Medical experts who oppose mandates slated to speak at Anchorage Covid conference
Medical experts who oppose mandates slated to speak at Anchorage Covid
Anchorage launches experimental bike lane to see if cyclists will be any safer
In an attempt to see if protected bike lanes will increase bicyclists’ safety, Anchorage has opened a pilot project along Pine Street and McCarrey Street. The goal is to learn how the experimental lanes might be implemented citywide. Completely funded
Fairbanks science curriculum draft injects extreme climate dogma, sex-ed into classrooms
Draft of Fairbanks 6-12 science curriculum injects radical climate dogma,
At least five Alaska school districts hide students’ sexual ID from parents
At least six Alaska school districts hide students’ sexual ID from their
OPINION: Climate alarmists want total control on how Alaskans keep warm
OPINION: Climate alarmists want total control on how Alaskans keep
Mat-Su Health Foundation’s anti-taboo program aims to erode local values, beliefs
Mat-Su Health Foundation’s anti-taboo program aims to erode local values,
Governor calls trans surgery ‘pseudoscience,’ but his administration continues to pay for it
Governor calls trans surgery ‘pseudoscience,’ but his administration continues to pay for
Gay men who engage in risky sex are donating blood after just 3 months
As of last week, the American Red Cross began allowing homosexual men who engage in risky anal sex to donate blood after a 90-day waiting period. The previous deferral period was 12 months. Thanks to newly implemented guidance by the Food and Drug
Biden wants to force U.S. employers to fund abortions
Last week the Biden administration issued a mandate aimed at forcing millions of employers across the nation to fund the killing of unborn babies. This includes pro-life organizations. Proposed on Aug. 7, Biden’s interpretation of the Pregnant Workers
Transgender assistant U.S. Health Secretary is in Alaska to push hard-left dogma
President Biden’s openly transgender assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services is skipping across Alaska this week to push a litany of radical leftist causes. Approved to her post in 2021 with the help of U.S. Sen. Lisa