OPINION: Giving cross-sex drugs to the gender confused is the real anti-science
OPINION: Giving cross-sex drugs to the gender confused is the real

OPINION: Alaska Commission on Aging needs new members to help address critical challenges
OPINION: Alaska Commission on Aging needs new members to help address critical

OPINION: Alaskans at all levels of authority have a duty to protect pre-born babies
Interior Right to Life held a Life and Freedom Conference in Fairbanks this past October. The featured speaker, Matthew Trewhella (founder of Missionaries to the Pre-Born) explained how to defend unalienable rights at all levels, including some

OPINION: What role does Hinduism play in Vivek Ramaswamy’s politics?
OPINION: What role does Hinduism play in Vivek Ramaswamy’s

OPINION: Pro-Palestinian, anti-Semitic rhetoric is a classic example of far-left confusion
OPINION: Pro-Palestinian, anti-Semitic rhetoric is a classic example of far-left

OPINION: Let’s speak frankly about infanticide in Alaska
The act of killing an infant by premeditated murder is called infanticide. Since Roe v Wade, we've heard it called "abortion" or "termination of pregnancy.” Those terms are nothing more than language

OPINION: It’s time for Alaskans to protest Sen. Sullivan’s failure to protect the unborn
OPINION: It’s time for Alaskans to protest Sen. Sullivan’s failure to protect the

OPINION: Dunleavy fights to keep 14-year-old autistic boy in homeless shelter targeted by traffickers
OPINION: Dunleavy fights to keep 14-year-old autistic boy in homeless shelter targeted by

OPINION: Union poll shows that the vast majority of Mat-Su teachers are cultural leftists
In short, public-school educators flat out oppose the direction of the conservative school board and, by default, the parents and community members who elected

OPINION: Alaskans must resist the coming revival of the Covid Capers
OPINION: Alaskans must resist the coming revival of the Covid