by Dr Suzanne Humphries, and the book Turtles All the Way Down by Anonymous.
Furthermore, their “science” is not science – it is an appeal to “Authorities,” who all too often are compromised.
McDonalds has more liability serving hot coffee than a doctor has injecting a newborn with a “shot.” I could sue McDonalds for coffee burns but if my kid gets Type 1 diabetes or asthma or Autism or leukemia shortly after a “wellness check” no one blinks an eye. They won’t even look into a connection. Let’s hope RFK does some digging and Americans do some soul searching in how much we blindly trust medical professionals. Until there is liability for vaccine injury we should all take a pause.
If you simultaneously shove a gerbil up your rear end while you suck on a vitamin C tablet, you will be protected from Covid. Believe me, it’s a fact, just don’t injure the gerbil, it’s not his fault.
We are being led by a bunch of idiots who didn’t learn a thing during the attack by the CCP and their useful idiots like legacy media and the evil Fauci…! Unbelievable!
Watchman watching a bit too closely?
As a retired Paramedic, retired USAF NCO who has had multiple vaccines over the decades, along with the flat out lying by our Governments, State(s) and Federal, I am highly conflicted with this.
Here just recently, Moderna came out and admitted the vaccine has been found to cause cancers! At the time, my then wife Sandy and I both trusted what our government was doing at the height of the China Virus epidemic, thus we both took the Moderna shots. In January of 2023 my wife Sandy died of cancer. Since we did not do an autopsy, I have no way of knowing if the Moderna shot had an impact. Yet, what with Fauci’s lies, and all that has come out about what our government did to violate our trust, I am of the belief that she died because of the China Virus Vaccine (CVV).
In the article ” The draft report specifically focuses on declining vaccination rates for childhood immunizations, flu, and HPV, stating that this trend poses “significant risks to community health and highlight the need for targeted outreach and education.” The promoting of flu/CVV, even a combined flu/CVV is dubious to say the least! This year will be the first I will not take the so called flu vaccine. The flu shot has never been a true vaccine. Small Poxs, Polio, Measles, yes they have been vaccines, the flu is a best guess at what latest virus will be. Since I am retired and don’t work and not in the public, I will not take. Then the lie I was told in the Air Force about the HPV vaccine. I took the 3 shot series and had ZERO coverage, and I found that out years later. As a Paramedic, I relied on that to protect me, it never did and by the grace of God I didn’t get Hep B! Now, in just a little reading, I would not take a RSV shot for nothing! RSV has been around for decades, first identified in the 1950’s, mainly with children. Now the ads are doing their best to scare the hell out of seniors, when that has not been big issues from the 50’s to now! This is a MRnA vaccine, just like the CVV! No proof it actually works.
Now we have even our Alaska government pushing a very dubious science and wanting a campaign to “enlighten” us! How much money have we spent with ads for a virus that is now of no consequence? When that money could be used for far better purposes!
Is this just more of our government pushing lies and attacking people whom choose to challenge what we believe to be false science and lies, by using “misinformation”? Why can’t our government come clean and show the truth that certain so called vaccines are NOT vaccines in the true sense of the word! Why can’t our government undo the attacks on our Doctors for using medicines that did work! Why can’t our government actually do factual studies of those life saving drugs in real clinical trials that don’t have a preconceived outcome? Far too many times I have heard that there was no real proof they worked, when I personally know people who used and survived while others who were denied DIED!
Bottom line for me, our government has a huge amount of repairing to do to regain any confidence in this issue!
Mike I’m amazed as a vet you still trust anything coming out of a politician or bureaucrats mouth. But then again, Air Force. That explains it.
HI, Mike, I’m so sorry about your wife. If she was vaxxed, there’s a good chance that it was the case of her cancer. The flu is another covid shot for those who were avoiding the Covid vax. There was that one year (2020?) where flu deaths flatlined and everyone died from Covid. No studies on drugs that actually worked were done bc they just didn’t want them out there. Simple. They will never come clean. Fauci, who brought us AIDS, deliberately removed anything that worked, but we slaves managed to pull through in spite of him and his non experience treating patients. I wrote an extremely long comment (thesis), about 3x the length of yours, it appeared for about 5 minutes and then disappeared. If it doesn’t go back up, I will write the editor. In my comment I wrote the answer to this treason against us in the form of Covid vax bc I can see the Dept of Health is previewing what is to come: a repeat of 2020. Dr. Hotez, who apparently took the place of Fauci, announced another “pandemic”, to start on Jan 21, one day after Trump returns. Problem is pandemics don’t occur this way. It looks like the bird flu, H5N1. There is a vax all ready to go, waiting for us. They might spray the air with some very deadly bioweapon first, to kill many very fast, and the rest will run to the govt for help, where the deadly vax will be waiting. Instead of falling for that, everyone who is awake and aware should NOT go. No vax, No PCR. They are both a hoax. Rather, you should go buy a box of quit smoking patches: 7 mg patch. Cut in half (3.5 mg). This is a small enough dose that it won’t cause nausea and I am comfortable recommending it. This is the dose recommended by a whistleblower doctor who I follow. I don’t want to give his name bc whistleblowers generally don’t fare well. Place on ribs (thin skin area, more absorbable) after shower so it doesn’t fall off . Put your warm hand over the top for 10 seconds to secure it, above belt line, about mid chest, so it doesn’t rub on waist (or bra for women). Change it every 24 hours. a box of 14 will last 28 days. Wearing a patch every single day while these criminals continue their activities will keep everyone safe. 3.5 mg will do the trick. If you prefer, you can use the gum at 1-2 mg three times per day. You might have to cut it in half to get the right dose. The Rugby patch on Amazon is the best/cleanest patch to use everyday, accdg to dr study. Lucy is the other option on Amazon. The nicotine will get rid of toxins, chemicals, poisons (not heavy metal or microplastics). You may know from working as a Paramedic that we have trillions of cells. Each cell has a nicotine receptor. The nicotine goes to its respective parking spot on each cell and kicks out the poisons which have been building up for years and years and years, slowly making you sicker and sicker and sicker. Every cell they overtake stops the cell from doing its job. After a time, the entire organ stops working. The poisons are eliminated thru skin, kidneys and colon when nicotine is used. Now, every cell gets cleaned up and begins functioning again. As this happens, you start feeling better and better. The change begins within hours to days to weeks. It’s a cure, not a placebo. It’s over the counter, cheap, and it actually works (I do not sell anything, just trying to help bc I have had this info since this summer and my brain fog is finally gone. I thought I had Alzheimer’s). I was in the right place at the right time when I discovered it, but unfortunately, not everyone is ready to receive this info yet. One enlightened orthopod said that after less than 24 hours, her patient not only recovered from a flu contracted on a cruise that kept him bedridden x 2 weeks , but the recovery was overnight and he even felt 20 years younger. It works fast! The nicotine in this patch is non addictive, not laced with 599 pyrazines – addictive chemicals – and arsenic. Studies are in PubMed, the doctor’s favorite reference, right there, readily available, but doctors don’t recommend bc a cured patient is a lost patient – that’s the bottom line. These are studies that should be made public when you want and desperately need the facts. I can tell you that this patch will cure so many things (including myocarditis – see study) when the nicotine simply displaces the toxins and parks itself, protecting the cell. Isn’t that amazing. Children don’t need to die in 5 years with this. No one needs to suffer. Glyphosate is a weed killer in Roundup, used since the 70’s, made by Monsanto and still on the market, but sold by Bayer now, to fool us. All our food and the soil is saturated in glyphosate and it’s doing the same thing as the vax, attaching to our cells and killing us. It’s in all medications. We are slowly dying from this. Please just try nicotine. When you join the service, they own you. You must be vaxxed or leave. Most comply and many have died. The military has a tracking system similar to VAERS and it looks dismal. Pilots can’t fly anymore, soldiers can’t shoot, march, perform their duties. They get discharged and then ignored and pushed around by the VA. It’s criminal, and military trials are coming. I tried a quarter dose of 3.5 mg on my 5 lb Yorkie and she regained her hearing in less than 24 hours. I hadn’t even thought of using it on her until I learned this poison is in all the food. An 82 yo friend regained hearing overnight. Deaf x 18 years. He said his vision has also improved, colors are brighter. I can’t prove this but I can say studies DO prove it. It even cures schizophrenia and Alzheimers and MS and even diabetes, bc the cells get rid of the toxins and start working again. Covid injections gave us > 2000 side effects. Theres a lot of cleaning to do. I was in the nursing “industry” for many years and saw what was going on. Most just go along with the program. I worked with people who obeyed and died “to keep their job”. I’ve been studying the natural side since then and there is no comparison. Why not use plants to get well vs plants that have been synthetically changed with side effects and toxins added, ie, Valerian, the plant, becomes Valium. Vaccines have never been tested, but Congress allows them to be given to everyone now without consequences for the most part, because pharma spends billions for what they want. Our illness and death are the end product. SIDS is made up. It wasn’t bc you put the baby down wrong, it was the vaccine. Now it is called SADS – sudden adult death syndrome. It’s from the Covid vax. The vax is what killed millions, not the illness, in case the Dept of Health is interested. If DOD wants vaccines, why haven’t they made a fentanyl or heroin or cocaine vaccine to “protect” the user?? Drugs are a big problem, brought here by our own US Government. That’s why there’s no vaccine for drug use. Did you hear that Biden threatened a 98% tax on all nicotine products? Now you know why. Nicotine is the cure and they’ve known it the whole time. It has been hiding in plain sight, as they say. Amazon asks, “what are you using this product for?” NO MORE VACCINES, NO MORE PCR TESTS, NO MORE MASKS, NO MORE SOCIAL DISTANCING. JUST SAY NO. USE NICOTINE. And…get rid of all LED lighting around you. It makes you fat and docile, and eliminates hormones, causing ED. There isn’t much out there that can be trusted. 90% of obesity is LED lighting, 10% is processed food. Food is covering for LED trickery. I hope you feel better, Mike. Thank you for your service.
Editor, puleese do not remove this.
Charlotte. First you need to talk to a trusted friend or family or reach out to the many social and psychological services in Alaska. I think your passion is misdirected. You might benefit from the guidance of a professional who can limit the scope of your broad brush accusations and beliefs.
Second, this may sound trite or confrontational, but fewer words in your post will attract more sympathetic readers. A lot of words equals a lot of time commitment and most of us have only a few minutes to spend.
Dunleavys a cowardly liar! Believe it or not some of us figured that out early on. Then responded not a chance am i or any family members of receiving the death shot! LEARNING THE HARD WAY ISN’T ADVISABLE! Now join those of us who are determined to corner dunleavy and demand the truth! WE WILL NOT COMPLY!
Coons. Moderna DID NOT report that their vaccine caused cancer. Instead, they said that FOR THOSE PATIENTS ALREADY WITH CANCER, the vaccine may not be effective due to the patient’s compromised immune system.
Since you only have a few minutes to spend, just peruse the photos on https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/evidence-of-harm
This is Chapter 8 of 26. I know you don’t have time for the whole thing. Notsafeandnoteffective.com
Hello Governor D . Are you there??? This is your health department . Speak up Are you seeing what your admin is scheming ? More nonsense from the Dept of Health. Will you sit back and watch? Or are you completely behind the gas-lighting at our expense both monetarily (govt funded propaganda again) and the expense to the health of those Alaskans who will believe the ridiculous “science “ they’ll shove down their throats. Please, for once, stand tall against this regurgitated insanity.
Beautiful and well said!
To the Watchman editors, my reply y’all neglected to post was based on verifiable facts. It was also a test, you failed.
Truth can hurt, yet it stands on its own merit. I’m not interested in comfortable beliefs, only truth. The Watchman does not stand for truth, just more of the same censorship based on opinions or funding. Wouldn’t it be a sight to see those like Mary Holland, JFK Jr. to come to Alaska and educate the people with the actual facts? Let’s see if we can make that happen. It was doctor friends who don’t vaccinate their kids that started me down the path of truth. They didn’t tell me what to do, they just said sit down and absorb the raw data then make a decision. Best thing anyone has ever done for my family. Take heed, or be a test subject then a statistic. I’m done here. Peace!
I must reply to you, Jonathan. The Watchman is conservative and freedom of speech resides here. Most likely did not remove your comment. Sometimes there is a glitch. If you click “comment” more than once, you can delete it yourself. Watchman brought you the story. Watchman is conservative, Watchman is here, working night and day, not all even take a salary, but they know that we need information during these very dangerous times. Look at all the responses here today. I was here earlier and scanned comments. I thought I saw pro vax. But most are anti. People are awake and DO NOT want more of the same. We won’t stand for it. Many of us might not learn about the Dept of Health plans were it not for Watchman. They work so hard to bring you the stories that the mainstream media won’t tell you about. This story today might save lives. Please don’t be so judgmental when your comment disappears. It sounds like it was quite interesting. Why don’t you try posting it once more!
I fully retract my reply about the editors not posting one of my replies. It appeared some time after the post was sent out.
Thank you!!
I’m with you charlotte. I post comments opposing the general mindset here at Watchman yet they are almost always included. Joel doesn’t have to allow me to bitch, chastise and attack. But he does. I like that about Joel.
The Department of Health in Alaska and news stations and publications everywhere are suddenly ramping up the joys of vaccines and the Covid VAX. Is that coincidental to Peter Hotez “MD”, taking Fauci’s place, announcing a week or two ago that a pandemic is coming and it begins Jan 21? Okay, thats 24 hours after Trump inauguration, yes? 1. Pandemics are not planned, they occur. 2. In this “pandemic”, animals will be needlessly slaughtered and we will have a food shortage. This is different from COVID, the food supply wasn’t affected this way. This “pandemic” is H5N1, bird flu. It’s not even a serious problem.
AK Dept of Health wants to tell us that anyone (like me) who speaks out against the vax is not correct. However, they are the ones who are lying to us again, I realize that the minds of the vaxxed are more affected now and nothing anyone can say will change that, so I am addressing those who still have a mind to think with and eyes to see. We have all been chlorinated, fluoridated, vaxxxed (childhood + flu + tetanus etc etc), chemtrailed, lied to and programmed by our tel-lie-visions for many years and are already dumbed down and numb. The Covid vax only worsened the situation. It either killed outright, or sometime later. the 5 year mark is here and VAIDS is starting to occur in those who complied by getting all the mandated/suggested vaxxes. This is AIDS. They want more people vaxxed so here comes the data tracking and the social media campaigns to straighten us out so we all run like Lemings to get vaxxed. AGAIN. The first pandemic was meant to cause chaos and to see how we reacted to it. This was planned many, many years ago. Had Hillary won in 2020, we would all be tied up and vaxxed and put into a FEMA camp to die. But Trump won. So here comes a second campaign to cause chaos. I have heard that a bio weapon may be dropped on certain large cities (like what happened in NY-dead bodies being stored in refrigerated trucks, Covid patients being transferred to nursing homes to infect the seniors), that will quickly kill many people. The rest of us go running to the government to be saved with another deadly vax. The vax does nothing but destroy your God-given immune system and then you. The most deaths were caused and are still being caused by the “mandated” vax. Do you remember seeing professional sports players dying suddenly on the field? VAX. How about pregnant mothers losing their babies, one vaxxed spouse “shedding” on the the other and causing all kinds of problems? VAX. The PCR test didn’t test for squat, it is just another vax that went thru your nose, up to the cribiform plate to your brain, where you now suffer from neuro diseases. Please do not get the vax, do not have a PCR test, stay far away. Here is a list of symptoms of long COVID that don’t go away with any medication (but big pharma and drs are happy to say, sorry, I don’t know what caused this, but it’s probably permanent, Here’s another script for you). BTW, all the medications have the vax. Glyphosate (weed killer) has the vax or a component, of it, so it has infected the entire food supply, and the world is getting dosed with it when they eat. It is causing symptoms, chronic disease and you have no idea that it’s coming from food, medications and the VAX. Here are 20 symptoms caused by long COVID: chronic fatigue, dizziness, can’t take deep breaths, low-grade fever, loss of taste/loss smell, memory lapses, muscle pain/weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, concentration difficulties, sleep difficulties, mood disorders, headache, chest tightness/pain, heart palpitations, cognitive impairment, motor deficits, exercise intolerance, new onset of diabetes, new onset of hypertension. Then you have the big problems: stroke, heart attack, myocarditis (now it’s common for kids to have these), Parkinsons, ALS, MS, Alzheimers, dementia, schizophrenia, depression, autism, seizures… There are 2000 + symptoms/diseases caused by the Covid vax. Now, the good news. There is a doctor whose father in law was killed in a hospital with Remdesivir and a ventilator. This doctor reviewed the patient’s medical record and found that Remdesevir caused kidney failure in the patient. This is the protocol put forth by Fauci. Drugs that would work could not be used. They were removed from the market, available only overseas. The doctor above vowed to expose big pharma and he began looking to Pfizer and other vax sites, uncovering their agenda online, learning what the vax did and what the fix was. They always have the antidote. He looked at PubMed, the doctor’s fav place to read about studies and found a goldmine: the cure for this mess is a simple, cheap, effective nicotine patch readily available. The dr studies on PubMed state the cure themselves. I am not just lightly suggesting it. Since the cure is clearly on PubMed, why haven’t any of your doctors out there recommended this simple patch, vs a drug or a test that is useless? Well, a cured patient is a lost patient. You all should go buy a box of nicotine quit smoking patches, 7 mg. Theres 14 patches per box. Cut the patch in half, you have 3.5 mg. Doing this gives you 28 days of patch doses ! Put this half-patch on ribs, alternate L and R side each day; use after shower bc it will fall off in the shower. Once you put it on the skin, place your hand on top of it for 10 seconds to get it to adhere and it will stay. Repeat in 24 hours. 3.5 mg is a small dose. If you use 7 mg or more, you may get nauseous and vomit. See if you don’t feel better within minutes to hours to days. You just might be amazed. I was. When you are done with this box, if you are happy with the results, continue to use every single day to fight whatever we are bombarded with. This treatment is cheap, over the counter, and works fast. CURES people. Now, that’s different. I’ve been using 3.5 mg everyday since last summer and I have my mind back. No more brain fog. I put a small patch on my dog and she has partial hearing back after 12 hours. The vert would cringe, not an approved treatment. Her deafness probably caused by the glyphosate in all the food. My 82 yo friend used the patch and had restored hearing in less than a day after being deaf for 18 years. I’m sorry for testimonials here, but the studies you really want to see are on PubMed. Nicotine is not addictive because it doesn’t have the 599 additional addictive chemicals (pyrazines) in it + arsenic. Thats what cigarettes have in them. Hence, cancer sticks. The patch has none of that. It’s just nicotine, one of the plants God gave us to heal ourselves with. We have been told nicotine is addictive and causes cancer. Not true. Tobacco products are addictive bc they intentionally made them that way so we would be sick with disease and medicine and big pharma would benefit. The government is not your friend, folks. They are out to weaken and sicken you, take all your money and kill you. And here comes the Alaska Dept of Health to help you! Don’t succumb. Try the nicotine before it is removed from the shelves as has been done in Australia and New Zealand. Biden promised to increase the nicotine tax to 98%, do you recall that? So a box of $25 patches would cost $50. I am not selling nicotine products, not involved in any way except to help spread the word for the unnamed doctor who has worked so hard to expose this Covid joke. If you want to know more, ie, see the videos I have saved from this doctor naming the studies, or hear how exactly the nicotine works, I can’t put my email here because the trolls are always around. Please get a box of patches and use as above. and PLEASE DONT GET VAXXED AGAIN and no PCR test. Masks only make you sick by keeping the expired air around your face. Social distancing only causes social problems bc we are social animals. Handwashing with alcohol-based products causes cancer in 15% of people. It was all a plan, every single detail. ALL VACCINES (incl childhood and senior) ARE DANGEROUS. Since when does a senior need 200 vaccines a year?? WE HAVE IMMUNE SYSTEMS, eat a good diet, exercise and sleep well.
“You eat what you like and I’ll eat what I like.”
-Yukon Cornelius
Advertise all you want, DHHS, but don’t force anything into my bloodstream.
lol, when the libs say my body my choice, it’s wonderful, isn’t it. But when conservatives say it about the vax, we are terrorized!
Here we go again. Wasting funds trying to convince people to play Russian roulette with their health. Hands off our bodies, our children’s bodies, our elderly. Did you not reach your quota of dead the first time around? How STUPID do you think we are?!!
Mike, so sorry about your wife. My condolences and prayers for your comfort.
Now, independent research statistics recently showed that cancer deaths in the USA were more than triple in 2023 than in 2022. Coincidence???
Safe and Effective is not a lie.
Mike Coons, first of all condolences on the loss of your wife. Dr, Makis has been reporting the sudden rise of turbo cancers in those who got the experimental mRNA Covid shots (you can access much of his information for free on Substack.). As the mRNA shot destroys the immune systems in many who have taken it cancers and recurrent cancers have skyrocketed.
Secondly the HPV shot is not the 3 series Hepatitis B shot often mandated to hospital and emergency responders. HPV is Human Papilloma Virus and it’s the Gardasil shot, also given as 2 or 3 shots to supposedly prevent cervical cancer and genital warts.
As a longtime Watchman reader I want to thank AW for this article and for the many excellent reader comments. It would appear Alaskans 4 Personal Freedom has had more of an impact than the AK Dept of Health bargained for. For millions across America the experimental, no long- term human studies, Covid mRNA shots were the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back; and we woke up to question everything we had been fed for decades. My spouse and I began our journey to truth decades ago when we found our 4 month old baby limp like a rag doll after having a seizure the same day he got a DPT shot. And from that day on we have not stopped asking questions about immunizations, routine or otherwise. We pray many more will wake up to the AK Health Dept. vaccine propaganda and question everything they are being told before submitting to coercion and intimidation.
Outbreaks of polio, measles, diphtheria …. so many WONDERS to look forward to as Americans devolve into narcissism and conspiracy theories.
There are a couple of books and reports that everyone interested in finding the TRUTH about the crap they forced into people’s arms during the SCAMDEMIC. A suggestion to all the folks that are sure that vaccines are so great: DO SOME RESEARCH ! There is more and more worldwide information on the devastating effects of the crap injected into the arms of people who are stuck on TRUSTING YOUR GOVERNMENT. Start doing some actual research instead of blindly supporting an Industry that isn’t really interested in your GOOG health.
POG. The daily clout you referenced doesn’t provide unbiased anything. Judging by the title of articles, they lean toward conspiracy and anti vax. And, they don’t report on anything factual, COVID 19 vax-wise, they ask their readers to read the government report and then file their findings on the Clout website. So no, this website is a dead end for research.
Got any evidence from neutral unbiased scientists who employ the scientific method to create defensible and reliable true statements? Let’s start there.
Jeff: NO PROBLEM – did you read the Pfizer Papers? You must be a speed reader! Question? Should we listen to the nuetral/unbiased scientists like Faucci? How much investigation have you done on this issue?
Suggestion: Go keep getting your Covid Boosters and see how that works out for you!
notsafeandnoteffective.com is a free online resource that aims to put that info in one place for you to access easily.
Bottomline Alaska has been Kalifornicated !
Listen to Debbie Brown’s compelling & tragic testimony from Thurs, Jan. 2, Hour 2 on “The Talk of the Kenai.” Go to http://www.radiokenai.com, click on Podcasts at top right, follow the prompts. Linda Boyle is on the show at 3:35 today, KSRM Radio 92, online at http://www.radiokenai.com.
Nothing new. Alaska is a great place to test vaccines. Better control group. It’s part of our legacy. Just ask an elder.
I am so grateful to read these comments from so many Alaskans who understand the current dangers of “vaccines.” Anyone still on board with the “vaccines save lives” narrative has a lot of catching up to do. There are thousands of articles I could share, but just for starters, here are two fascinating pieces that came out today, January 3, 2024.
The first says a group of high school students, using an FDA lab, have published an article that demonstrates highly excessive amounts of DNA in tested vials of COVID products: https://blog.maryannedemasi.com/p/exclusive-fda-lab-uncovers-excess
The second is from Dr. Ana Mihalcea about the nano-technology in the shots. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/national-nanotechnology-initiative-f05
Dr Ana has looked at ALL of the vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule under the microscope and found self-assembling nanotech in every one of them. Her Substack is a wealth of information for those who are courageous enough to look.
Bring it on, Department of Health. You’ll have some very serious questions to answer this time around.
It is apparent from this single story about the AK Dept of Health that people are not the same trusting , compliant beings we were the first time around. Fool me once.. They fooled us once and now only a couple here are still ready for the DOD to help them. They can’t be helped, but with the rest of us standing up, these criminals will soon cease their threats. They will put out a threat over the airwaves and then sit back and wait for the response they want. What happened to the monkey pox virus that was coming just a couple months ago? How about the drones last week? All gone now. We weren’t impressed. This week it’s either black soot or white cloud-like material being sprayed in many states by drones. What’s that about? It causes illness. Is it a bioweapon precursor to motivate us to run to DOD for the new vax that will kill us? Continue to speak against their agenda, this H5N1, and it will be history. The pro vaxxers can go their chosen way. They’re possibly so brain-maimed from 2020, that they can’t be helped. (Homo Borg Genesis.) No more vax, PCR, mask, social distancing, hand washing with alcohol. Try the nicotine patch for symptoms suffered with the Covid vax. Simple directions are above.
The healthiest child is an unvaccinated child. Also the rarest child. As for polio…it has revisited us with the arrival of so many illegal aliens. You have to wonder– if it’s so important for us to be “vaccinated,” why are illegals not given shots upon arrival at our border? They are simply released into our country, diseases and all. Kinda weird, huh? Makes you wonder what the real agenda is.
Vaccines are awesome. One of the side effects is that you may die but that’s normal. After all you can trust state of Alaska that can’t distribute federal food stamps money on time but never fails to steal our PFD. Bottoms up !
A coalition of over 17,000 doctors sent a joint letter to the Senate, asking members to vote against Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nomination to be secretary of health and human services under Donald Trump.
January 9 2025
The Committee to Protect Health Care said in its letter that Kennedy is “not only unqualified to lead this essential agency—he is actively dangerous.” The group describes Trump’s decision to nominate him as “an affront to the principles of public health, the tireless dedication of medical professionals, and the trust that millions of Americans place in the health care system.”