Mat-Su couple, Heidi and Daniel Watson, just launched a new business aimed at assisting fellow Alaskans faced with job termination, violations of medical freedom and other coercive COVID related policies and mandates.
LibertyTreeAK.com went live last week with the aim of forming a network of Alaskans who can support one another through employment opportunities, legal advice, health care options and the creation of innovative new companies and services.
Heidi’s husband, Daniel, is one of thousands of Alaskans whose jobs are in limbo thanks to President Joe Biden’s mandate that all federal workers and contractors be deemed “fully vaccinated” with the experimental COVID shots.
Daniel is a control systems engineer for Honeywell. Heidi said he submitted a medical exemption request but is still waiting to find out whether he can stay employed without getting the COVID jab.
“You hear from people all over the place who are going through the same thing – people grasping for information to figure out how to provide for their families,” Heidi said. “People need to be supported because they are doing something that takes a lot of bravery. They need to know they are not alone.”
Heidi said she hopes LibertyTreeAK.com becomes a place where companies that support medical freedom and personal liberties will list their services or advertise job openings. Likewise, Alaskans seeking jobs can post resumes and contact potential employers without having to worry about taking a COVID shot.
Companies that want to list job openings at LibertyTreeAK.com must sign a form stating the business “will not require our employees to receive the vaccine in order to obtain or retain employment with us. We endeavor to protect the personal rights of our employees.” Companies that agree get their name and logo listed on the website so that both job seekers and those wishing to support freedom-loving businesses can see who’s participating.
While the site is only a few days old, Heidi said she hopes it evolves quickly into a space where business professionals and entrepreneurs also regularly meet, brainstorm solutions and possibly create new business models in a variety of professions.
“My goal is to keep people in Alaska, because there is going to be an exodus with so many federal workers here,” Heidi said. “I’m hoping to foster new companies and innovation.”
As the website grows, she wants it to be a one-stop-shop for job listings, resumes, event notices, legal advice, medical care and other services. She also has a “neighbors helping neighbors” section where people can assist fellow Alaskans who may have lost jobs for refusing to get COVID injections.
For businesses that want to remain anonymous, but still post job openings, there’s an option for that, too.
“We are in a time when everything is so unsure, and I think that people who have the same ideas about protecting liberty and freedom need to stand together so that we know we’re not alone, and so we can support each other,” Heidi said. “Eventually, I would love for this to become an Amazon of conservatism. I just need an army of people to help run the different sections. This is way bigger than any one person.”
For more information visit LibertyTreeAK.com or email admin@libertytreeak.com.
Remember the Christian Flight Attendant and another flight attendant that worked for Alaska Airlines, in June, that was fired for questioning the EQUALITY ACT? One of the Flight attendants asked out of concern, for how religious beliefs are treated in the workplace. The airline, however, said her question was offensive and discriminatory by suggesting that gender orientation was a moral issue.
The Flight Attendants contacted First Liberty Institute Law Firm.” David Hacker, director of litigation for First Liberty Institute, said Sept. 8, according to Fox Business”.. “The corporate ‘canceling’ of our clients by Alaska Airlines makes a mockery of laws that protect religious Americans from employment discrimination,”
“Does Alaska support: endangering the Church, encouraging suppression of religious freedom, obliterating women rights and parental rights? This act will force every American to agree with controversial government-imposed ideology or be treated as an outlaw,” the flight attendant wrote, according to the EOE complaint.
The Equality act [Act] would affect everything from girls’ and women’s showers and locker rooms to women’s shelters and women’s prisons, endangering safety and diminishing privacy. Giving people blanket permission to enter private spaces for the opposite sex enables sexual predators to exploit the rules and gain easy access to victims. This is the Equality Act.”
If you are being discriminated against, or if you believe your religious liberty has been threatened or violated contact this Law Firm. It is the Law Firm that the Flight Attendant that worked for Alaska Airlines used to file suit against Alaska Airlines.
First Liberty Institute is a Law Firm. It is a nonprofit Christian conservative legal organization based in Plano, Texas. Prominent in the legal circles on the Christian right, the organization litigates in First Amendment cases on religion. Discrimination has an all-too-common reality in our culture today.
Such hostility can be in your workplace, Military, community, school, house of worship, or your own home. It is stressful and confusing. If you need a religious accommodation with covid vaccine. As the nation’s largest non-profit legal firm solely dedicated to religious liberty, our legal services are always provided at no charge to you. That is how they keep freedom free.
The group of Lawyers has taken stances against LGBT.
Headquarters:2001 West Plano Parkway, Suite 1600, Plano, Texas 75075
Love this, we need to stand together neighbor to neighbor. Alaskans standing together the guy next door has salmon the guy across the street has moose. Let’s take care of each other.
Seems to be the AK version of https://novaxmandate.org/
I tried getting a login set up and it doesn’t seem to be sending me the confirmation email that it says its sending. Tried twice already. If I try again it says my email is already taken. I’ve asked it to resend the email but it never shows up. Not in junk mail either.
How is it LEGAL? No one has explained how the Fed gov’t or employment law supports forcing a medical treatment on someone…not to mention an experimental one. No one has come forth with info explaining WHO will be responsible for adverse reactions when an employer has made a v@ccine a “condition” for employment. None of this has even been worked out yet, to the best of my knowledge. According to Constitutional Lawyers, religious exemptions must b accepted w/o questioning In accordance with TITLE 7 of the U.S. Civil Rights Act.
Honestly, we simply need to peaceably ignore these mandates and continue to disobey at public sites. As far as commercial entities are concern, don’t patronize them. People cancel your COSTCO Memberships, etc. I would like to see new local grocery stores open that will not participate in the Tyranny because by next year, they are going to try prevent food buying and restrict other places.
Actively encourage and fund strong leaders to run for office and find and fund groups like New Civil Liberties Alliance. If you have breath in your lungs then lets intelligently, diligently, and tenaciously take back our governments. They dont want you optimistic because if your are you might try to stop them. Remain Optimistic!
As a lifelong Alaskan who is also a Federal worker at risk due to refusal to be stabbed, I will not be leaving AK even if the job leaves me. I am Alaskan. I will work to make Alaska Strong. I will work to make Alaska independent and self-sufficient so that we no longer have to worry about a mass exodus of our people whenever hard times rear up. We are the People of the Greatland.
I am glad people are realizing what really is going on, and are starting to band together against tyrants that want to control us completely. They will keep trying the fear technique with yet another variant, and you need to get your shot, while the Early Treatment methods are still not being promoted. A long time ago, doctors scoffed at one doctor that said, you need to wash your hands before going to the next patient. Today, we all know that doctor was right, back then they ostracized him! We know early treatment and some prevention is huge in keeping all these viruses from becoming serious illnesses. When do you ever hear about medical personal advising, you could daily rinse your sinuses with salt water to keep the viral load down, or take plenty of vitamins and eat fresher foods. Leave the junk food alone, and get control of you health. The virus doesn’t affect kids much at all, because they have very little inflammation.