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OPINION: The Green Lobby is evil and motivated

Super Bowl television advertisements have become part of American culture. The number one ad in 2010 was for an Audi diesel-electric hybrid. You can watch it, and the “extended footage” versions, on You Tube. Entitled “The Green Police,” it featured
Dunleavy photo 1

Poll ranks Dunleavy as 7th most popular U.S. governor

A newly released poll by Morning Consultant places Gov. Mike Dunleavy as the seventh most popular governor in America. Conducted April 1 to June 30, the poll asked 380 registered Alaska voters what they thought of Dunleavy. A total of 62% said they approved

OPINION: Alaskans can sink ranked-choice voting

We stand against the multi-millionaire and billionaire backed Pro-RCV groups! Just as history reveals the arrogance of the Japanese Empire during WWII, the ignorance and arrogance to overlook obvious flaws in their designs and plans is astounding. Like the