State Senator Lora Reinbold (R-Eagle River) is urging military leadership at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson to repeal its new COVID policy that forces all base personnel to avoid local activities, businesses and other establishments that do not require mask mandates, social distancing, proof of vaccination or proof of a negative COVID test. The only exceptions are for accessing so-called “essential services,” such as grocery stores, school sponsored activities and religious services.
Announced on Sept. 28 through a memo by Air Force Col. Kirsten Aguilar, JBER commander, the new mandate also requires all personnel to wear masks indoors, on and off base, and outside when unable to social distance. The order applies to personnel who live, work and recreate on JBER, as well as visitors.
Reinbold, who represents military personnel in the Eagle River area, blasted the new mandate in an Oct. 1 statement.
COVID should not be used as a pretense, to import any type of punitive or coercive measures into what should be, the freest state, in the freest nation in the world.”
“I urge Colonel Aguilar to immediately rescind her unnecessary and oppressive COVID policies,” Reinbold said. “Her excessive measures usurp state and local authority. Aguilar’s aggressive policies impact military members, their families, civilian personnel and visitors. Her public policy attempts will negatively impact numerous local businesses, who have already taken the brunt of COVID mitigation measures. Our military, who lay their lives down for our country, deserve their liberties to be upheld and defended by their commanders.”
Reinbold criticized the mandate for requiring family members of JBER personnel to quarantine if they come in close contact with a COVID positive person, saying it will “only serve to increase tensions, in an already difficult situation.”
She also emphasized that growing natural immunity and effective treatments should be taken into account, as well as the fact that COVID presents limited risks to a “broadly young military, who strive to stay fit.”
“Our men and women in uniform defend our freedom, and we must defend theirs,” she said. “Our nation was founded on preserving individual liberties. As a state Senator, I swore to uphold and defend the US and state constitution and as a JBER Honorary Commander, I took an oath to support our military.”
Reinbold has been an outspoken critic of the experimental mRNA COVID shots, which are still undergoing trials and testing.
“Singling out those who have intentionally not taken the vaccine, that has diminishing efficacy and unknown long-term safety profiles, is simply un-American,” she said. “COVID should not be used as a pretense, to import any type of punitive or coercive measures into what should be, the freest state, in the freest nation in the world.”
I urge Colonel Aguilar to immediately rescind her unnecessary and oppressive COVID policies.
Her excessive measures usurp state and local authority. Aguilar’s aggressive policies impact military members, their families, civilian personnel, and visitors. Her public policy attempts will negatively impact numerous local businesses, who have already taken the brunt of COVID mitigation measures. Our military, who lay their lives down for our country, deserve their liberties to be upheld and defended by their commanders.
Colonel Aguilar’s policies likely violate the Posse Comitatus Act. The act limits the powers of the federal government to use federal military personnel, to enforce domestic policies.
Attempting to impose mask mandates, showing proof of a “vaccination,” limiting access to local businesses, and quarantining family members and visitors, only serve to increase tensions, in an already difficult situation.
As we approach the two-year mark of this pandemic, effective treatments are now known and must be made available. Ref: AFLDS.org & https://covid19criticalcare.com/
Natural immunity is growing, many experts believe it provides superior immunity and must be recognized.
The oppressive measures Aguilar is implementing, do not match the limited risk COVID 19 presents to our broadly young military, who strive to stay fit. Our men and women in uniform defend our freedom, and we must defend theirs. Our nation was founded on preserving individual liberties.
As a state Senator, I swore to uphold and defend the US and state constitution and as a JBER Honorary Commander, I took an oath to support our military.
I adamantly disagree with forcing anyone to take the new MRNA gene therapy technology, COVID shot, that is still under investigation. Only the brand name Comirnaty, has been licensed to market. Individuals must demand the licensed product if they chose to take the COVID shot.
Note: Alaska state law allows Alaskans to legally decline any medical intervention.
In addition to some of the most credentialed and publicized physicians in America, flight surgeons both in the Army and Navy, have exposed grave concerns of the negative impacts the COVID shot.
The Colonel’s policy, requiring service members to show proof of COVID vax, is contrary to science and violates privacy rights.
The data clearly shows, and public health officials agree, that those who are vaccinated can contract and spread COVID. Singling out those who have intentionally not taken the vaccine, that has diminishing efficacy and unknown long-term safety profiles, is simply un-American.
Rendering this kind of heavy-handed, approach coupled with forced mRNA ‘vaccinations’ most definitely violate Constitutional rights.
COVID should not be used as a pretense, to import any type of punitive or coercive measures into what should be, the freest state, in the freest nation, in the world.
Bravo Lora , Fear should only be a “foot note” in the vocabulary of a true LEADER! Thank you for your fearless leadership!!!
Great well thought out letter.
Excellent, true and brave comments! Thank you for fulfilling your oath to defend and secure our rights and liberty! Where are the elected men? They need a check up.
Thank you for your leadership and your willingness to seek out truth and then speak the truth.
Lora, I support you and I’ve got your six, for standing up against all this woke bull crap like the airlines etc.
Keep the faith, keep up the good fight if you weren’t doing the “Right Thing” nobody would be mad at you, right.
Females should never be in charge in any military unit. Sincerely (a retired marine)
I’ve seen this before: woman in charge and on a power trip. Amp that up as Latina on a power trip.
I remember when a commander at camp lejeune ordered us not to be motocross racing before a deployment and threatened us with NJP if we were caught. Guess what? We went racing anyway. Middle finger to this stupid woman!
It’s as if Sen Reinbold is the only person in State Govt who is worth a crap. Reinbold for Governor!!!
Bravo Senator Reinbold for this well written letter to the JBER Commanding Officer and for standing up for Our Constitutonal Liberties and The Constitution of the United States! The America that we’ve known and loved is now hanging by a thread and it’s imperative that we stand up for our rights and Our Constitution before it’s too late! We desperately need people like you who have some back bone and are willing to stand up for freedom and speak out against tyranny; you’d certainly have my vote if you declared your intention to run for Governor or US Senate!
Wonderfully stated ! Most people have already been exposed or fought covid in some way or another. These restriction are actually kind of silly anyways. It would be much better to teach people how to avoid getting very sick from covid by doing simple health promoting measures.
Like improving their diet to fresher, vitamin rich foods, and avoiding nutrition that causes any kind of inflammation.
Covid thrives on inflamed tissue, as we see in people that have heart issues, diabetes and many more conditions.
Why do doctors not learn and teach how to get healthy instead? Then, covid can not deliver such a life threatening blow.
There are also many anti- viral supplements that help fight the disease. I speak from personal experience.
10 ppm colloidal silver, oil of oregano, elderberry syrup, black cumin, ginger, raw honey and many more.
Also avoiding sugar in large amounts is very beneficial to fight the bug.
When one starts feeling sick, stronger drugs like Ivermectin are also proven to reduce severity, even if the media doesn’t believe that.
Keep in mind, we now know that vaccinated people are actually super spreaders of the virus by having 251 times more virus load in their sinuses!
And the naturally recovered folks have at least a 27 times higher immunity, which last in the form of T cells like a memory. I wonder why they cannot learn to measure that, as proof of immunity? I think they do not want to.
So either way, we need to face the virus each in our own way, and we shouldn’t be told by anyone how to do that.
Another lane RINO.
Do Nothing Dunleavy – grow a pair!
Extremism in defense of Liberty is no vice.
Moderation in defense of Liberty is no virtue.
Senator Reinbold for Governor?
Waste of time. 85% aren’t paying attention anyway. It’s the 15% you have to watch out for and those are the ones their counting on to enforce this crap. Buddy is only half a word.
Leadership at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson HAVE NO AUTHORITY over civilians or commerce the commander knows this yet she try’s to impose her will at the direction of the DOD out of Washington, to affect the city’s livelihood and my guess MURKOWSKI is partly to blame, this fringes on the grounds of coercion and maybe extorsion if the commander was promised something in return for her TREASONOUS stance!!! Best tread lightly commander!!!
When you lose your right to chose, you lose your right for freedom.
Well written. She has my vote. Finally someone not only standing up for also holding true the her oath of office.
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