EDITORIAL: Denali Park flag story sparks outrage, villainization and redemption
It’s been a crazy week at the Alaska Watchman, ever since we reported that construction crewmen, working on a bridge in Denali National Park, were told they could no longer fly the American flag from their trucks because park officials thought the flags
OPINION: Alaska Long Trail raises concerns over land rights, federal control, state priorities
If the Long Trail becomes a federal scenic trail, we’ll lose our states’ rights on those lands, just like when President Jimmy Carter confiscated 54 million acres from Alaska to create eight National Parks back
Denali National Park response to flag fiasco marked by evasion, half-truths and redirection
The story has generated unprecedented views and comments on the Watchman website, as well as criticism about my reporting. For these reasons, I’d like to explain how this story developed over the past week, and what I hope will occur in the days
OPINION: Urban planners erode original intent of our nation’s highway funds
Bicycles and mass transit were not then, and should not be now, incorporated into what is arguably defense-oriented legislation and
OPINION: Butker’s rousing speech represents the death knell for diabolical feminism
Butker dared to tell young women that their fate need not be forever tethered to the diabolical demands that they sacrifice their health, their fertility, their children, and their relationships in order to be happy. He dared to tell young women that their
With only a small fraction of Anchorage support, the Left seizes control of all the land
Once the final tabulation in Anchorage’s mayoral election wraps up, the hard leftists candidate Suzanne LaFrance will likely have earned the vote of less than 14% of Anchorage’s overall residents and about 17% of registered
OPINION: 23 years ago, patterns of the Israel-Palestine conflict looked eerily similar
Today, “Hamas lovers” and violent pro-Palestinian protesters are either naïve or misinformed, or both. The pro-Palestinian and anti-Semitic protests resemble those of the leftist Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. These violent protests and anti-Semitic
OPINION: Alaskans must face the elephant – he’s about to destroy everything
We should all understand that the collapse of the USD presents an existential crisis for Alaska, but as long as we are caught up discussing how much of the PFD we ought to get we’re not discussing the fact that a collapse of the dollar will kill the
‘Transanity’ delusion is now sacred dogma for Alaska Democrats
It seems absolutely nothing is more important to Alaska’s Democrats and their fellow leftists than defending the scientifically-impossible notion that a biological male can simply imagine himself into becoming a
OPINION: Homeschool allotment battle is Gov. Dunleavy opportunity to restore the rule of law
All Dunleavy needs to proclaim is the following: “Empowered by the state constitution with the enforcement powers granted to me, I will continue to permit the reimbursement of correspondence courses for students in this state, and recommend that impeachment