Earlier this month, I was in Washington D.C. to pray for, rally and celebrate with thousands of other pro-lifers across America. We came because the U.S. Supreme Court took up a case from Mississippi (Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health) challenging the very foundation of the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade case that has caused incalculable havoc and pain across our nation.

As I walked along the Potomac River, I pondered if this place was “hallowed ground” or “swamp land” and came to the realization that it was both.
It started out, geographically, as swamp land but became, ideologically and physically a place where the rights of humans, as endowed by their Creator, were lifted up in a way unknown until the likes of Jefferson, Adams, Franklin and others fought to make the “Great American Experiment” a reality.
The places I meandered about were once occupied by people who died fighting for the reality that “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” were non-negotiables.
But that changed in 1973 when seven black-robed attorneys on the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that every law in every state protecting unborn Americans was “unconstitutional” because of legalese they made up – not because the Constitution called it out. It was pure fabrication.
In the current Dobbs case, we have a historic opportunity to return the critical matter to the states. While the right to life should be enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, and hopefully will be someday, we now have an opportunity for states to reassert once again their right to protect precious unborn human life.
Please pray that our Supreme Court justices will rule in favor of the most vulnerable, that the attorneys provide the most persuasive arguments, and that justice and mercy prevails.
The best we can expect is that the Supreme Court will return the issue back to the states when they issue their ruling this coming summer.
That would shine a bright spotlight on our Alaska Supreme Court, which has always sided with Planned Parenthood and abortionists when it comes to innocent pre-born Alaskans. The abuse of power by Alaska judges on this human rights issue must be addressed.
As we work with other groups to get a Constitutional Convention called, please pray that there would be synergy and discernment.
The only hope we have to stop the Alaska Supreme Court from manufacturing a “right to abortion” in our State Constitution is through an amendment that State Senator Shelly Hughes has introduced. It rightfully neuters the court on this issue. The proposed language is beautifully simple – “to protect human life, nothing in this constitution may be construed to secure or protect a right to an abortion or require the State to fund an abortion.”
If this amendment passes, the people will retain power. Unfortunately, we don’t have the two-thirds majority needed in the Alaska State Senate and House to amend our State Constitution with those words. We can’t even get a majority of Republicans to organize after they’ve repeatedly been elected by the people as such.
Fortunately, you might even say through God’s providence, we have an opportunity in November of 2022 to make it happen in the general election. Every 10 years, Alaskans are asked whether to call a Constitutional Convention. The answer this year should be a resounding “yes.”
Proverbs 24:11 implores us to “Deliver those who are being taken away to death, and those who are staggering to slaughter, Oh, hold them back.” It’s time to hold the Alaska Supreme Court back.
As we work with other groups to get a Constitutional Convention called, please pray that there would be synergy and discernment. It will be a monumental challenge, but with God all things are possible.
To see how other states are positioned to address the abortion question visit this new website launched by our allies at Family Policy Alliance. It’s called AfterRoe. There is much work to be done and much to be thankful for living in such a time as this.
We will overcome.
The views expressed here are those of the author.
The blessing of GOD fell from this nation as the blood at the alter of satan was shed in the millions. We all pay a heavy price for turning our backs on the unborn. We have been so self centered as to murder GODS precious gifts. It is our fault as we have degenerated into a non-responsibility society. The watchman must sound the alarm. The blood of these innocent children is on my hands as I too, as I sat by and said nothing while over 60 million were slaughtered on the alter of Baal.
Yup…the Alaska Pro life has a Loooong way before specifically child-bearing women know they are loved, encouraged, protected, and discipled by specifically Alaskan Church communities. We want the women to continue the pregnancy and take the next brave step learning how to most likely single parent. All the men of the church ready as the women of the church ready to step in as surrogate dads for the children entering the world father-less? The church can Still look after the single mothers of their congregations seeing they are serving the church without glorifying the sin that led many single women into single parenthood.
James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (That means for men not taking advantage after helping a single woman or single mother. Many men tend to be opportunistic. )
President Trump has declared January 22, 2021, a National Sanctity of Human Life Day, calling for every human life — born and unborn — to be “protected, valued, and cherished.”
Slavery, which treated Blacks as something less than human, to be bought and sold if convenient, cheapened human life and mocked our dedication to the freedom and equality of all men and women.
Can we say that abortion — which treats the unborn as something less than human, to be destroyed if convenient — will be less corrosive to the values we hold dear?
President Trump also cited his record of pro-life actions, including the restitution of President Ronald Reagan’s Mexico City Policy, which bans federal funding of overseas abortions, and defense of “the conscience rights of doctors, nurses, and organizations like the Little Sisters of the Poor.”
“The United States is a shining example of human rights for the world,” the president notes. “However, some in Washington are fighting to keep the United States among a small handful of nations — including North Korea and China — that allow elective abortions after 20 weeks.”
The pro abortionist act like they are killing a goldfish, flushing it down a toilet bowl.
A convention is risky, but given the anti-leftist sentiment right now, this may be the best time to do it. So many things need to be addressed. Right to Life, bodily autonomy (no the two are not contradictory), judicial reform, election integrity, etc.
Anything we can do to reform Alaska’s Judicial system would be a blessing. They are out of control, abusing their discretionary powers to the point they make themselves judge, jury and executioner. There is little recourse in the Alaska Judicial system. Discretionary powers should be completely eliminated, as it is a bias process. Depending on the judge and the circumstances people could get different outcomes in court not based on law , but personality, personal values, and just human error. If justice is fair and equal for all it has to be impartial everytime. Not decided by a judge who thinks he or she is Solomon. Judges are Attorney’s at law, they are not counselors, medical experts, or experts in anything more than jurisprudence. When they leave their area of expertise it becomes vigilante justice. Pro life is common sense, so don’t leave it to the government to make the choice!
We would be very wary of a constitutional convention in light of the make up of the legislature and powers that be. Also, there needs to be judicial reform so we are in a mess at many levels in Alaska. Who knows what things would be brought up in a constitutional convention where every corrupt individual would try to get on board and make a bigger mess. Public leaders do not have the standard needed to govern with integrity. Also, we have voter rolls where dead people vote and we have more votes come in than Alaskans. We do not even know whether the votes are from the voters or accumulated in some crooked way. Kevin Meyer and past Lt. Governors do not want to do the work involved in cleaning that up. Thus, we do not know if those legislators have been put in by fraud and supported by Soros dark money. Until we clean up in many directions especially judicial reform we are stuck. We need people in office at every level that understand and apply the founding principles as set forth in the original Constitution and Bill of Rights and Declaration not some revisionist justices that make up and believe the fantasy that the Consitution is a “living” document. This is huge and we need to appeal to God, our Creator and Creator of the Universe to help us untangle the mess. He has that kind of power. Go to http//www.minuteofprayer.org for more information.