Alaska faith leaders urged to oppose Equality Act’s threat to religious, civil liberties
Religious leaders from across Alaska are being asked to sign a joint letter opposing the Equality Act, a measure which has already passed out of the U.S. House and is now before the Senate. The legislation looks to change the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include

FBI raid on Homer couple inspires deafening silence from Alaska’s elected leaders
The news of the renegade FBI raid at the Hueper household in Homer on April 28 is into the nationally oriented conservative and even the mainstream media outlets. There are some things to watch. First, the MSM will soft-soap this as much as possible with

How isolated minorities preserve religious identity amid dominant secular societies
Ethnic minorities, religious refugees and other groups segregated by a dominant society have developed and implemented strategies and tactics intended to protect their national identity, religious practices, ancient traditions and community cohesiveness. In

U.S. Bishops’ pending decision on pro-abortion Catholics may impact Sen. Murkowski
U.S. Catholics bishops will gather in June to discuss how to deal with Catholic politicians who support the killing of unborn babies through abortion. At issue, is whether such individuals should be denied Holy Communion. The problem has come to a head with

With guns drawn, FBI raids Homer couple’s home looking for Nancy Pelosi’s laptop
Paul and Marilyn Hueper, owners of Homer Inn & Spa, woke with a start at 9 a.m. April 28 when a dozen armed FBI agents kicked down their front door in an investigation associated with Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s stolen laptop, which was taken during the Jan. 6

How Russian Old Believers keep the faith in modern Alaska
Profoundly religious, the Russian people were shaken to their core by the Russian Orthodox Church liturgical reforms introduced by Patriarch Nikon (1666–1667) who, under the reign of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich Romanov (1645–1676), had dared to correct the

Alaskans to gather at State Capitol steps for National Day of Prayer
Alaskans will mark the 70th annual National Day of Prayer with a May 6 gathering on the steps of the Alaska State Capitol in Juneau. Attendees will assemble at 12 p.m. near the William H Seward statue to pray for the nation and the state. State Rep. Sarah

It was blind luck, but AOC was right in her complaint about judicial overreach
You have probably heard the saying, “Even a blind pig occasionally finds an acorn.” Columnist Brad Polumbo of the allegedly conservative Washington Examiner headlined recently said: “AOC just revealed her dangerous constitutional illiteracy.”

Guns & ganja: Young introduces act to protect 2nd Amendment and legal weed
Rep. Don Young, co-chair of the Congressional Cannabis Caucus, has introduced the Gun Rights And Marijuana (GRAM) Act, with the aim of securing the Second Amendment rights of Americans living in states where weed is legal. Under current law, using

What’s really behind the defacing of Forrest Dunbar’s political signs?
There is something odd about the defacing of Forrest Dunbar signs across Anchorage. Let me give the ideological, logical, and prosecutorial arguments against these being conservatives, at least any that you and I know or have ever met. Logical: