Beloved Alaska Orthodox Archpriest Michael Oleska had a missionary heart and deep love for Native Alaska culture
Beloved Alaska Orthodox Archpriest Michael Oleska had a missionary heart and deep love for Native Alaska

Rep. McCabe’s ethics complaint dismissed against Rep. Eastman and former Rep. Kurka
Rep. McCabe's ethics complaint dismissed against Rep. Eastman and former Rep.

Data shows Alaska students’ performance in steady decline since 2009
Data shows Alaska students’ performance is in steady

OPINION: It’s time to stop worshipping at the cult of government
It is time to get inside the “comfort zone” - not of our politicians - but of our pastors. And yes, our own comfort zones. Pastors have an invisible barrier that keeps them from expounding all the truths we find in the Bible. This is because they

Alaska AG puts schools, libraries on notice regarding sexualization of minors
Alaska school districts and libraries that disseminate sexualized content, pornographic books or controversial sex-education material to minors have been officially put on notice by Attorney General Treg

Happy Thanksgiving? Alaska lawmaker says harmful ‘myth’ raises ‘complex feelings’
Alaska State Sen. Löki Tobin (D-Anchorage) sent a Thanksgiving message to her supporters that blasted the holiday for triggering historical trauma and perpetuating a “romanticized myth” about America. “This upcoming federal holiday brings with it many

State of Alaska’s pro-Covid jab series paints critics as duped, science deniers
The latest installment of the Alaska’s online pro-vax series is giving health care workers strategies to deal with what they consider to be problematic parents who are skeptical about the benefits of subjecting their kids to experimental Covid

OPINION: It’s time for Alaskans to protest Sen. Sullivan’s failure to protect the unborn
OPINION: It’s time for Alaskans to protest Sen. Sullivan’s failure to protect the

Wasilla library book challenge sparks heated public hearing
Emotions ran high during a Nov. 8 book review committee for Wasilla Public Library. The contentious public hearing featured concerned Mat-Su resident Jackie Goforth who formally challenged the suitability of a sexually explicit book that the library considers

Former criminals have seen the light, received grace and become salt and light.
In a world where many in society have been conditioned to look to government to solve their problems, it is both refreshing and unusual to see an example where individual responsibility and hard work, combined with private industry, a generous heart, and