Defeated conservative candidates look at what’s next for Anchorage & how to turn the tide
With strong leftist majorities still firmly in control of the Anchorage Assembly and School Board following the April 5 Municipal election, the Alaska Watchman reached out to several conservative candidates who lost their elections to find out whether they

AK Airlines implements cross-dressing, gender bending corporate policy
Alaska Airlines has now given its official corporate stamp of approval to employees who wish to cross-dress, sport gender-nonconforming hairstyles or wear makeup and nail polish to appear as the opposite sex. Last month, the airlines proudly announced new

Why won’t Alaska’s health department promote abstinence until marriage?
Alaska continues to be plagued by embarrassingly high rates of sexually transmitted diseases. We are consistently in the top 10 for gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia. These are preventable diseases that spread due to rampant, multi-partner sexual behavior,

Vital, concrete steps Alaskans must take to restore the culture
On April 6 Alaska Watchman editor Joel Davidson asked as a title of his article “What are we to do with Anchorage as it is?” Well, I have an answer for Joel, Anchorage and frankly for all of Alaska. I am Ted Smith, Director of the Alaska Colson Fellows

Why I left the Republican Party
No political party is perfect. It is a matter of reading the platforms, understanding the issues, learning the ropes and then – literally – picking your poison. All parties have subtle differences within them, but they are also united by common core

State warning on Alaska’s STD crisis ignores abstinence & marriage
The Alaska Department of Health & Social Services (DHSS) issued an alert this week, warning residents that Alaska ranks third in the nation for sexually transmitted syphilis and chlamydia cases, and eighth in the nation for gonorrhea cases. In

Alaska Senate passes universal pre-K plan with reading intervention
The Alaska Senate unanimously approved Senate Bill 111 on April 12, which would expand voluntary universal pre-kindergarten and establish a new statewide kindergarten-third grade reading intervention program to address Alaska’s failed record of teaching

Campaign volunteer: Here’s why Anchorage is full of ‘woke progressives’
The candidate I supported in the Anchorage election – the candidate for whom I volunteered and for whom I voted, Stephanie Taylor, is behind to incumbent Anchorage Assemblyman Forrest Dunbar as I write this. A similar story is playing out in other

Alaskan Independence Party to hold April 23 convention in Soldotna
The state’s third largest political party, the Alaskan Independence Party, will hold its one-day 2022 convention on Saturday, April 23, at the Soldotna Regional Sports Complex. The AIP is a pro-gun, pro-family, pro-life, pro-strict-interpretation

Rep. Kurka backs effort to restore constitutional rights of Alaska grand juries
Allegations of systemic corruption committed by state officials has captured the attention of gubernatorial candidate and current House Representative Christopher Kurka, who released a statement last week saying he believes the rights and duties of individual