OPINION: How Fairbanks Christians can vote to defend traditional values
GUEST COLUMN BY JON & RUTH EWIG Whether we have young children or teens in homeschool, private or public school we need to fulfill our duty as American citizens to participate in voting at the local community as well as state and national levels.
Fairbanks educators want backing to teach ‘controversial issues’ to kids
At its April 19 meeting, the Fairbanks School Board began early consideration of a policy change that would require the district’s superintendent and educational administrators to support teachers who wish to explore controversial issues during classroom
Burgeoning homeschool movement forces Fairbanks district to respond
Students in the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District have had to endure a combination of divisive and aggressive leftist ideas, Covid closures and controversial masking policies. Many families have had enough, and are pulling their kids from
Fairbanks set to cut 70 teachers amid mass exodus from public schools
Facing a dramatic and continuing decline in student enrollment, the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District voted earlier this month to shutter three elementary schools. Now, it is set to eliminate nearly 70 full-time teacher positions for next year.
Fairbanks school board ‘humiliated’ by district’s request to teach graphic sex-ed
Thanks to a 2016 state law, Alaska school districts must get approval from local school boards before they can teach new sex education material to children. On Oct. 19, the Fairbanks School District asked school board members to green light curriculum
Fairbanks teachers want 12-year-olds exposed to explicit sex-ed videos
With school board elections now behind them, the left-leaning majority of the Fairbanks North Star School Board heard a request from the school district to approve highly explicit sex education videos and graphic materials for grades 6-12. The Oct. 19 school
Leftists win 6 of 8 Fairbanks races, but borough mayor retains post
Fairbanks conservatives had a golden opportunity to build on their 2020 victories but were unable to duplicate last year’s success when they won seven of eight borough and city races. The unofficial results of the Oct. 5 election show that hard-left
Fairbanks values voter guide looks to boost city’s conservative resurgence
Fairbanks conservatives surged to victory in 2020 with seven of eight races going their way. In an effort to build on this momentum and elect even more strong pro-life and pro-family candidates in Fairbanks, Alaska Family Action has released its latest Values
Fairbanks school board to vote on whether to promote LGBTQ history, role models to students
The Fairbanks School Board is set to vote on whether to encourage area schools to recognize LGBTQ history month. A resolution for the Sept. 21 meeting aims to highlight the “numerous individuals in the LGBTQ community, globally, nationally, and locally”
Seven Fairbanks candidates affirm strong pro-life, pro-family and conservative values
The Alaska Watchman sent a list of hard-hitting questions to all candidates running for local office in Fairbanks, including borough mayor, assembly, school board and city council. Our intent is to give voters a clear sense of who the socially and fiscally