Alaska’s Attorney General Treg Taylor has joined a 20-state coalition of attorneys general in pushing back against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) proposed rule that would substantially increase the federal government’s ability to regulate firearm parts manufacturers.

The ATF proposal would expand the definition of a receiver, the part of a firearm that houses its firing mechanism. The attorneys general argue the rule would give the ATF unconstitutionally unrestrained discretion over which parts are subject to regulation.
A joint statement by the attorneys general says there is “no reason to believe Congress viewed it necessary to regulate each part of a firearm or receiver, or that it did not understand that a firearm receiver may be assembled from multiple parts.”
It adds that the ATF’s justification “turns on the idea that Congress should regulate consistent with new technological and manufacturing developments, or that Congress should have delegated ATF power to do so instead. Yet the language Congress chose makes clear that it did neither.”
The proposed expansion of regulatory control is a violation of law, the statement claims.
“The authority to create legislation is in Congress, not federal agencies,” said Attorney General Taylor on Aug. 23. “The law is clear that the ATF only has the authority to regulate complete firearms, and not firearm parts, under the Gun Control Act of 1968. The ATF cannot expand its authority through rulemaking.”
Taylor’s statement noted that the proposed rule unlawfully gives ATF “broad policymaking discretion” that is does not have.
Alaska joined the West Virginia- and Arizona-led comments with attorneys general in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and South Dakota.
Good for Alaska to stand up for our gun rights
Locked and loaded bring it on.
All you Woke bull crap
The violations of: the Declaration of Independence and Nurenburg Code are systematically violated right down the list
Yay! Now 2 politicians (including Mayor Bronson) who have what it takes to stand up to the Nazis. Look at what is happening in Australia right now: they took away the peoples’ guns several years ago and now are have turned into an outright authoritarian country.
Ironic. Non-elected officials (employees) telling us what our rights are. F troop is an agency that will shoot your dog and burn your house down with you in it, over a $200 tax that should have never been. Just a friendly reminder to the fed bois- This is your situation: you live in “indian territory” (among gun-toting Constitutional Amercans), there are 250 Americans to one of you. You had best tread lightly.