
Prayer breakfast pic

Alaska Governor’s Prayer Breakfast cancelled

The Alaska Governor’s Prayer Breakfast (AK-GPB)has been canceled due to concerns about the spread of coronavirus. It had been scheduled for March 28 in Anchorage. J.D. Duncan, president of AK-GPB, said the event was halted by Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz
Alaska least religious

More Alaska churches restrict events amid fear of COVID-19

Alaska’s faith communities are a state of flux as pastors struggle with whether to keep churches open for Sunday worship and mid-week ministries. A growing number of churches are canceling religious services and providing online or televised options. Others
Church pic

Alaska churches disrupted, closed over coronavirus

In the wake of the first confirmed case of coronavirus in Alaska, churches across the state either closed or adapted their services this past weekend as thousands of believers struggled with how to honor God on the Sabbath while taking prudent measures in
Alaska Voters

Values voter guides available for Anchorage pastors, churches

It can be difficult for pastors and local churches know where candidates for the Anchorage Assembly and Anchorage School Board stand when it comes to protecting unborn life, defending traditional marriage and parental rights and upholding religious liberty.
Military chaplain pic

Military chaplains are ‘true lifeline’ for soldiers

Faith is a major factor in the lives of many U.S. soldiers. Military men and women lean on this pillar through deployments and combat, but also in dealing with challenges of missing milestone events and uprooting families due to frequent reassignments around