
Last month, the U.S. House passed the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2025 with a vote of 218 to 206. Two Democrats joined Republicans in supporting the bill.

Today, Monday March 3rd, it’s the Senate’s turn.

The vote is scheduled this evening on the Senate version of this bill (S. 9), sponsored by Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) and co-sponsored by our own Senator Dan Sullivan.

We applaud President Trump’s recent Executive Order on this subject but we need a federal legislation to provide more permanent protection of women’s and girls’ sports.

CLICK HERE to thank Senator Dan Sullivan, a co-sponsor of the legislation.

“Too many girls and women across our country have had their dreams dashed because the former administration shredded Title IX protections by allowing biological men to compete against them in sports.” said U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan. “Protecting our daughters and granddaughters’ right to fair and safe competition is a civil rights issue, and I’m proud to be an original cosponsor of the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act. Going forward, I look forward to continue working with organizations across the country and in our state – like the Alaska Family Council – to fight back against a culture that is intent on dismantling our values and denying our female athletes the right to stand on the winner’s platform.”

In 2021, Senator Murkowski was the only Republican to vote against an amendment to a COVID relief bill that would have protected female athletes. Alaska Family Council reached out to Murkowski’s office but haven’t heard anything back as of this writing. CLICK HERE to contact Senator Murkowski and encourage her to vote YES on S.9 to protect girls from having to compete against boys in athletics.

Title IX, enacted in 1972, was created, in part, to carve out a space for women in the athletic world. In 1972, only 300,000 women nationwide participated in high school athletics. Today, estimates are that more than 3.2 million high school girls are involved in sports. At the collegiate level, there are almost 230,000 female athletes. These women have worked tirelessly to be competitive in their respective sports.

Sadly, gender ideology is destroying the space that Title IX created for women’s sports. Examples are piling up of female athletes losing to males, missing out on titles and opportunities, and having their privacy and safety violated – athletes like Riley Gaines, Selina Soule, and Payton McNabb, just to name a few. One estimate found that nearly 900 female athletes worldwide have lost medals to male competitors.

The views expressed here are those of the author.

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TODAY: Tell Alaska Sen. Murkowski to protect girls sports from male athletes

Jim Minnery
A lifelong Alaskan, Jim Minnery has served as the executive director of Alaska Family Council since its inception in 2006.

1 Comment

  • Sally Duncan says:

    i have written Senator Sullivan thanking him for his co-sponsoring of this bill. Truly, it is a waste of my time to write Murkowski. She has already gone off the edge and joined the left.

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