
EDITORIAL: We cannot win every battle…

There are enumerable battles to fight in today’s culture with so much goodness, truth and beauty now under attack. These struggles play out in our homes, churches, schools and wider communities. We fight for marriage, parental authority, children’s

Murkowski wants to force late-term abortion on all 50 states

Sen. Lisa Murkowski and fellow pro-abortion Republican, Sen. Susan Collins (Maine), have joined forces to reintroduce a bill that would sanctioned the legal killing of preborn babies right up to the point of birth. The so-called “Reproductive Freedom

OPINION: The sweet lies of organized Crime in D.C. & Juneau

Lies are believed because they taste good. The truth is detested because it is sour. We now can safely assume that the default position of citizens should be that most of what comes out of both the federal and Alaska government are sweet-tasting lies. We

OPINION: Another Prolife “Victory”?

Who is Mark Houck? He’s a person who was doing what I was doing here in Alaska when I was his age: spending time, a lot of time, in front of abortion clinics. There are several ways to save an unborn child’s life: block the doors, thus preventing entry;