On cusp of being sworn in as the next mayor of Anchorage on July 1, Dave Bronson released a list of key administrative appointments who represent his commitment to conservative principles.
According to the June 28 announcement, former Lt. Gov. Craig Campbell has been tapped to serve as chief of staff, and former Anchorage Assemblywoman Amy Demboski to serve as city manager.
“From the beginning, our team has been determined to put together a team focused on making Anchorage a better, brighter and more resilient community,” Bronson said. “We represent a new direction for the Municipality of Anchorage, but also an emphasis on continuity of services and finding government efficiencies through direct knowledge and decades of frontline experience.”
The list of key officials includes a new head librarian, Sami Graham. She is a strong conservative who narrowly lost her school board race this past spring.
Mike Robbins, who ran against Bronson in the recent mayoral election, was tapped to serve as Executive Director of Anchorage Community Development Authority.
Another notable appointment is Portia Noble to serve as Director of Community Engagement. Noble who has served as vice president of the Anchorage Republican Women’s Club, and as the field director for Americans for Prosperity, Alaska.
Niki Tshibaka, husband of U.S. Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka, was appointed to serve as Director of Human Resources.
According to city code, mayoral appointments for all heads of municipal departments are subject to confirmation by the Assembly. All other heads of city agencies do not require Assembly confirmation.
With the Anchorage Assembly controlled by a far-left majority, the confirmation process will likely include robust debate. Below is the full list of Bronson’s appointments.

No matter what the Anchorage Democrats whine about him and what his administration do, just support him. Same goes for supporting Dunleavy. Democrats are never happy, they’ll job is to attack anything and anyone one doesnt do what their group wants.
Bronson and Dunleavy are part of the good guys
The assembly is full of children who do nothing but throw temper tantrums. They don’t get anything done. Recall everyone of them. Or better yet. Get all the anchorage conservatives together in mass and raid the assembly building with flexi cuffs
This is a ridiculous suggestion and truly trolling. You do not encourage your fellow citizens to higher ideals and upstanding behavior, sir. And thus, you have fallen prey to the emotionalism of the times.
Being a “temper-tantrum throwing child” is not a crime deserving of being accosted and put in “flexi-cuffs.” You appear on almost every post with your nonsensical calls to action and I can’t abide it any longer without saying so. You do more harm than good, sir. Please, gather yourself and come back better. You do conservatism no favors.
You are a traitor to the true american constitution if you think I am out of line for my beliefs. I am a retired soldier and 16 year resident of Alaska. Anchorage is full of oppressive traitors and communists and by order of the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION should be arrested for crimes against it’s citizens. I have a pair of flexi cuffs for you too!
Oh and NONSENSICAL calls to action you say? Well if you’re not willing to ACT in order to protect your liberties then you may as well get on the box car right now,, because you have failed as an AMERICAN. And just to be clear. I lived in anchorage and had a house in nikiski later and have family up there. I have watched anchorage devolve into a liberal cesspool while you all gave it over without ANY action. So before you accuse someone of TROLLING maybe figure out who your talking to first. Now go back to your safe space
Give it to them, Michael. The leftist that are ruining our city deserve EVERYTHING they get. People used to tar and feather and run out of town people like this. It is time we who have any brains and common sense left to FIght these people as they will NEVER stop pushing, and pushing, and pushing. The average voter in Anchorage is totally oblivious to what is going on, and I include “conservatives” many of which are my friends. Whatever it takes, we have to get control of this city again.
I’m confident this conservative base will prevent Anchorage from turning into the cesspool cities we see that are rife with crime and homelessness, god knows it has been well on its way the last several years.
Good luck on that, Mo. I hope for the same thing but, I think it is all too far gone for us to make any difference. This “assembly” of far leftist, including the fat little faggot in charge of it all (and I can say this because, other than being little, I am a fat faggot who is very conservative in what powers the government can exert over us – people are still wearing masks, none of which work – how do we get this city out of this mess; no way I can see).
I friggen love your energy!
Implants from Cali and Oregon did this while the so called CONSERVATIVES stood by and did nothing but complain on social media about it. I blame the alaska conservative party they’re just as weak as the people they complain about. We shall see if bronson is in for action or if he’s full of empty promises in the months to come. Texas will be watching
The problem with politics is the mighty $ and people pushing an agenda when they don’t live or participate in the area. I don’t care how Nikiski, Texas, or anywhere else that I do not reside in runs their cities, villages, states or whatever. If I don’t like it, I won’t go.
I lived in anchorage too. Loved it back in 2005 when mark was running things after tony Knowles. Great city back then. I hate anchorage now. Horrible citizens. No backbone!
Please don’t let Anchorage become like the democratic disaster known as Chicago or New York… like the people moving from Cali. to other states. Don’t turn Alaska into what you yourself ran from.
God bless Alaska
God bless America and the Republic