Gov. Mike Dunleavy has agreed to join Alaskans in prayer to seek healing and racial reconciliation. The online prayer gathering will occur on July 16 and will be hosted by Alaska churches and ministries.

Pastor Prince Nwankudu
“Let us mobilize all pastors, prayer warriors, and Christians across Alaska to come together in one accord to pray for and bring racial reconciliation and healing to the state of Alaska,” Pastor Prince Nwankudu of Revive Alaska Community Services said in an announcement about the event.
Revive Alaska is a multi-church partnership aimed at bringing hope and spiritual renewal across Alaska. Nwankudo is president of the organization.
“We need healing in Alaska and in America!” he stated. “Therefore, we must pray! The church is obligated to take the lead in praying for racial reconciliation and healing of the nation. We must pray for divine intervention. We will pray and continue to pray until we see our state and nation healed.”
Nwandkudo notes that while Alaska is very multicultural, there are still racial tensions that should be addressed. Unlike many protests, both locally and around the nation, that have called for the overturn government institutions, the purging of Western European references in history and the defunding of police departments, Nwankudo said the prayer gathering is about seeking a higher source of power.
“…let us be reconciled to God and to one another across racial lines.”
“When it comes to issues of racial reconciliation/healing, love/trust, repentance/forgiveness, or equality/equity across racial lines in our communities, the ultimate solution is found in Jesus Christ and His gospel,” he said. “As Christians, we believe that Jesus Christ is the greatest bridge builder that has ever lived.”
“He is the Prince of Peace and with him, there is no respect of persons or color,” Nwankudo added. “He is the reconciler and has given the church the ministry of reconciliation. More so, today in this nation, let us be reconciled to God and to one another across racial lines.”
The prayer rally will take place on Thursday, July 16, from 10 to 11 a.m. on Zoom. Click here to learn how to join the event.