Planned Parenthood has a vested interest in making sure the Anchorage School Board is stacked with pro-abortion members who back radical sex education and the advance of the LGBTQ agenda in local schools.
The head of Planned Parenthood in Alaska issued a last-ditch email to this end on March 17.
“We are deeply invested in the Anchorage School Board race because the people in these roles have a large say in what is taught in our schools,” wrote Jessica Cler, state director of Planned Parenthood Votes Alaska.
She said Planned Parenthood is “proud to endorse” school board candidates Kelly Lessens, Dora Wilson and Carl Jacobs. These candidates “share our values,” Cler said.
Anchorage is one of a handful of school districts that teach a radical form of sex-education which includes promoting both abortion the LGBTQ lifestyle among students.
Cler laments that Alaska law requires all sex-ed programs to be approved by the school board. To maintain programming the abortion giant approves of, Anchorage voters will need to maintain the status quo on the Assembly, she argued.
“We currently have a pro-sex ed majority on the board, but we could lose that…” Cler said.
The email concludes by suggesting that explicit sex-education, student access to contraception and abortion, and the promotion of the LGBTQ agenda are “crucially important in the face of a public health crisis.”
Cler’s email comes amid an election season in which a number of solid pro-life school board candidates who support strong parental rights are vying to reshape the composition of a left leaning Anchorage School Board.
Click here to see how several candidates responded to Alaska Watchman survey questions.
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This idea is just wrong! If kids identify as being gay then they should be aloud to go that way. We shouldn’t force it on them because some screw ball thought it should be forced upon them all. I will not vote or support any one that thinks this is the right thing to do.
Parents are more heavily invested in the school district and grandparents too. I’m not “gay”. That culture is a foreign one. The majority of our kids will be happy to socialize and function traditionally. It is shocking to us and our families that homosexuals feel comfortable overtaking, initiating private unique and abhorant to us behaviors and information to young kids. We produce the kids. Back off with your agendas. You are being rude.
Planned Parenthood is one wing of the Democrat Party, the public schools are another (the press and media still another), so there is no surprise here at all! The surprise to me is that there are so many traditionally minded families that keep their children in public schools amidst all the crap that is being pushed in the curriculum these days. GET THEM OUT!
Having said that…. I applaud all the GOOD, conservative candidates who want to get on the board to direct it back to more traditional values. May they be successful.
Bravo, brother! Stay in the fight!
Two groups of individuals that will reap what they sow at the White Throne Judgment for their ABOMINATIONS without repentance !!!
AMEN to that! We will ALL answer for our actions!
When my children were growing up it was hard enough to make sure the schools were educating them properly. Now, they don’t even pretend. They are more concerned over recruiting children for the cause of the LGBT whatever community. This is the most pathetic and abhorrent thing that could be happening. We send our children to schools so they can be educated. Instead, the schools erase the truth and teach them things that are scientifically false and morally wrong. I would not, if I were raising kids today, allow my children in a public school. It is not the business of a school to teach children morals nor is it their place to teach a child about sex. That is what parents are supposed to do.
Nice link photo of the Liberal lolly pop molds.