Dr. Zink-led group backs mandatory sex-ed, expanded health data collection and anti ‘misinformation’ campaign
Dr. Zink-led group backs mandatory sex-ed, expanded health data collection and anti ‘misinformation’
Pope Francis taps decorated military chaplain as next bishop of Fairbanks
Pope Francis has named Dominican order priest Father Steven Maekawa as the next bishop of the vast Fairbanks Diocese in Northern Alaska. Father Maekawa most recently served a pastor of Holy Family Old Cathedral in Anchorage, where he has been stationed since
Dunleavy joins GOP governors in asking Biden to ditch plan that threatens girls’ sports
Gov. Mike Dunleavy has joined 24 fellow Republican governors in asking the Biden administration to rescind its proposed rule change to Title IX that would prohibit any policies which “categorically” bar self-identified transgender students from
Homer mom objects to LGBTQ/drag queen books planted in library children’s section
As the mother of three young children, Maddy Veldstra is a regular patron of the Homer Public Library. Lately, however, she’s been concerned about controversial LGBTQ titles that library staff have deliberately planted in the traditional children’s
These prominent Alaskans want a statewide constitutional convention
ConventionYes, the main political group supporting a statewide constitutional convention, has released a list of prominent and diverse Alaskans who all support calling the state’s first convention since statehood. Released on Nov. 6, the list of convention
Rep. Carpenter: Alaskans must summon the courage to exercise our constitutional authority
Alaskans have been asking for justice from our judicial system for a long time. Too many Alaskans see the law applied to protect those with money and power but not those without. The simple truth is that Alaskans need a greater say in selecting judges to
Peltola wants ‘repercussions’ for certain media outlets, while Begich welcomes robust debate
In a recent debate featuring U.S. House candidates Sarah Palin, Nick Begich and Rep. Mary Peltola, the latter candidate suggested that certain media outlets should suffer consequences for printing or broadcasting information that she labels
Anchorage blanketed with 37,000 mail-in ballots to elect 12th Assembly member
A total of 37,000 ballots have been mailed out to every qualified registered voter in the new North Anchorage District 1 to elect a 12th member to the Anchorage Assembly. Click here to see the District 1 boundary lines. Ballots were sent out on May 31 and
Anchorage mayor wants to let voters elect powerful city clerk
Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson has submitted an ordinance to the Anchorage Assembly that would amend the city’s charter to make the Municipal Clerk an elected position. Currently, the clerk is appointed by the Assembly and supervises all municipal elections.
Rep. Kurka launches campaign for governor with appeal to freedom-loving Alaskans
Earlier today, news broke that State Representative Christopher Kurka was launching a campaign to challenge Gov. Mike Dunleavy in the 2022 governor’s race. The story broke when former Tea-Party sensation Joe Miller took to Facebook to announced