

When the joint session of Congress convenes on Jan. 6 to tally up the Electoral College votes, Sen. Lisa Murkowski will vote to affirm Joe Biden as the president elect.

Murkowski issued a statement to this effect on Jan. 2.

“I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and that is what I will do January 6 – just as I strive to do every day as I serve the people of Alaska,” she said. “I will vote to affirm the 2020 presidential election.”

Murkowski claimed that “the courts and state legislatures have all honored their duty to hear legal allegations and have found nothing to warrant overturning the results.’

She concluded her statement by urging her colleagues “from both parties to recognize this and join me in maintaining confidence in the Electoral College and our elections so that we ensure we have the continued trust of the American people.”

But many Americans, including members of Congress, are deeply troubled by evidence of election fraud across many key swing states. Several members of Congress have already pledged to challenge the electoral votes on Jan. 6, which will likely lead to hours of hotly debate on the merits of accepting electoral votes from states where election fraud has taken place.

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Murkowski will vote to affirm Biden as president

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Kaye says:


  • Mike Burdick says:

    She has always been a Liberal Leftist in Republican clothing. If it wasn’t for her father she would be nothing. She needs VOTED OUT ‼️
    Being’s it’s a new year I’ll be nice. She needs to be Fired.

  • Kaye says:

    I hope Sarah takes her seat!! Cowski clearly doesn’t deserve it, never did!! WAKE THE HELL UP ALASKA!!!

  • Kaye says:


  • Ruth Ellen Ewig says:

    Lisa Murkowski in her record has never followed the Constitution on any decision. Perhaps she has much to lose if Dominion is banned from our state. She must be one of those lawyers who believes in a Living Constitution not the Rule of Law. The living Constitution lawyers and professors in law school and justices believe they can make it up as it goes not according to the solid US Constitution and the Rule of Law as Originalists intended. Murkowski has no honor and is one of the causes for us to have Obamacare, to continue to support abortion for all reasons and has ignored us her Constituents. She even has workers under her in Congress from other states like Colorado to represent her at the fair here in Fairbanks. She is a very bad Senator who needs to be voted out. It is still questionable how she made it into office as a write in and with Dominion being used here in Alaska. All Alaskans need to contact her this entire week and urge her to do her job and represent Alaska not her own personal self-centered interests.

    • Elizabeth Henry says:

      Agree. She won her seat with write in votes. I now wonder if fraud was involved there as well.

  • Mark Feuerherdt says:

    Screw her! Effin traitor just like her a-hole father!!

  • Kimberly says:

    This is NOT what the State of Alaska wants and you should not be lying and acting like you are doing what it right.
    Alaskans and so many others know the lies of the fraud and you are condoning it if you vote in this manner.

    Please don’t be scared and do what is right.

    • Brian says:

      Lisa’s not scared, she’s part of the Deep State. She’s a professional politician, she’s mired so deep in pork-barrel politics, giving the natives everything they ask for in return for their vote. She needs to be removed from office.

  • Grant Bovee says:

    Lets ALL contact the cow
    Lisa Murkowski ANCHORAGE
    510 L Street
    Suite 600
    Anchorage, AK 99501
    Phone: (907) 271-3735
    Fax: (877) 857-0322

    Courthouse Square
    250 Cushman Avenue, Suite 2D
    Fairbanks, AK 99701
    Phone: (907) 456-0233
    Fax: (877) 857-0322

    522 Hart Senate Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510
    Phone: (202)-224-6665
    Fax: (202)-224-5301

    • Lobomalo says:

      I plan to, but I think her aids may respond, and if they do, they will pretend to be Murkeykowsky explaining how you/we are mistaken, and she knows better.

    • Brian says:

      I’ve contacted Lisa on all major political issues, she doesn’t listen. She’s owned by the fishing and native associations.

    • MICHAEL HUGHES says:

      And email!!! And do the same for Dan Sullivan and Don Young, both have yet to sign on to contest this obvious fraud (and tell them the same voting procedure changes by ONE judge in Alaska is also unconstitutional (not requiring a witness to absentee ballots)!!! Tell everyone you know to do the same, maybe they will listen this time.

  • Brian says:

    I just wonder how invested Murkclownski is in China? I haven’t voted for her in her last two runs for the Senate. She stole the election from Joe Miller with the help of judges. She is a traitor to her state. I understand we use Dominion voting machines in this state also.

  • Elizabeth Henry says:

    Good article from American Thinker —-
    The seven states in question broke election laws. Election fraud is not protected by the constitution and there is vast evidence it has occurred across our country. No Senator or congressperson should ignore that. Murkowski needs to be voted out of office in the next election.

  • Dee cee says:

    I was impressed with her years ago. Now she’s made me into a schmuck. Her fate is sealed; her career in politics is kaput

  • Steven says:

    She and Young both need to be gone in the primaries in 2022. We need our State Senators and Legislatures to fixed the abomination of Rank Choice voting before 2022. This is the only way she will make it back to the Senate. Young defaced himself when he came onboard and accepted the cheating and stealing in the Election. I have contacted all three Sullivan included to see which way they will go on January 6th. I have not received a response back from any of them. I at least expected a response back from Sullivan I know Murkowski would not. She needs to be confronted at every event she attends here in the state for the next two years.

  • Steve Peterson says:

    Failed the bar numerous times; given her senate seat through nepotism; cheated Joe Miller out of his primary win through Native vote manipulation; got caught trying to get a sweetheart deal on Kenai River frontage from Bob Penny; continually champions Planned parenthood because they are a big donor; doesn’t listen to constituents; has been driven by her hatred of Trump for the last 4 years… could go on, but really this woman is pure evil and needs to be sent packing as soon as possible.

  • Michael S Totten says:

    They will never vote her out. The native cooperation bought her a long time ago. She doesn’t care about ordinary Alaskans. Never did. And FRANK was a special interest criminal his whole life. Lisa votes with Diane Feinstein 99 percent of the time. That one is a leech to!

    • Thomas says:

      Lisa is not fit for the office she holds and is beholden to the native corps and planned parenthood “only”. She does not represent the citizen’s of this state and violated the oath of office long ago. We need to encourage Sarah to run for Senate. I’m beginning to wonder about Sullivan too, unfortunately we just re-elected him.

  • Michael S Totten says:

    Don’t feel bad. John Cornyn turned on Texas

  • J Scott says:

    Of course she will. She voted for Biden. A RINO is worse than the enemy. They wear an allied uniform, infiltrate your ranks then follow orders from their true allegiance to do harm.

  • Mike Layman says:

    I saw this the other day and refrained from replying because i was gritting my teeth so hard my hands were shaking and i knew i couldn’t type. It’s the last straw for us, we’ve contacted her numerous times out of concern for her actions and either got no reply or a curt response telling us she understood but was going another direction anyway!
    The Alaskan Republicans need to get they’re preverbal heads out of they’re rectums and provide us with real candidates. These people get in then count on the tooth gritting loyalest to keep them there.
    Going forward those days are over for us, me and my house will either not vote or vote spitefully when we have no other option and that’s very hard for me to say as a Viet-Nam veteran who understands sacrifice and the value of a vote. Are we nearing a time when Patriots will stand up to quell the perdition that exist in our land? God help us.

  • JET says:

    No surprise there. I never reach out to this congressman for anything, she doesn’t represent me, only the radical leftist agenda, and herself. BLAH to her/him/it whatever pronoun she/he/it prefers.

  • Charlie says:

    She is a deep state swamp creature who inherited her father’s connections!
    We already knew she hates President Trump! He wants to drain the swamp which would send her down the drain! I certainly won’t e surprised if she is in on the dominion voting fraud list Ms Powell intends to expose!
    She is due forTar& Feathers!

  • Colorado Conservative says:

    Murkowski most likely won her elections because of vote fraud. From Wikipedia, “Murkowski ran for and won a full term in 2004. After losing the 2010 Republican primary to Tea Party candidate Joe Miller, Murkowski ran as a write-in candidate and defeated both Miller and Democrat Scott McAdams in the general election. She is the second U.S. Senator (after Strom Thurmond in 1954) to be elected by write-in vote. Murkowski was elected to a third term in 2016. She has never won a majority of the vote in any of her three U.S. Senate races, only pluralities.”
    PLEASE Sarah Palin PRIMARY Murkowski come election time 2022!

  • Brian says:

    I read where Lisa is going to move over to the Democrat party after Biden in sworn in. I’ve been wonder if she was going to make this type of move. She must have some knowledge about future elections whereas she doesn’t have to worry about the conservative vote.