Alaska leftists foment ‘conservaphobia’ amid historic red wave
Alaska leftists foment ‘conservaphobia’ amid historic red
Fate of Alaska’s ranked-choice voting system hangs in the balance
After counting 246,171 votes, the fate of Alaska’s controversial ranked-choice voting system is still very
Conservatives sweep Mat-Su Borough elections, voters pass charter school bond
Nov. 5 was a good night for conservative candidates running for Mat-Su Borough Assembly and School Board. With a 42% voter turnout the hand-count-only election yielded unofficial results about an hour after polls
BOB BIRD: The political egg on my face tastes delicious
This morning, the GOP finds itself in control of 1) the presidency, 2) the US Senate, 3) the House of Representatives and 4) (gasp!) the supreme court! This has never happened since, what,
RESULTS: Trump wins Alaska, Begich leads Peltola
The following results are the unofficial election-night tabulations released by Alaska’s Division of Elections on Nov. 5. The vote tallies will change over the next few days as absentee, questioned and some early-voting ballots are tabulated. In close
Alaska election limbo: What happens after Nov. 5?
While some unofficial result may provide a strong indication of the eventual winners, contests wherein no candidate achieves more than 50% of the vote will not be known until the state conducts the ranked-choice runoff, which won’t happen for another 15
Mat-Su election features borough candidates who aim to keep the Valley red
The Mat-Su Borough has a number of proven conservatives running for borough offices on Nov. 5. In an effort to improve voter turnout, the borough moved its elections to coincide with the day of the General
Fairbanks police chief condemns political violence after GOP headquarters attacked
Following an attack on the building that houses the GOP headquarters in Fairbanks, Police Chief Ron Dupee issued a strongly worded statement condemning political violence on the eve of the General
EDITORIAL: Alaska’s one chance to end ranked-choice and avoid a RINO stampede
Those who want a return to Alaska’s historic voting system, must vote Yes on 2. We probably won’t get a second
Judeo-Christian voter guide highlights scores of Alaska races
In addition to the Values Voter Guide that was recently highlighted by the Alaska Watchman, there is another source to help Alaskans who are interested in electing state and federal candidates who are more likely to advance biblical family values in