OPINION: Let the difficult work of reversing neo-Marxist nonsense begin
Clearly, during this 2024 turbulent election, Americans recognized and stood tall against the neo-Marxist ideology of white privilege doctrine, Critical Race Theory, transgenderism, DEI and systemic racism

Conservatives sweep Mat-Su Borough elections, voters pass charter school bond
Nov. 5 was a good night for conservative candidates running for Mat-Su Borough Assembly and School Board. With a 42% voter turnout the hand-count-only election yielded unofficial results about an hour after polls

Judeo-Christian voter guide highlights scores of Alaska races
In addition to the Values Voter Guide that was recently highlighted by the Alaska Watchman, there is another source to help Alaskans who are interested in electing state and federal candidates who are more likely to advance biblical family values in

OPINION: Lake Otis House district voters can help determine fate of unborn Alaskans
Anchorage voters in Alaska House Lake Otis District (12) and Senate Hillside/Centennial Park (F) have a golden opportunity to protect unborn Alaskans from abortion, but they will need to turn out in force to do

PAT MARTIN: Minnery’s attack on Eastman and AK Right to Life is misleading, manipulative
Jim Minnery’s slanderous attack on David Eastman, Alaska Right to Life, may bring the relevance of that quote – and several others – into

BOB BIRD: By opposing Rep. Eastman, Minnery has fallen into liberal trap
Minnery falls into the trap that liberals love: the belief that once the supreme court makes a decision, it must be followed. As long as he uses that logic, the liberals will continue to use him, and not David Eastman, to keep the status

JIM MINNERY: Wasilla Rep. David Eastman needs to retire
It's time for Wasilla Representative David Eastman to find a new

Alaska judge faces mounting opposition in bid to stay on the bench
Of the 19 judges who are up for election this year, none have generated the heated controversy and opposition that surrounds Anchorage Superior Court Judge Adolf Zeman – the man who issued a ruling this past April which struck down the state’s popular

Mat-Su School Board candidate ditches event amid question about supporting LGBTQ agenda
In an attempt to persuade Mat-Su voters into electing him to the local school board, Ben Kolendo is downplaying his leftist ideology while visiting churches and other religious venues to raise support for his candidacy in the overwhelmingly conservative

LOREN LEMAN: Pro-ranked-choice voting ads are shameful, deceptive and illegal
No on 2 campaign is using our active military, retired veterans, firefighters and other first responders, people we love and respect, and invents things about how they are treated that are just not true. It’s hurtful. It’s shameful. It’s also against