The Alaska Democratic Party is now throwing its resources into promoting Drag Queen Storytime, an event that has been hosted multiple times for young children at the Loussac Library in Anchorage.

This time, the official political apparatus of the Democratic Party is partnering with local Drag Queen performers – Golden Delicious and Ivanna Read – to “read storybooks and sing songs to entertain the whole family.” The Facebook notice for the June 19 online event, states that the goal is to celebrate Pride Month.
Brooks Banker is one of the Drag Queen performers. He goes by the stage name “Golden Delicious,” and is a well-known entertainer in Anchorage’s gay bars. His Instagram account describes him as a “Genderqueer Queer Queen & Bearded Babe” and includes a Black Lives Matter fist with a transgender flag in the background. Banker has been one of the lead organizers behind past library Drag Queen events for toddlers and teens.

“The Alaska Democratic Party is proud to host this event virtually so Alaskans across the state can now enjoy story time together,” the notice states. “Whether you are young or young at heart, this event is a safe space for everyone, filled with love, laughter, and lots of great books.”
In addition to providing sexualized children’s entertainment, Democrats are using the event to solicit donations for the Alaska Democratic Party so they can “continue to recruit candidates and elect leaders who support the Alaskan LGBTQ+ community, and to host future events like these!”
Drag Queen events targeting young children with shows featuring alternative sexual lifestyles has come under intense pressure over the past few year as the LGBTQ movement has focused its efforts on inculcating youth with its message. Anchorage has seen protests and signed petitions urging the Loussac Library to abandon the publicly sponsored events. The library has not held a Drag Queen Story Hour since 2019, but the Democratic Party has now taken the lead.
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Agree. It is child abuse and they should lose the privilege of being parents.
If society don’t want to listen to a Heterosexual Christian, then they should at least listen to George Carneal about the unglamorous and brutal side being an LGBTQ+ member from his book and his website: georgecarnel
Sinister and disgusting, contrived and perverse, insidious and deviant.
A scheme to resist.
This is child abuse…
I would ask what right-minded parent would do this, but they aren’t in their right mind.
-God help Alaska please!
Where are all the priests, bishops, pastors, etc? Why aren’t they “up in arms” about this and telling their flocks to do the same. Shameful.
This is child abuse!!! It needs to stop!!! What has Anchorage turned into?? Please dont stop protesting!
What has the Democrat Party turned into?
The “Let’s all go to Hell in a hand basket” party.
Poor children. How frightening. Shows where we are in the stream of time. Highly in appropriate.
What about the parents that takes there kid and watch together.
It’s just, Sick and Wrong.
Remember God created Man and Women End of story.
I know a lady who is “practicing Catholic,” and advocates for taking her only son DQSH at Loussac as often as possible. She also thinks the Eucharist is “symbolic” and it is child abuse to force your l.o. to attend mass weekly….
Our shepherds need to step out against this and correct the liberal Catholic corps of this town.
She’s a plant. Unfortunately, the church is full of them and the Woke Pope is allowing them to come out into the open more and more.
Boycott them. I haven’t used Loussac Library since they started hosting this. I am speechless that this can be allowed.
“The principle of domesticity: the ideal house, the happy family, the holy family of history is now chiefly assailed by those who have never known it, or by those who have failed to fulfill it.” -G.K. Chesterton
Any of you supporting this have levels of perversion that destroys societies. There is nothing safe, good, healthy, normal, or acceptable about this.
If these adults feel compelled to read sexualized books and topics to these kids, then it only seems reasonable if they had the chance they would rape them too.
And evil will be called good and good, evil.
Send this to every Democrat you know. If you lose them as friends, they weren’t true friends.
This is abhorrent! Normalizing hyper sexualization for our children? This is child abuse and a push for pedophilia. I urge you to dive deep into the truth and viciousness of the LGBQT movement.
Contact the library acting director and other staff to voice your opinion. This perverted event needs to be cancelled. The Democrat Party is completely morally bankrupt. No taxpayer funded library should be assisting the Alphabet Mafia in celebrating, endorsing, or promoting Drag Queens as perfectly normal when it is far from it. Even their stage names reflect their perversion.