Search Results for: ro cline

Social distance camp fire pic

Americans retreating from social distancing

A growing number of Americans – especially Republicans and Independents – are beginning to venture back into social gatherings and public events, according to a new Gallup survey. Nearly three-quarters of Americans (74%) say that they avoided small
Children decline pic

Alaska’s population drop of 3,594 part of national trend

Alaska’s population dropped by an estimated 3,594 people last year according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s estimates released on Dec. 31. Alaska’s declining population comes from a combination of fewer births, increasing deaths and net migration losses.
Discussion club pic

Despite religious declines, Alaskans seek ultimate truths

While new reports indicate that Americans are growing increasingly irreligious as a whole, there are new and innovative groups cropping up around Alaska that address pressing issues about God, morality and the meaning of existence. A new report from the Pew