Open letter to Gov. Dunleavy and pro-life Alaska legislators
Open letter to Gov. Dunleavy and pro-life Alaska

Alaska School Choice celebration offers parents alternatives to struggling public schools
To mark national school choice week, Alaska will hold a School Choice Celebration on Jan. 22, 4-7 p.m., at the Alaska Native Heritage

Soldotna Library drag queen story hour for kids postponed following public outcry
There will be no drag queen performances for children at the Soldotna Public Library on Jan. 6 after considerable public outcry led LGBTQ activists to indefinitely “postpone” the story hour

In pursuit of ‘Happiness’ this New Year
While the greeting, “Happy New Year,” rolls off the tongue quite naturally this time of year, it is worth considering what, in fact, constitutes actual happiness in a world that is often at odds with authentic human

Drag dancer ‘Ivanna Kischacok’ among performers listed for kids’ story hour at Soldotna Library
With an upcoming drag queen story hour for children on Jan. 6, the Soldotna Public Library will be the kick-off location for the town’s first-ever “Happy New Queer” winter celebration of all things LGBTQ. Among the six people listed as “guest drag

Marxist uses Anchorage Assembly appearance to decry Israel’s response to heinous Hamas attacks
A radical Marxist organizer for the Anchorage chapter for the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PLS) took advantage of his special reserved time slot at the Dec. 19 Anchorage Assembly meeting to castigate Israel’s military response to Hamas’ horrific

Anchorage Assembly grants Hamas terrorist defender a special ‘appearance’ to denounce Israel
A man who has already publicly justified the heinous attacks by Hamas terrorists against innocent Israeli civilians will be given a special time slot at the upcoming Dec. 19 Anchorage Assembly meeting in order to deride Israel as an “apartheid” state,

OPINION: What role does Hinduism play in Vivek Ramaswamy’s politics?
OPINION: What role does Hinduism play in Vivek Ramaswamy’s

OPINION: It’s time to stop worshipping at the cult of government
It is time to get inside the “comfort zone” - not of our politicians - but of our pastors. And yes, our own comfort zones. Pastors have an invisible barrier that keeps them from expounding all the truths we find in the Bible. This is because they

As beloved book fairs go ‘woke,’ a wholesome alternative emerges
As beloved book fairs go ‘woke,’ a wholesome alternative