OPINION: Incentivized homeschooling can solve Alaska’s school funding dilemma
With increased homeschooling, fewer schools and fewer teachers would be needed. If the state could shift more students out of public schools, it could give the students an education of their choice and save money at the same

Alaska’s Deep State – A report from the field
The battle against the Deep State didn’t end with Trump’s election; it has only just

OPINION: It’s time to remove Judge Zeman from the bench
If you are an Alaskan who believes in school choice, has experienced the freedom of educational alternatives for your family, or perhaps you are simply tired of activist judges imposing their personal views in the courtroom – now is the time to show Judge

OPINION: A lesson on plagiarism and fabrication
Plagiarism is the representation of another person’s language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one’s own original work. Indeed, it is a shameful and unprofessional intellectual practice; just like stealing someone else’s property. In my opinion,

OPINION: Truth and accuracy must be journalistic cornerstones in debating Israel-Gaza war
When individuals contribute their opinions to newspapers, journals or other forms of media, and their work is accepted for publication, they participate in the journalistic tradition, and fact, truth, accuracy, and objectivity are cornerstones of journalism

Popular Anchorage bar under fire from LGBTQ activists for plainly stating the obvious
F Street Station, one of the oldest and most beloved bars in Anchorage, is catching criticism from radical LGBTQ activists for commenting on the fact that politically correct culture will condemn a kid for dressing up like an Indian, while celebrating a grown

Alaska in 2023: Trends, predictions and prescriptions
Editor’s note: This article is adapted from a talk given for the Valley Republican Women of Alaska’s Jan. 19 meeting in Wasilla. I want to address a few major trends and developments in Alaska as they relate to our population, education and political

AK Covid Alliance: Data abounds, while truth remains elusive
By LINDA BOYLE – Alaska Covid Alliance By now, most Americans have been inundated with information on Covid but the actual facts are still nearly impossible to determine. Do you believe the government’s story? Do you believe the healthcare

State Senate candidate Doug Massie says he doesn’t need to ‘grandstand’ on pro-life issues
Like many news outlets, the Alaska Watchman accepts political advertisements. For several weeks, incumbent Alaska State Senator Mike Shower ran a political ad on our website which stated that he was the “only pro-life candidate” in his race. At a recent

Alaskan recalls lessons from friend who survived the Siberian gulag
Soon after my graduation from the high school in Kiev, Ukraine, at the age of 17, I was employed at the ship building plant named Leninskaya Kuznitsa (Lenin’s Forge). This was a large plant with a labor force of about 15,000 employees, mostly manufacturing