In a move that has drawn praise from parental rights advocates and champions for girls’ sports, a federal district court in Kentucky issued a fatal blow to the Biden administration’s attempt to force all U.S. public schools into embracing and advancing radical transgender ideology.
The Jan. 9 decision in State of Tennessee v. Cardona blocks the Biden administration’s unlawful attempt to change the meaning of “sex” to “gender identity” in Title IX – a 1972 federal law that was specifically designed to create equal opportunities for women in education and athletics.
Alaska had been exempted from the unconstitutional overreach thanks to a separate court ruling last summer which temporarily blocked the law in several states. The latest ruling, however, block’s the novel interpretation of Tite IX nationwide.
While the national ruling provides vital relief for students across the country, residents of Alaska still need to be vigilant as many local school districts are continuing to advance the transgender agenda on smaller, regional levels.
By attempting to add LGBTQ identities as protected classes, the Biden administration’s goal was to pressure schools that recieve federal education dollars into affirming this controversial agenda across all educational programs, hiring practices, sports and other areas of school culture like bathroom policies and pronoun uses.
Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent a West Virginia high-school female athlete and Christian Educators Association International in the lawsuit alongside the state of Tennessee. The district court ruling applies nationwide and to every part of the Biden Title IX rule, meaning the rule is completely invalidated, and the U.S. Department of Education is unable to enforce it – anywhere.
“This is a colossal win for women and girls across the country,” said ADF CEO, President, and General Counsel Kristen Waggoner. “The Biden administration’s radical attempt to redefine sex not only tossed fairness, safety, and privacy for female students out the window, it also threatened free speech and parental rights. With this ruling, the federal court in Kentucky rejected the entire Biden rule and the administration’s illegal actions.”
While the national ruling provides vital relief for students across the country, residents of Alaska still need to be vigilant as many local school districts are continuing to advance the transgender agenda on smaller, regional levels.
Nationally, the U.S. Supreme Court can further protect girls by granting to hear cases brought by the ACLU against West Virginia and Idaho laws that protect women’s sports.
The athlete client that ADF represented is a 15-year-old West Virginia girl who was forced to compete against a biological male on her middle school track team. The male beat her several times, even taking away her spot to compete in a conference championship. The male athlete was also given access to the girls’ locker room, and the ADF client had to endure vulgar, sexual comments that the athlete directed at her. The male athlete finished ahead of nearly 300 female competitors in three years of competition on the girls’ team. That same male athlete is the plaintiff in the West Virginia case, now pending at the Supreme Court, which resulted in a ruling undermining West Virginia’s law protecting women’s sports.
Well, Anchorage School District and Jharrett Bryantt , take this ruling to heart and dismantle, defund all policy, regulations and mandates for embracing and advancing radical transgender ideology. There is nothing but SHE and HE assigned at birth regardless how you identify in schools without telling your parents about it. Thank god I don’t have any kids to be exposed to this crazy trans agenda forced by the less than 10%.
God only knows where you got that stock photo from.
I have seen that image on several news feeds.. And a few other angles of the same group setting… It’s not a new shot.
These young men, and I mean men, should be absolutely embarrassed by their behavior. And any adult that supports and justifies this behavior are just as juvenile as the participating young men.
GREAT news! Finally girls are winning. The sooner this gender thing is put back where it belongs, the better it will be. And if the LGBTQ+ people think about it, they will be better off, too, when they are not pushed on people and have their own leagues. The competition among equals will be much better to watch.
Shelia, for such a balanced comment that you have posted, I’m baffled by your incredible off the rails support of dunleavy! EXPLAIN YOUR SELF!
What about the drag queen story hours for the children? I hope they will put a stop to that too!!
Speaking only for myself and not the Anchorage School Board or Anchorage School District:
The Anchorage School Board has never voted on the matter of parental notification regarding gender identity. The Administration and Board have refused to consider my policy proposal supporting parental notification, with the only reason given was wanting to wait until the new “Title IX guidelines” by the Biden Administration where provided. Now those Biden Title IX rules are dead, I have again requested Board consideration of my parental notification policy proposal.
The current status is that in 2020, the Administration adopted an “administrative guideline” limiting parental notification regarding gender, names and pronouns chosen by secondary (middle and high school) students. Only the school board can adopt “policy” but until the board adopts a policy the administrative guidelines are in effect. The existing ASD “Administrative Guidelines: Working with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students and Employee” revised August 20, 2020, provides:
In order to maintain privacy and confidentiality regarding student transition and gender identity, the school shall act in accordance with the following age appropriate policies:
. . .
B. Secondary: Generally, notification of a student’s parent about his or her gender identity, expression or transition is unnecessary, as they are already aware and may be supportive. In some cases, however, notifying parents carries risks for the student if the family does not support the student’s desire to transition. Prior to notification of any parent or guardian regarding the transition process, school staff should work closely with the student to assess the degree to which, if any, the parent/guardian will be involved in the process, considering at all times the health, well-being, and safety of the transitioning student.
My Board Policy proposal submitted in August 2023, would require principals to meet with parents and students regarding gender changing requests unless a clear danger to the student exists and the School Board confidentially approves not advising the parents. Even with that provision ensuring student safety I have been unable to get the support from one more Board Member, which is necessary to bring a policy proposal before the Board.
Dave Donley
There are TEN transgender athletes playing college sports, out of over 500 thousand. And yet THIS the issue the GOP was most focused on last year in campaign commercials.
When you see a single orange starting to rot in a bag of healthy oranges, you take that rotten orange out so it does not spread to the rest of the good fruit.