Juneau is looking for people who think they have a knack for spotting and rooting out racism and perceived inequalities, no matter how subtle they may appear to be.
The borough is now in the process of recruiting social justice activists to serve three year terms on its new “Systemic Racism Review Committee. These members will vet all proposed legislation before the Juneau Assembly to ensure it is untainted by so-called “systemic racism.”
Approved by the Assembly this past August, the seven-member committee is charged with reading over proposed legislation and offering personal opinions before the Assembly takes action or holds public hearings, although this process can be overridden if the Assembly deems it necessary.
In approving the committee, the Assembly admitted that systemic racism is often “covert” and defining it would be a tricky endeavor.
“[S]ystemic racism … may be harder for individuals to see even when revealed in disparities and data,” the law establishing the committee states.
Critics of systemic racism theory argue that it is intentionally ill defined and vague in order to undermine ideas, people and legislation without identifying actual objective instances of racism. In essence, one can be guilty of promoting systemic racism without even knowing it. The idea is often used as a political tool many leftist organizations to undermine groups or laws they disagree with.
In fact, the Juneau law states that systemic racism may be found in “all aspects of society, including but not limited to education, criminal justice, elections, housing and political power.”
The borough is now accepting applications from those interested in serving on the racism committee. Applicants have until Jan. 10 to apply by going to the Boards, Committees, Commissions & Task Forces webpage and clicking on the apply button.
The seven-member committee will be charged with the following:
- Developing criteria to advise whether legislation likely includes a systemic racism policy or implication.
- Reviewing all ordinances after introduction and before public hearing to advise whether the ordinance likely includes a systemic racism policy or implication.
- Reviewing all resolutions to advise whether the resolution likely perpetuates systemic racism.
- Presenting options for curing the potential systemic racism or implications.
- Presenting the committee’s analysis and conclusions to the Assembly in a short statement for each item of legislation.
According to the ordinance establishing the committee, members will be selected to “provide the most balanced representation possible.”
Members should have experience identifying unlawful discrimination, experience identifying social justice inequity, or intimate knowledge of local cultures and practices, including tribal culture and practices.
Well look no further than the Governor’s office the Anchorage mayors office the palmer mayors office and the Anchorage assembly !!!
I just don’t have the words. This is pathetic
Let that town slip into Gantineau Channel…It would do all of us a favor!!!!
A bunch of covert conservatives should get on this! Bet we could find a lot of reference racism in the laws that impact all Alaskans, not based on being whatever color.
We should not be responding to social justice. That is socialism. We should be responding to the Rule of Law and the Individual Rights that we have because of the Constitution. The Constitution should be the measuring stick not the self-appointed the social justice police.
Make sure enactments are constitutional. often they aren’t the least bit constitutional.
Oh for criminy sakes!! Drain the Swamp in Juneau!!
Move the capital away from Juneau and it would pretty much dry up and become another Southeast Alaska town… not to say that other SE towns haven’t become Kalifornicated, sadly.
Every person in Alaska should apply, flood their system.
I just did!
Has there been a full forensic voter audit done? Alaska needs a FULL FORENSIC AUDIT. Dominion machines were used. We already know that counts in many races were off. Why don’t we start there. Shouldn’t we see who REALLY belongs in any and all seats of service before we enlist extra committees that may potentially be assigned by someone that may not have the true authority to make such an assignment?
The Governor must be removed he is a fraud !!!
Yep it’s all us colorless folks’ fault. I guess I better apologize;
OK, I’m sorry you guys are systemicly racist and hate us, but, yawn, oh well….