OPINION: The devastating rise in ‘sex change’ surgeries must be stopped
The devastating rise in ‘sex change’ surgeries must be

OPINION: Climate alarmists want total control on how Alaskans keep warm
OPINION: Climate alarmists want total control on how Alaskans keep

OPINION: ‘Monkey Trial’ launched the media’s war of science vs. religion
Ninety-eight years ago, the war between science and religion began in American culture in the small Tennessee town of Dayton, labeled “The Bible Belt” by scoffing secular media outlets, whose fictionalized pre-event script of the event was already being

OPINION: The Green Lobby is evil and motivated
Super Bowl television advertisements have become part of American culture. The number one ad in 2010 was for an Audi diesel-electric hybrid. You can watch it, and the “extended footage” versions, on You Tube. Entitled “The Green Police,” it featured

OPINION: Alaska should hasten the removal of unqualified Medicaid enrollees
By Quinn Townsend – Alaska Policy Forum In recent months, seemingly dramatic headlines like “Thousands of Alaskans on Medicaid could lose coverage in the coming months” have popped up, frightening many into thinking that vulnerable populations such as

Janus impact: 35% of Alaska’s public employees in collective bargaining agreements are now non-union
By Sarah Montalbano – Alaska Policy Forum Five years ago, on a landmark day for individual rights, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Janus v. AFSCME, ruling it unconstitutional for public sector labor unions to force non-members to pay

OPINION: Calling AK Grand Jury rights advocates to attend the June 23 arraignment of former judge
At 10 a.m. on June 23, former Alaska Judge Margaret Murphy will be arraigned in the Kenai Courthouse on felony charges. The citizen Kenai Grand Jury which is currently investigating evidence of systemic corruption within Alaska’s judicial system indicted

OPINION: Despite ‘embarrassing’ launch, Alaska’s new Office of Family Life has great potential
Eleanor Roosevelt is quoted as saying that “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” It’s a tidy statement and can, in many cases, be used as an effective guidepost when we’re in

Gov. Dunleavy can end public blood money for the execution of Alaska’s preborn babies
In January, Gov. Mike Dunleavy wrapped up his annual address to Alaska lawmakers by claiming that he wanted to make Alaska the “most pro-life state in America.” So far, his only accomplishment has been to successfully press lawmakers to

OPINION: Mat-Su library board won’t pull youth sex book, but member admits ‘pushing’ it ‘would be grooming’
The May 18 “Objected Material Meeting” book complaint hearing at the Mat-Su Borough Building – between a library patron (myself) and a librarian – concerned the obscenity and misinformation-riddled book “Let’s Talk About It.” It was an