Search Results for: base 4 number system


9.24 > Grave Voter Concerns

It’s easy to think that with the 2020 Federal Election almost a year behind us in our collective rearview mirror, that everyone must have come around to agreement that there was no ‘there there’ in the recent election. After all, the news

Alaska’s voter registration system hacked – data exposed

As early as Oct. 27, Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer was aware that Alaska was the victim of data exposure by outside actors targeting the Division of Elections Online Voter Registration System, which was built and maintained by an outside vendor and operated by the
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How Alaska’s faith-based community can combat coronavirus

As you are probably well aware, coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading in the U.S. and we need to prepare. How do we know who to listen to, and what does it mean to prepare? With countless social media posts, uncertainty about the reliability of mainstream
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Abortion in Alaska: 45 percent publicly funded

Each year, the state of Alaska quietly releases an obscure report detailing the number of unborn babies who were aborted the previous year. Buried in the Department of Health & Social Services website the “Induced Termination of Pregnancy,” report