Palmer Police: City has not hired militia to guard city during protest
The Palmer Police Department issued a statement on Friday to dispel social media rumors that the city had hired an armed militia to help protect the town during a planned protest on Saturday, June 6. “The Palmer Police Department and the City of Palmer have

Anchorage posts liberal group’s voter guide on city website
The Municipality of Anchorage has partnered with a left-leaning political activist group to inform voters about candidates and ballot initiatives in the April 7 election. The mail-in election is currently underway. The city’s website includes a “Ballot

Kenai City Council to vote on support of statewide LGBT hate crimes bill
City council members in Kenai and Soldotna are pushing for the expansion of statewide hate crimes legislation to include “sexual orientation and gender identity.” Last month the Soldotna City Council voted 5-1 in favor of a resolution urging state

Only 3 Anchorage candidates vow to defend parental rights, oppose radical LGBTQ agenda
In an effort to identify conservative minded candidates, Alaska Family Action has published the results of its candidate survey, which was sent to all candidates. Only three of 20 candidates bothered to respond and take a clear public stand on these

OPINION: Spending bill would let Alaska schools reap what they did not sow
These are bad faith negotiators. At a time when Alaska finds itself starving on many levels, the education system has decided to strike while the iron is hot and take a giant bite out of the apple while the rest of us sit around and watch it being eaten. How

LETTER: Mental health bill violates Alaska parental rights, feeds transgender industry
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. Every effort in conjunction with the support of parents should be made to help children feel comfortable in the bodies they were born with. Instead, the counseling network SB90 proposes to legitimize leads children into

NO NEED: State denies hospital’s plan to expand emergency care in Anchorage
Alaska’s Department of Health has, once again, denied an application by Alaska Regional Hospital to expand its emergency room department capacity in

Anchorage Library Director nominee coy in responses about controversial books, events
Anchorage Mayor Suzanne LaFrance has nominated Marjorie Harrison to serve as director of the city’s five libraries, which have been the source of heated controversy, protests, parental rights disputes and division for many years. On Feb. 28, Harrison

UPDATE: Missing Nome-bound plane found with deceased crash victims
The U.S. Coast Guard has found the Nome-bound passenger plane that went missing on the morning of Feb. 6. According to a 2:17 p.m., update from the agency on Feb. 7, the Coast Guard “located an aircraft matching the description of the missing plane approx.

Gov. Dunleavy introduces education reform bills to expand school choice
Gov. Dunleavy introduces education reform bills to expand school choice in