Sen. Lisa Murkowski, commenting on the second day of the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, said she thinks there is a strong case that Trump incited the Jan. 6 violence at the nation’s Capitol.
Speaking to reporters during a dinner break on Feb. 10, Murkowski was asked to share her thoughts after hearing the case laid out against Trump.
“I’m angry, I’m disturbed, I’m sad,” she said. “I knew what it meant to be running down this hallway with my colleges. I wasn’t fully aware of what else was happening in the building, so when you see all the pieces come together, just the total awareness, the enormity of this, the threat, not just to us as people as lawmakers, but the threat to the institution and what congress represents – it is disturbing, greatly disturbing.”
Murkowski has repeatedly broken with most Senate Republicans to ensure that the impeachment trial of the former president would take place even though he is no longer in office.
The evidence that is presented so far is pretty damning.
Sen. Murkowski
A C-SPAN reporter asked Murkowski whether she thinks a strong case has been made that the violence at the Capitol was “completely Donald Trump’s doing.”
“I think that the house managers are making a very strong case for a timeline that laid out very clearly with the words that were used, when he used them, how he used them, to really build the anger, the violence, that we saw in this capitol,” she said.
A reporter followed up, asking if there was “any doubt in your mind that Donald Trump incited an insurrection?”
“The evidence that is presented so far is pretty damning, but I also know that I have an obligation, a responsibility, and one that I accept, to listen to what the defense will present,” Murkowski responded. “But today, again, I think the series of videos that we’ve seen, again, a reminder of what we all lived through and unfortunately what some did not live through is greatly, greatly disturbing.”
She was then asked if she had any concerns that Trump, who received more than 74 million votes on election day, might run again for the presidency if the Senate did not convict him and thus bar him from future office.
“Frankly, I don’t see how after the American public sees the whole story laid out here – not just in one snippet on this day and another on that – but this whole scenario that has been laid out before us, I just, I don’t see how Donald Trump could be reelected to the presidency again,” she said. “I just don’t see that.”
Trump’s team began their defense of the former president on Feb. 12, accusing members of Congress of hypocrisy for claiming that Trump’s words at a Jan. 6 rally caused an insurrection.
The defense played video montages of legislators threatening Trump and his supporters and even supporting violent protests from this past summer. They also argued that Trumps Jan. 6 speech contained nothing that could be construed as inciting or fomenting violence.
At one point, Michael van der Veen noted that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, however, said the 2016 election was “hijacked and that Congress has a duty to protect our democracy.” He added, “She also called the president an imposter and a traitor, and recently referred to our colleagues in the House as ‘the enemy within.’”
Click here to watch C-SPAN coverage of the impeachment trial.
Murkowski is signing her ‘out’ to the Republican Party!
Evidence of Lisa being a back-stabbing double-agent communist -er democrat is pretty damning.
What you have stated is truth and needs no back -up because Truth stands alone above all other words ! God Bless Herman!
I sent her an email reminding her that anyone who supports, encourages the presence of illegal aliens is aiding and abetting, a federal felony under 1907 USC 1342(a). Giving the stimulus dollars, or any other support is a direct violation of federal law, and she doesn’t seem to be bothered with that.. So far,.. no response from the Wicked Witch of the North.. RECALL.. VOTE OUT… CHALLENGE her/it.
I seriously hope Murkowski paid close attention during the defense closing video montages today, if the House managers video evidence was pretty damming. See what Americans in America cities have to endure all last summer on top of a crippling economy due to the covid plandemic. Also all the hypocrisy from the democrats. Those too are pretty damming!!
amen again
When is the Repubican party gonna kick this Commie Whore to the curb?
If they had done it in the last couple of years, that would have been 10 years too late.
It is encouraging to see that a handful of Republicans retain their ability to rationally process information and come to an independent conclusion, despite the rampant cancel culture practiced by the majority of elected Republicans today,
Senator Murkowski has earned my support, not to mention the support of the remaining Republicans of integrity. It is a shame that many in our party has been so readily subverted by the MAGA crowd.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion(s), but as they say, opinions aren’t facts. Some suggest that if you believe differently than they do, that you have been “subverted”, and can’t think for yourselves… Those same people agree with, and support democrats claiming to be republicans.. Lisa is running in daddy Frank’s footsteps.
Sam, as you stated; you have a handful of Republicans that see things your way… The other 70 million don’t. Lisa is an elitist that has to go. She no longer replies to messages left on her official Senate website, which indicates she doesn’t want to hear from her constituents that hold a different opinion than hers.
Sam, the Drinking of Kool Aid will not clear anyone’s mind until they stop…I suggest you stop!
Does “rationally process information and come to an independent conclusion” include waiting for a full investigation of 1/6/2021 (which has not been completed) and a full presentation of facts? Before those questions are answered how can a person come to an honest assessment?
That bulb never did glow very bright
Murkowski is a political whore !!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Sold her own ass to Diane Feinstein and the democrat’s decades ago.
Here Here!
“I’m angry, I’m disturbed, I’m sad,” she said. “I knew what it meant to be running down this hallway with my colleges. I wasn’t fully aware of what else was happening in the building, so when you see all the pieces come together, just the total awareness, the enormity of this, the threat, not just to us as people as lawmakers, but the threat to the institution and what congress represents – it is disturbing, greatly disturbing.”
REPHRASE: “I’m angry, I’m disturbed, I’m sad,” she said. “I knew what it meant when it showed Planned Parenthood running down this hallway with the foetal body parts of the little ones SELECTED TO SELL to the bidders. I wasn’t fully aware of what else was happening in the building UNTIL I viewed the Daleiden videos, so when you see all the pieces come together, just the total awareness, the enormity of this, the threat, the horror, not just to us as people as lawmakers, but the threat to the institution and what congress represents – it is disturbing, greatly disturbing.”
What are you going to do about this horrible crime against the human person – the little ones robbed of their future? Do you really find it “disturbing, greatly disturbing”? 63 million Americans—and you turn your head the other way and vote to allow the slaughter to continue, for funding to be allocated to the perpetrators of this crime against humanity.
What a horror of deceit you are propagating in your mind!
You out yourself time and again with your uneven application of how you view justice for your fellow Americans. You have allowed yourself to be modeled into the instrument of the double face of manipulation, not of right reason.
You just described a Swamp Monster.
Some people have no shame. Words are important — repeatedly calling a breach an “insurrection” is done deliberately to harvest influence of the citizenry in media presentation. I saw no such criticism of the summer of love violence, destruction and attacks on reporters and police by BLM and Antifa, rather these riots were massaged with labels like “peaceful protests.” The name of the game is Deceit and Distraction — only it’s not a game, it’s more than the camel’s nose of Communism in the door of America. Prayer, fasting and action are the prescription in whatever capacity one has.
Well Lisa, maybe you should objectively listen to both sides before spewing your biased opinion.
Lisa just voted all of us GUILTY! I will celebrate the day this witch is out of office, the sooner the better. She voted her personal animus against President Trump instead of voting on the evidence. She wanted to see evidence against the President. I sure hope the Donald J. Trump pays a visit to Alaska in 2022 and hammers this scorned woman.