SEN. HUGHES: Despite union claims, growing Alaska school choice options helps all students
This week I expect much of my focus to be on policy and funding discussions to help our students and teachers achieve better outcomes as we move forward. Governor Dunleavy held a lengthy press conference on the topic late last week, and I agree that it is our
OPINON: Alaska’s GOP could take a page from Trump on how to flex political power
There was a short but interesting lesson on the effective use of political power over the weekend. When ICE sent two planeloads of illegal immigrants back to Colombia on Sunday, Gustavo Petro, the President of Colombia, refused to allow the planes to land and
BOB BIRD: ‘How anarchy begins’
“Anarchy” will lead us into total chaos, where there is no right principle of action, except self-interest. Most people want nothing to do with
OPINION: My political bluff got called, but Alaska’s GOP still needs to go all in
Poker players sometimes bluff, pretending a weak hand is stronger than it is, to win the pot. That strategy works until someone recognizes their strategy and calls them on it. I bluffed and got called on a recent article where I suggested that in response to
OPINION: The clock is ticking on Alaska’s Republican Party
Alaska GOP leadership has tacitly endorsed the Democrat-led caucuses in the Alaska legislature. The GOP leadership may not recognize it, but this is a crisis point for them. The voters are not going to tolerate a weak and impotent GOP for much
OPINION: Alaska lawmakers need to act to protect our kids from porn
It's time for Alaska to move forward and protect our children from online
Alaska’s GOP should follow Georgia’s lead and punish disloyal RINOs
The Alaska Republican Party has a big problem. It cannot effectively police its members when they misbehave, so some RINO politicians take advantage of the weakness within the GOP to advance their own interests to the detriment of the
OPINION: Here’s why left-wing media is dying
Left wing news outlets blame their decline in viewership on Trump’s supporters, as if there is some grand conspiracy to intentionally sabotage their ratings. They just don’t comprehend the
OPINION: Life experience is a writer’s greatest asset
Before writing, authors need to live a
Understanding Alaska’s budget (part 2) – How we spend money
The Democrats and their RINO allies in ruling caucuses in both houses of our legislature aren’t looking to become fiscally solvent. They will continue to spend money we don’t have and run budget deficits until someone puts a stop to it. That person should