Editor’s note: The following letter, issued by three influential and long-time conservative Alaskan leaders, urges Alaskans to contact Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski and Rep. Don Young before Congress certifies the election on Jan. 6. The authors are David Boyle (Chairman, Alaska Politics Explained), Ric Davidge (Chairman, Alaska Roundtable) and Michael Chambers (Chairman, United for Liberty Alaska).
Fellow Alaskans,
This is a clarion call for immediate action to preserve our American freedom and republic
The joint session to certify the presidential election by the U.S. Congress on Jan. 6, presided over by Vice President Mike Pence, is likely the last chance for America to keep our democratic republic in the face of the corrupt 2020 presidential election.
…this cannot be allowed to stand if our nation is to survive.
It’s been eight weeks since this stolen election. There has been plenty of time for legislatures, courts, prosecutors and law enforcement to take proper action. That they have not done so is profoundly troubling and revealing of a widespread deep state sabotaging our democratic institutions. The extensive evidence:
“…of election irregularities and fraud should have been taken more seriously by government officials and law enforcement, and promptly and aggressively investigated. Today, there are hundreds of witnesses, declarations, sworn statements, and videos that continue to raise questions about the integrity of the results.”
“It’s untrue that most of the claims have been dispelled by courts. By and large, there’s been no opportunity for witnesses to testify or present evidence to a judge or jury. More importantly, perhaps, there’s been no way to collect evidence of alleged fraud without the tools of a criminal inquiry, such as subpoenas, depositions, and the ability to compel forensic exams.” – Sharyl Attkisson, 2020 Election Screaming Red Flags That Deserved Criminal Inquiry, Epoch Times [12/22/20]
Most important is you need to act now. You must tell Senators Sullivan and Murkowski, Rep. Young and Vice President Pence that this cannot be allowed to stand if our nation is to survive. Tell the senators and our congressman that you want them to object to the certified electors from Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Nevada because those electors were chosen via a fraudulent election process. It’s easy to do. Just keep it short and to the point – phone call, email, whatever.
Their contact information is listed below. Send to your entire list.
The public’s confidence in the 2020 elections, polling, law enforcement, media, and government are shaken to its roots.
“We are not only at a crossroads; we are also at a precipice. If we go over that precipice by allowing election fraud, whether or not we ever recover is uncertain, perhaps impossible. Free and fair elections may well become a thing of the past.
“An even worse condemnation will be the thousands upon thousands of lonely white crosses in fields across Europe that will forever stand in silent condemnation of their failure. To anyone who can imagine unspoken words, the voices of our fallen patriots will be loud and clear: We were willing to give our lives for freedom. Could you not at least write a few words?” [Marlo Horne, American Thinker 12/25/20]
Stand up for America. Don’t fail our revolutionary and war fallen heroes. You owe it to yourself, your children and your grandchildren to write your congressional delegation now.
Need further convincing…want to do more research? Click here for the Citizen’s Short Course on 2020 Election Fraud.
- David Boyle, Chairman, Alaska Politics Explained
- Ric Davidge, Chairman, Alaska Roundtable
- Michael Chambers, Chairman, United for Liberty Alaska
Click here for sample letters and more information on how to contact Alaska’s D.C. Delegation.
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alaska Watchman.
I as President, Matsu Chapter AMAC Action fully support and have been doing so and calling on my membership to do so.
The fact that all three have acknowledged that Biden is the president elect is very troubling. Any thinking person has to wonder what they’re thinking.
I can tell you what they are thinking. They will not take any kind of risk that jeopardizes their precious office. They are truly part of the swamp needing to be drained. Any person who truly loves this country would be up in arms at what’s being done right in front of of us. We need to replace about 90% of the folks in DC.
I can tell you what they are thinking. They will not take any kind of risk that jeopardizes their precious office. They are truly part of the swamp needing to be drained. Any person who truly loves this country would be up in arms at what’s being done right in front of of us. We need to replace about 90% of the folks in DC including our three.
I see Dan Sullivan is “disgusted” by the events in DC. Too bad he wasn’t disgusted by the cheating across our country on Nov 3.