Update on Eagle River/Chugiak area’s effort to secede from Anchorage
It’s time to bring local government HOME to the people in our communities of Eagle River, Chugiak, Birchwood, Peters Creek, Eklutna, Hiland Road, Thunderbird Falls and Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson! We’re on a mission to form a separate,
AK lawmaker demands more educational funds, while deriding calls for greater accountability
State Sen. Loki Tobin (D-Anchorage) blasted her fellow lawmakers who are wary of pumping hundreds of millions in additional funding into Alaska’s failing public education system without added accountability measures. Tobin’s Feb. 13 speech on the Senate
State campaigns and myriad penalties fail to dampen Alaskans’ penchant for tobacco
Despite expensive public health campaigns, multiple fines and penalties and myriad restrictions on where Alaskans can even use tobacco products, the number of residents who occasionally light up, chew or vape has remained steady over the past decade or so.
Alaska’s labor crisis spurs Dunleavy to nix 4-year degree requirement for most state jobs
In hopes of mitigating an unprecedented workforce shortage in state government jobs, Gov. Mike Dunleavy has ordered the removal of four-year college degree requirements for most positions. Dunleavy’s Feb. 14 order amends state personnel rules to place an
70% of Alaska’s public school students fail reading and math
By Sarah Montalbano – Alaska Policy Forum INTRODUCTION Results from Alaska’s new statewide standardized assessment, the Alaska System of Academic Readiness (AK STAR), offer a glimpse of how Alaska’s students are doing post-pandemic.
Alaska pot shop owner teaches UAA students how to make edibles in accredited class
From Feb. 14 to March 2, a Mat-Su based recreational marijuana retailer, Baily Stuart, will be partnering with the state-funded University of Alaska, Anchorage to provide Anchorage students with a hands-on, fully accredited course that includes teaching the
OPINION: Alaska joins 20 states in condemning FBI’s animus against traditional Christians
Alaska’s Attorney General Treg Taylor has signed onto a 20-state letter demanding that the FBI reveal the details regarding a recently leaked “anti-Catholic” memo alleging that traditional, conservative Catholics are somehow a threat to
Anchorage Assembly aims to permanently impose its ‘Emergency Ordinances’
During the February 9, 2023 Anchorage Assembly Rules Committee meeting, Assemblyman Christopher Constant mentioned his interest in converting past emergency ordinances to permanent code. The effort has been termed “EOs to AOs.” During the meeting,
Gov. Dunleavy weighs in on UFO shot down over Alaska waters
Editor’s note: Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy issued the following statement on Feb. 10 regarding the unidentified flying object that was shot down this morning over Alaskan waters. Today’s announcement by the Pentagon that an unidentified object was shot
Murkowski wants to force late-term abortion on all 50 states
Sen. Lisa Murkowski and fellow pro-abortion Republican, Sen. Susan Collins (Maine), have joined forces to reintroduce a bill that would sanctioned the legal killing of preborn babies right up to the point of birth. The so-called “Reproductive Freedom