“Anarchy is the absence of government.”
That is an accurate and simple definition of the term.
We sometimes confuse the term “anarchy” with the definition “total chaos,” but that is not how a died-in-the-wool anarchist thinks. To him, “anarchy” will lead us into Elysian Fields of peace, harmony and a perfect world. But it flies in the face of the reality of human nature. “Anarchy” will lead us into total chaos, where there is no right principle of action, except self-interest. Most people want nothing to do with that.
Yes, we need government – but unless and until its statutes are guided by natural and constitutional law, government too, will lead us into anarchy. The real and bad kind, not the utopian kind.
The self-interest of sexual license has led us to the largely hidden anarchy of abortion. Medical profiteering has led us into the anarchy of cannibalism, where the body parts of the preborn are bought and sold. The media and liberals also intentionally suppress the devastation of other types of medical profiteering, as in sex-change operations on children, calling it “gender affirming health care for minors.”
When we see what these children, born and unborn, look like after government has failed to protect them, we will understand “anarchy” in an entirely new way. We must stop dealing in abstract political policies and view the evidence ourselves, but it will take a strong stomach. Most people do not want to look at the photos. Did we think that God does not see it?
This has largely happened because of the judicial branches on both the federal and state levels, but after a while, because of a cooperative media, the public mind has been insulated from this chaos, and eventually it is followed by the legislative and executive branches. They hold lawful authority over the judiciary, even as they use the judiciary as a “bogey man” to get themselves elected, but then become either unwilling or helpless to stop it.
It’s as if government did not exist in these matters. As in … anarchy.
When those who hold government office believe themselves to be immune to natural law or constitutional principles, eventually they explore new avenues, spreading anarchy against perfectly strong but obedient citizens.
Again, it’s the federal and state judiciaries that usually lead the way. Both have destroyed their respective constitutions in ways that have been well catalogued, but the other two branches eventually fall into line.
We see this now, as our laws have become impervious to citizen oversight. We have indeed reached the point where, because of all this, we will no longer respect, and – this is far more important – OBEY them. After all, if government does not obey laws, why should we?
Someday, borough and municipal assemblies might come to realize that, in order to satisfy the clamor of an outraged citizenry, they must defy the unlawful violators.
Under “color of law” the Alaska judiciary has ruled – in utter defiance of statutory law – that the 2020 Proposition 2 (which brought us Ranked Choice Voting) could be voted upon – despite the fact that it wantonly violated the single-subject rule, in defiance of the Attorney General’s proper rejection of that citizen initiative. But the governor pretends he can’t do anything about it. You are free to speculate as to why. Thus, we have compromised our resort to the ballot box as a peaceful avenue out of anarchy.
Easily added to that is the judiciary’s rape of Article 1, Section 22 of the Alaska Constitution, where it says that the State Legislature, not the judiciary, is authorized to implement (define) the parameters of “privacy.”
Then add the ACLU v. Dunleavy decision, where the judiciary made a ruling in blatant self-interest, stole the line-item veto power from the governor, and assumed the power of veto override and the power of the purse from the Legislature.
“Hypocrisy” is defined as: The behavior of people who do things that they tell other people not to do.
As in “law breaking.”
So – what does this lead to? Total disrespect for lawful authority because they are HYPOCRITES.
And thus – anarchy ensues.
The Alaska Legislature has added to this anarchy, by raiding the PFD, in defiance of its own statute. And again, the judiciary has stolen the power of the citizen Grand Jury, by placing it under control of the government. So, both legislative and judicial bodies have proven themselves to be anarchists, as if these laws don’t exist. If there is no punishment, or consequence, for law-breaking, what good is a law?
Do I hear a voice that says, “Then vote them out of office!”
Ummm – with the lost confidence in election integrity, how can we do that now?
The governor has been a no-show, pretending that he does not understand the powers he possesses in our supposedly enlightened constitution, which gave us an exceptionally strong executive. He has proven himself completely willing to obey the courts in the ACLU case, and then appointed the guilty justice to the high court!
Someday, borough and municipal assemblies might come to realize that, in order to satisfy the clamor of an outraged citizenry, they must defy the unlawful violators. The mainstream media will demonize them, of course. Yet, those will be the actions, and the heroes, long overdue, that will restore RESPECT for law.
But if this does not happen, if they continue down the path of indifference, the word “law” will become a public joke, and we will be in utter anarchy, the real kind, where chaos ensues. And because no one can tolerate this for long, the people will reach for some kind of dictator.
It is as certain as the fact that rain causes wet streets.
We must ask ourselves, has this been the intention of the oligarchy all along?
The views expressed here are those of the author.
Sadly, When elected officials ignore their oath of office their is little that can be done if the electorate just votes them back in office. Worse still these Judges that are isolated from the voters. The Governed are losing the ability to remove tyrants from office at the peril of our republic. Too many of our fellow Alaskans and Americans are misinformed and do not want to be bothered.
Bob, A thoughtful and well reasoned essay. The risk is real. And the “judiciary” also led the way of corruption — one only has to look at the illegal legalization of homosexual marriage in California.
Regarding 2020’s Prop 2 RCV, in addition the fact — as you note — that it wantonly violated the single-subject rule, it also violates the US Constitution’s 1st Amendment, which guarantees us “the right to peaceably assemble.” Because if political parties are not for peaceably assembling, then just what the heck are they for? Therefore, Alaska’s open primary and ranked choice voting are unconstitutional because they deny such peaceable assembling — and the courts, if brave and honest, would rule this way.
“Someday, borough and municipal assemblies might come to realize that, in order to satisfy the clamor of an outraged citizenry, they must defy the unlawful violators.” I see the Mat-Su Borough and its assembly slowly losing the battle against the evil. We have so many people thinking that the MSB is still a stronghold in Alaska – well, it’s NOT a stronghold! People don’t get involved in the local politics OR they think that they are getting involved by joining a Republican Women’s group. The Republican Women’s groups have their interests that they work for. We need people that are neutral politically and are just interested in working for humanity – not a candidate or a power group.
O’biden’s Pete Bootyjudge oversaw the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) (Public Law 117-58, also known as the “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law”) that states that it “…is a once-in-a-generation investment in our infrastructure that will help grow the economy, enhance U.S. competitiveness, create good jobs, and build our safe, resilient, and equitable transportation future.” (https://www.transportation.gov/bipartisan-infrastructure-law) The US Department of Transportation is awarding grants to select cities and boroughs to work on implementing a safe roads plan and the Mat-Su Borough has accepted to join this grant program and is in the process of implementing the Safe Roads For All (SS4A) plan as per the DOT. I don’t get it. What is the MSB thinking? This plan is going make selected roads skinnier, make main roads one-way roads, put cameras up everywhere to track people: how fast they drive and if they cause accidents, they are going to encourage better mass-transit options: does this mean that we’ll be discouraged from driving our own cars? They are planning on putting bicycle paths on the sides of the roads after narrowing roads. These statements come from the information in the MSB Safe Streets For All Public Review Draft and from the DOT website.
As for the skinnier roads: This is going to be done to “FORCE” drivers to slow down. How does that make you feel that our local government is going to “FORCE” us? When we have heavy snowfalls, or heavy rains, our roads-in their current state-can be dangerous since the sides of the roads are difficult to see and people don’t stay in their lane when they cannot see a lane.
As for the cameras: Once they get us used to getting tickets via camera (with Artificial Intelligence operating the cameras?), are the cameras going to be used to report where we go and will they be used as part of a social credit scoring system? What if, through all of this smart technology and AI, our vehicles that contain smart technology are shut off or control taken over by AI if it does not like the way we are driving on the road?
Our Mat-Su Borough and the Mat-Su Borough Assembly need to understand that they work for us and that the People are the government. Laws should be created according to the People’s wishes and not according to the government’s wishes.
Wake up People. The Mat-Su Borough is not a stronghold; but, people within our government and political groups would like you to think so.
School of Government meeting: Monday evening starting at 7:00 PM at King’s Chapel in Wasilla on the same frontage road as Chepos. Be there!
hey Joel, reach out to dunleavy and demand him to respond to Mr bird! The rst of us ought to as well! THIS IS AFTER ALL A CONSTITUTIONAL REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT!
Bird. As your ad hoc editor, I suggest you 1 – use facts, 2 – stick to one subject, 3 – fewer words.
Sorry, Jeff, if you can’t keep track of anything beyond one subject. Oh, you forgot to tell me what facts were wrong.
good grief Bob, its “dyed in the wool” not DIED.
swating at Nats! excuse me mosquitos.
Good grief, Sterling, I can’t be perfect. However, I’m glad you are. After 10 proofs, it is still easy to miss your own mistakes.